Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
November 17, 1877


Joel Cole lost another child with diptheria on Wednesday.

Gid Townsend, silk hat and all, found his way into our sanctum Wednesday evening.

Scrap Iron Bill gathered up the old reapers and threshing machines on Wednesday.

Fred Welzel is the new clerk in the postoffice. We have no doubt that he will make an efficient one.

Widow Meyer's son, aged 7 years, died suddenly on Wednesday morning from the effects of diptheria.

Robert Grant, of McGregor, has been appointed deputy collector for the eight northeastern counties of Iowa.

Hon. L.L. Ainsworth, which was congressman, made our office fairly smile with his welcome presence on Tuesday.

John Elbing, the king cigar maker of the northwest, dropped into our office since our last issue and deposited a "Storm Away" on our table which was perfectly sublime.

Our young friend, Fred N. Beedy, left on Wednesday for Boone, Iowa, to re-engage in his former business there, the manufacture of gloves and mittens. Fred is one of the steadiest, most deserving young men of our acquaintance and we sincerely wish him all that measure of success which good habits and an upright character entitle a man to receive.

Clermont Notes
At the residence of the bride's father, on Tuesday evening, Oct 27th, occurred the marriage of Mr. Henry Meyer, of Beulah, Supt. of the Iowa Eastern R.R. to Miss Lucy Appelman, of Clermont.

[transcribed by S.F., September 2009]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
November 24, 1877

The dancing school was a failure.

J.C. Beedy has been appointed postmaster at Hardin.

Matt Leithold is the happy possessor of a new girl baby.

Judge Granger now resides in Decorah - headquarters at the Winneshiek House.

A.R. Prescott, Esq., has finally received his appointment as postmaster of Postville.

Mrs. Laughlin is paying a visit to the flock presided over by Rev. Laughlin at Fayette this week.

Several new cases of diphtheria are reported, but we have heard of no deaths since our last issue.

E.L. Howe has gone out of the Waukon Democrat and will revive and continue the Ossian Independent.

Ed. Sheehy has purchased a spanking team of H.S. Humphreys, and now slow coaches will have to get out of the way.

The Waukon papers give an account of the recent death in their town of Geo. M. Darling, a member of the Waukon bar.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2014]

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