Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
December 11, 1880.

-At Postville on Dec. 7th, 1880, Mr. Henry A. GARMS of Monona township and Miss Mena LENHOLE of Grand Meadow township, Clayton county.

-At Lamberton, Minn., on Dec. 1st, 1880 at the residence of the brides parents, Mr. John BURHAM and Miss Edith M. SMALL all of Lamberton, Redwood Co. Minn.
DIED. In Milwaukee, Wis. on Dec. 2nd, 1880, Ella M. wife of M.A. PERRIGO, aged 36 years. Mrs. PERRIGO will be remembered here as Ella M. GILBERT, niece of Mr. and Mrs. S.J. RUSSELL. She leaves a husband and four children. The youngest is 10 days old.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
December 18, 1880.

DIED. In Postville on Dec. 11th, 1880 Frankie, youngest child of W.N. and A.E. BURDICK aged 2 years 3 months and 19 days.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
December 25, 1880.

MARRIED. At the residence of the brides parents in Postville, Dec. 23rd, 1880 by Rev. G.W. PRATT, Mr. Henry S. LUHMAN and Miss Sarah P. SANDERS. A goodly number of invited guests, friends of the "high contracting parties" assembled at the commodious residence of Mr. and Mrs. SANDERS on Thurday evening to witness the happy, though solemn ceremony that united "two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one" and extend warm, heart-felt congratulations to the young couple so auspiciously started out on the voyage of life. We have only space to say it was a pleasant affair throughout. The company was pleasant and agreeable, the presents were nice and appropriate, the supper was superb in every detail and in short "it was good to be there".
Of Mr. LUHMAN we can truly say that no young man has ever graduated from the business circles of Postville with more friends and brighter prospects than he. Already the prominent merchant and postmaster of the new town of Bonair, we [illegible] a prosperous future awaits him. Mrs. LUHMAN has grown up to womanhood in our midst, and it is with flattery to say that she always has been ranked among the very best and most respected young ladies of Postville. It is with regret that her many friends part with her, but they yield to a "higher power". May long life and happiness crown them, and peace ahd prosperity settle upon them like a benediction.
We are in receipt of a postal from Rev. R. LAUGHLIN, dated at Clear Lake on the 21st, where he informs us that he is in the midst of a revival and persons are seeking a better life nightly, which will be gratifying news to the many friends in this locality. But he also says his health is fast giving away, which all will be sorry to learn.

We have received a long friendly letter from Dr. GREEN, who with his wife and son, are now at Bellevue Hospital, N.Y. Mrs. GREEN is improving in health, although still ailing. The Dr. states that he will return and resume his extensive practice here as soon as practicable.

Hon. Eliphalet PRICE, formerly of Clayton Co., but more recently of Colorado Springs, died at the Hatter place on the 11th inst. Judge MURDOCK in the last issue of the McGregor News pays a merited tribute to his memory. He was a man of rare qualities of head and heart, and thousands of Iowa friends, among them the writer, mourn his death.

The snow!! The beautiful snow!! Appropos to the announcement that "The beautiful snow and other poems" had just been issued from the press, a considerable quantity of it fell in Postville last Friday and on Saturday and Sunday the cutters and sleighs were called into requisition. Everybody was sleigh-riding, young men and maidens, middle aged men and their wives, old men and matrons, and every one that owned or was able to ride a conveyance was out.

Mr. LARRABEE will make a governor equalled by few and surpassed by [illegible]. We hope and believe that this section, at least, will [illegible] cordial support.

Dead hogs wanted. All farmers losing hogs from the cholera can sell them, by bringing them to Postville and calling on me at the Burlington House. Otto MANGER.

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