Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
July 3, 1880

DIED. Of cancer in the stomach, June 16th, 1880, in the 42d year of her age, Mary, wife of John DAVIS, of Myron, after many months of patient suffering.
Just at the close of a beautiful day, as the last golden beam of the glorious sun faded out in the west, her happy spirit passed to this happy beyond to greet the loved ones that have passed over the dark river. She united with the M.E. Church when quite young, and has lived a consistent christian life up to the time of her death. She often told her famly not to grieve for her for she was going to join the loved ones gone before. Once she said: "Do not grieve for me for I am ready to go. If it be God's will I had rather go now." What comforting words to her blessed friends. What a pleasing sight to see the friends and loved ones die in the final triumph of a blessed Redeemer's love.
Her remains were interred in the Grand Meadow cemetery, the funeral taking place from the M.E. Church in Postville and was largely attended, the funeral being conducted by Rev. PRATT. Her family and friends have the sympathy of the entire community.
There she'll wear jewels bright,
And a robe of snowy white;
A Crown of glory on her head;
She is sleeping, she is not dead.


A Sunday school celebration will be held at Grand Meadow, July 4th commencing at 10 o'clock. The procession from the Grand Meadow station, marching to the grounds.
President of the day, W.S. SCOTT.
Vice presidents, S.B. FINNEY of Postville and Dr. SNYDER of Monona.
Marshall, N.J. BEEDY of Postville.
Chaplain, Rev. POTWIN, of Monona.

Notice. Gentlemen. You are well aware of our loss recently, owing to our safe being blown open and a large amount of money being taken. Under the existing circumstances it is necessary that we collect all money due us within the next thirty days. We consider this statement ought to be sufficient. Thanking you all for past favors and patronage we hope by our fair dealing that you will continue to give us a share of your patronage. Respectfully yours, BEUCHER & SPOO.

-Mrs. SMITH, stewardess of the county Poor Farm has been in town several days on a visit. Thanks for a call.
-Miss Louise BAILY, who has been attending school, at Madison, Wis., for nearly a year past, returned home on Wednesday.
-Mr. Brown McDONALD, who has been visiting relatives and friends here for several weeks, returned to his home at Nevada, Mo., last Thursday.
-While sitting on the railing which runs around KELLER's building, last Wednesday, Jim LUCAS slipped over backwards and falling on his arm injured it badly.
-It is stated that the widow of Vic. WELLS, has received a judgment of $5,000 against the Burlington Cedar Rapids & Northern R.R. as damages for killing her husband.
-Rev. J.W. BESSELL, of the Upper Iowa University, Fayette, called on Monday. The next term commences on Wednesday, Sept. 1st. Postville has several representatives in this institution.
-Rudolph A.T. MEYER comes to the front with a standard A. boy 9 1/2 lbs. to the dollar, no we forget, we are not talking of sugar now, but what we presume is as sweet to the parents. All doing well.
-L. CROW and wife, formerly of this neighborhood, now of Madison, D.T. [remainder cut off]

Local & Other Matter
-Wm. Mulcahy, insane, of whom we made mention a week or two ago, was found, or at least a portion of his remains was found near his home this week. the body was nearly all devoured by wolves or other wild animals. - Waukon Democrat
-A fire occurred at Dorchester about 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon, by which two buildings were destroyed. One was the Ole Johnson store, opposite T.C. Smith's, and the other the shoemaker shop adjoining, owned also by a man named Johnson. The fire originated in the shoe shop, and is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Johnson's store building was insured for $900. - Lansing Journal

-Items of interest are more plentiful this week than for some time back.
-Chief among the bits of news that crowd for room is the fact that Evan SWENSON has taken a young gentleman border into his family. He intends to let him stay 21 years and perhaps longer if he behaves well.
-Mr. Orin FRANKLIN has left these diggings for the west, seeking to better his chances of making a fortune.
-Miss Laura DEERING was pretty badly shocked the other day, by a bolt of electricity which decended in close proximity to her father's house.
-Bethel S.S. elected new officers last Sabbath. J.R. LAUGHLIN, supt. and J.M. HARRIS, sec'y.

-C.O. HOWARD takes possession of the Smith lumberyard this week, having bought out SMITH & Son. The well known firm of HEMENWAY & BARDAY still "sling" lumber at their usual lively rate, in fact both lumber yards seem to enjoy a lively trade.
-Miss Carrie HAYWARD returned from a two years absence. She is most cordially welcomed back among her old friends.
-Dr. I.H. HEDGE started Monday for a three months visit to his former home in Maine.
-The Mason House has been undergoing repairs for the past two weeks and when finished "Goody" will have a No. 1 house second to none. The new clerk, Mr. Enoch REED proves efficient and obliging and appears like an old hand at the business.
-The Waukon building boom, will be continued we understand, by the erection of a fine brick building upon the now vacant lot adjoing STILLMAN & SMITH's hardware store, and recently purchased by HERSEY & STODDARD. Let the good work go on.

-Cigars for sale by the box at Ed. BURDICK's.
-One Marsh Harvester for sale cheap for cash, or will sell on time. Is a new harvester. Call on KEMMERER & LAMB.
-Farmer's do not forget, that the Buckeye Self Binder is taking the lead. It is more simple in its construction than any other binder in use. BARRETT & MOARNAN of Ossian are selling a large quantity of them, and farmers in want of such machines will do well by calling on them.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2004 & 2011]

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