Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
April 10, 1880.


Died. In Postville, April 8th, Bertie, daughter of A. and Josephine GORHAM. Aged four years. Mrs. GORHAM had but recently returned from a visit to her husband in Colorado, the little ones having contracted measles on the journey. In the case of the eldest, pneumonia, always a dangerous complication with measles, set in,and resulted in her death. Mr. GORHAM has been notified and is expected soon. The bereaved family thus for a second time afflicted, have the warmest sympathies of the entire community.

Died on March 30th, 1880, George FRENCH, aged 68 years, six months and 8 days.

Michael WELSH, and old citizen of Grand Meadow township, died last Monday morning and was buried from the Catholic Church on Tuesday. A very long procession followed the remains to their last resting place.

Rev. LAUGHLIN, who has been quite sick, is around again.

A fine new daughter at Andrew THOMPSON's. All well.

G.E. EATON rejoices in the advent of a son at his residence.

For bargains in Croquet sets, go to BURDICK's immediately.

Miss BYRNE and Miss SENCEBAUGH have dissolved partnership.

N.W. STILES, of Batavia, New York sends his subscription for another year. Thanks.

Superintendant ROW is holding a teacher's examination at the school house in Postville the last two days of this week.

One of the finest dinners we have partaken of in a long time was last Monday, at H.B. GEORGE's Commercial Hotel, Calmar.

By some means it became known on Friday of last week to a few of the energetic lady workers of Postville that last Saturday was the 25th anniversary of the marriage of county Superintendant ROW and lady. They at once decided not to let the occasion pass without some recognition of the high esteem in which these worth people are held by the citizens of Postville with whom they have resided and diligently labored for the past three years. Accordingly they canvassed the town quietly (for it was to be a surprise) and appointed the place of meeting at the Congregational Church at 7:30 on Saturday evening.

In the mean time a few fitting presents, as tokens of esteem, had been ordered on Friday from Cedar Rapids, and on account of a wreck on the railroad the Saturday train had been delayed from 1 to 10 o'clock, P.M. This was a serious and grievous break in the arrangement and was the only unpleasant thing connected with the affair, as it prolonged the exercises beyond a reasonable limit.

By 8 o'clock the church was well filled with the "beauty and the chivalry" of Postville, and a committee consisting of Mrs. PRATT and Mrs. Hall ROBERTS was dispatched to bring in the chief characters who strange to say were in blissful ignorance of the impending doom! The committee informed Mr. and Mrs. ROW that a sociable was in progress at the church and that a few of their particular friends desired their attendance. The Prof. was up to his eyes in "examination" papers, and was on the point of refusing, but his gallantry forbade and he and Mrs. ROW and the children accompanied the ladies to the church. Even then and for some time afterwards they had no idea of the nature of the gathering.

In due time a collation was served and toasts were in order, which were called out and responded to as follows: "Our wives and sweethearts, God bless them. [remainder of toast is too faint to read]

Mr. ROW responded [illegible] and appropriate remarks, cordially thanking the people for their generosity and more than all for the friendship and regard that prompted this public expression of approval of their labors here, and assured them that during their further stay in our midst they would continue to be actuated by the same motives.

Thus ended another of those social events for which Postville is becoming famous. The participants will long remember it with pleasing reflections.

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