Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
June 9, 1877.

[Note: The ink on this paper was very faint. I could barely read it. I've attempted to give an accurate abstract, but there may be errors.]

? JOHNSON and Mrs. ABERNETHY [illegible] got away for California Wednesday morning. May they have a pleasant journey to the land [illegible] perpetual summer.

Dissolution Notice. The co-partnership existing between [illegible]..of Mrs. LAUGHLIN & CURRAY is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by Mrs. CURRAY, who will settle all bills against them and to whom all bills must be paid.

MARRIED. At the Catholic Church in Ossian, on Wednesday, June 6th, by Rev. Father MURPHY, Mr. John KEMMEL, of Wright Co. Iowa and Miss Bridget WARD, of Postville.

The resolution of respect to the late W.H.S. McLELLAND by the Postville Lodge I.O of O.F. and the School report for May, came in to late to get them in the paper. See them next issue.

Farm for sale. The G.L. HENDERSON farm near Henderson Prairie, three miles from Postville. Also the LYONS farm four miles from Postville, near Hardin.

P. DIETZLER. Merchant Tailor. Fine piece goods, making, cutting, repairing. Good fits warranted. Postville.


On Tuesday, Thomas LONA [or Lana] and Julia CALITON were made man and wife. They both did well, Julia is one of Clermont's best girls. May their new life be long and joyous.

Mr. S. TUBBS, one of our new settlers, left early Thursday morning for Kansas, on important business. His call was of such a serious nature that he did not stop to settle up his own business in town, we wonder if he won't be back soon and fix all up in good shape. It will be so nice if he does!

Mr. John HOSFORD is building a fine barn.

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