Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
September 28, 1878

Last Thursday lightning struck a large cottonwood tree, which stood about nine feet from Richard PEARSON's house in Hardin, breaking window panes, bursting open the doors and sending slivers of the tree through the house, driving a splint right into a tree which stood near by, and leaving one about four inches wide and five feet long on the door step. Mr. PEARSON was sitting in a rocking chair, with his feet on the stove hearth, his feet were knocked from the hearth, and he received quite a shock. Mrs. PEARSON was up stairs. She thought something struck her on the head. She is very deaf and can not even hear thunder.

The ladies social of the Congregational church will be held at Wm. CAMPBELL's, on Thursday next, Oct. 3rd.

We do not want to suspend and let the Review go down, and the only way to avoid it is to do a cash business for the present, even at the risk of losing a large amount of patronage.

If you want a plow, call R.N. SAWYER, Ossian. He will sell you one so cheap that you would be ashamed to borrow one, even long enugh to plow a garden patch.

Mrs. H.B. GEORGE, of Ossian, has the nicest lot of Canary birds we ever saw. Anyone wishing a pair would do well to see her birds before buying. She has 50 choice birds, and anyone can certainly find a pair to suit them.

We received a pleasant call from Robert QUIGLEY, Republican candidate for District Attorney, onTuesday evening. He is a very genial and companionable gentleman, and we have no doubt he will be elected to the office to which he aspires.

C. THOMA is hauling the stone, for the wall of his new residence, east of TURNER's Hall.

Luther RICHARDS, 21 years of age, was carrying a shot gun with him on the mower, to shoot prairie chickens. The gun was accidently discharged, and he received the whole charge just below the ribs, which proved fatal. He was a son of B.B. RICHARDS, Orleans township, Winneshiek Co.

Wm. THOMA has opened a boarding house and Restaurant in is new brick building on south Lawler street. Day, week and transient boarders accommodated.

Letters at the postoffice Sept 19:
Persons calling for the above, please say advertised. A.R. PRESCOTT, P.M.

Now is the time to get your photographs. The hot weather being over and these clear and fine days offer opportunities that should be improved, and the place to get them is where they make good ones or no pay. This place is at Frank TAYLOR's Gallery.

Read E.J. FERRY's somewhat prolific announcement today. At length he has his business perfected to his entire satisfaction, and is prepared to sell anything in the jewelry line cheaper than has ever been offered before in northern Iowa. Call at his palace store in the Postville Bank building and see his stock and get his prices.

Just as we predicted. The Radical has been confined and a new girl baby is the result. George insists that it is the ague he has.

LEITHOLD Bros. have returned from the east, and new goods are arriving everyday at their popular store.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott ROBERTS returned from Chicago, this (Friday) morning whiter they had been on a visit.

STONE & THOMPSON have removed their hardware store to POESCH's old store building, South Lawler street.

Eggs have droped up again. We are beginning to think we don't like eggs.

H.M. RICH's store at Castalia, was burned Thursday night. No particulars.

J.R. THOMPSON has had a very sick child for a week.

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