Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
December 7, 1878

Trains moving east leave Waukon daily, except Sundays. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect with C.C.D.& M. Passenger train No. 1, going north, Nos. 3 and 4 connect with C.C.D.& M. passenger train No. 2 going south. Connections are made at Waukon with stages leaving for Decorah, Postville, Rossville and Dorchester.
A. WOLCOTT, ass't supt. & F.O. WYATT, gen'l sup't.

B.C.R.& N. Timecard, Milwaukee division. Passenger train leaves Postville every morning at 5:00 a.m. and arrives every evening at 6:40 p.m. Accomodation train leaves Postville Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at 9:30 a.m. and arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2:30 p.m.

McEWAN & STILES come to the front with the advertisement of their business this week. This adds a new and substantial firm to the business circles of Postville, and we welcome them to the ranks, hoping that they may build up a permanent and prosperous business among us, which we have no doubt they will do, as they are both old and respected citizens of our town. Call on them at the old STILES Drug Store.

Ed SHEEHY made a pilgrimage to Milwaukee this week. RAGAN brought him home safe.

Now let us hear from Rube DOUGLASS and Chris LEITHOLD on the matrimonial question.

John OYLER was thrown from a buggy last week and dislocated his elbow.

G.C. MARSH, of Hardin, puts his business before our readers this week.

Frank McLELLAND has returned from Dubuque. He went as a grand juror in the U.S. District Court.

Methodist - Rev. G.W. PRATT, Pastor
Baptist - Rev. Isaac DREW, Pastor
Congregational - H.H. ROBBINS, Pastor


At Prairie du Chien, Wis., Nov. 26th, 1878, Mr. W.B. KNODT and Miss Lena HEMMEL.

At the home of the bride in Postville, Dec. 3rd, 1878, by Rev. G.W. PRATT, Mr. Jas. McADAM and Miss Mary A. MOTT, all of Postville, Iowa.
The Review was kindly remembered with a bountiful supply of rich cake for which the happy couple have our most sincere thanks. The union is more than ordinarily felicitous and happy. Both the contracting parties have been long and favorably known to Postville society, and it is no flattery to say that they have always stood at the head of that society. Anything that we could say would not add to the estimation in which they are held by those who have known them much longer and more intimately than we have. In each of their spheres they have maintained a position seldom equalled and never excelled. In all the varied relations of life they may be safely held up as models for the young ladies and gentlemen of our country. Such a union of hearts and hands must be a pride to the relatives and a gratification to the friends. It is the humble wish of the Review that the storms of life may be tempered to them and all that measure of happiness possible in a world of care may be theirs to enjoy. Bon voyage.

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