Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
July 13, 1878

On Sunday last as Mr. John LAUGHLIN and five children were on their way to town to attend church, his team from some cause became frightened and ran away. Mr. LAUGHLIN in some way fell, or was thrown violently to the ground upon some rocks, cutting his head and badly bruising him generally. He was taken into Mr. ORR's, near where the accident occurred, and for two or three days his symptoms were quite unfavorable. Dr. BROWN informs us that he is much better and has been taken home. Very fortunately, and strange to relate, none of the children were injured.
Later - we understand that he has not yet been taken home, but his symptoms are favorable.

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. FERRY's child died on Sunday and was buried on Monday. The unfortunate little sufferer is at last free from a world that could have no sunshine for it. We extend our sympathy.

The carpenters of Postville can call on G.W. McKAY the latter part of this week and see plans and specifications for the new depot, and prepare their bids. The job will be let to Postvilleans if the bids are not too high.

On Wednesday evening the lightning flew around promiscuously. A small charge of it went down the stove pipe of B.F. TAYLOR's picture gallery, demolishing a mirror and doing some other slight damage. Frank may be thankful that it is no worse.

Mathews' Military Band, of McGregor, did the music for the celebration and Fair. It is not too much to say that we never listened to better military music. A man must be a stoic whose patriotism is not stirred into action by their pieces so thrillingly rendered. McGregor is proud of her Military Band, and well she may be.

Mr. and Mrs. S.J. RUSSELL were agreeably surprised on Tuesday, by a visitation by four sisters of the latter, residing in Illinois. They had no warning of their coming, and they took them by surprise, one at a time until the whold four had burst in upon them. They are all old ladies, and are all the sisters Mrs. RUSSELL has. It is seldom in this life that such an agreable surprise occurs. They will remain until next week.

Mrs. HAZLETON, formerly of this place but now of Independence, has been visiting a few days in town. Our better half is indebted to her for a pleasant call.

Hon. W.G. DONNAN stayed in town last Tuesday night and favored this office with a call. We regret very much that we were absent, as he is a gentleman whom we highly appreciate. While we honestly believe that Mr. COOLEY is the man for Congress at the present crisis of political affairs, yet we can heartily support Mr. DONNAN if he sould be the nominee. Indeed, among the gentlemen now named in connection with the office, he is our second choice. It is but just to say that his visit here has no connection with his candidacy for Congress.

J.P. PRESCOTT, brother of A.R., residing in Jackson county, Minn., is here on a visit, and buying horses. Another brother, C.T., of Rockford, was here the first of the week, and a sister, Mrs. LYONS, also of Rockford, is still here.

We acknowledge a friendly call from the prince of landlords, BRADLEY, of McGregor. He was on his way to LeRoy, Minn., to visit his father and mother. It will doubtless be a pleasant reunion to all.

Our home folks are indebted to Mrs. PIPER for a genreous donation of black raspberries. That she may long live to enjoy the luxuries of life, is the sincere wish of all our household.

W.W. RUSSEL, Esq., of Luana, sends us by mail a head of timothy just 12 inches long. This beats Mr. DRESSER an inch and three quarters, and he says, "When they beat this I will try again."

S.G. WILLARD went to Chicago on Tuesday. He expects to return in about ten days and rent the Commercial Hotel.

Hall ROBERTS and wife will start east on a visit next week. We wish them a safe and pleasant journey.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott ROBERTS visited at McGregor this week.

Mr. GARVEY has sold the Postville and Waukon stage line and stock to F.A. HOWE, who has entered upon the duties of the rute. Frank will make a first class, reliable stage proprietor, and we wish him abundant success. We understand Mr. GARVEY contemplates going West. He has made many friends in Postville, who will regret to see him leave.

For Sale. Two dwelling houses, nearly new in choice locations. Also, 160 acre farm within six miles of Postville. Time given if necessary. W.S. WEBSTER.

Wanted. To loan $600 to $1000 on good farm property, one to three years. W.S. WEBSTER.

I offer for sale, on reasonable terms, my store building, on Lawler street (old postoffice building). This is one of the best ocations for trade in Postville. For price and terms apply on the premises to John MOIR, Jr.

For Sale. A small farm, 1 1/2 miles north of Postville, containing 60 acres, more or less; over 40 acres under cultivation, the balance timber. A part of the purchase price can lie over on such conditions and for such time as may be agreed on. Apply to Dr. SHEPHERD, Postville or Wm. SHEPHERD, on the farm. The growing crops can be had if desired, and entry to the premises immediately.

We have just received a fine stock of first class stationery which we will sell cheap. E.L. BURDICK & Co.

KELLER's house is full nearly all the time, and he has to turn away a good many for want of room. His table is always furnished with the best the market affords, dished up in the most palatable style.

Madam MITCHELL, the Astrologist, has no equal in her profession in telling the past, present and future. She removes evil influences, cures all diseases, and shows you a correct likeness of your future partner. she may be found at her residence on Lawler street, opposite ROBERTS & SKELTON's store. Consultation: Ladies, 50 cents; gentlemen, $1.00. She will remain at home until fall.

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