Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. IA
March 3, 1877

City election next Monday.

D.W. Lyons, of Des Moines, is in town for a few days.

Walter Chriss takes the place of Carl Holter in Roberts & Skelton's store.

The Iowa Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Council Bluffs burned last Saturday.

We have got a three-corner postoffice fight on hand. E.J. Ferry and A.R. Prescott petition, and John Moir remonstrates. Who the winning man will be is about as hard to determine as it was a month ago who would be president. We have passed through the whooping cough, measles and postoffice and are consequently happy.

The corporation caucus last Saturday evening was the largest meeting of the kind we ever attended. Burling & Stowe's capacious office was packed full.

Caucus -- held at Burling & Stowe's office Saturday evening, Feb. 24th. On motion W.N. Burdick was called to the chair and D.T. Smethurst chosen secretary. On motion all votes were to be by ballot. W.S. Roberts and R.N. Douglass chosen tellers. On ballot for mayor A.P. Abbott was declared nominated and made unanimous. Mr. Abbott positively declining the nomination, Hall Roberts was nominated. Jas. Perry was nominated for recorder, Geo. Lull, F. Meyer, J.N. Leithold, A.P. Abbott and A. Gorham for councilmen, D.T. Smethurst for assessor and W.S. Roberts for treasurer.

[transcribed by S.F. August 2003]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. IA
March 17, 1877

SANDERS -POMEROY -At the residence of the brides father in Culamus, Wisconsin, March 1st, 1877 by Rev. W. VanDREISSEN, Mr. H. A. SANDERS of Postville to Miss Clara A. POMEROY

[transcribed by M.D., January 2005]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. IA
March 24, 1877

F. E. BROTHERS is now city marshal. Be careful that he don't drag you to the cooler.

C. C. HINES, an old resident of Hardin, died on Wednesday morning.

[transcribed by M.D., January 2005]

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