Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
September 6, 1876

On Tuesday last a valuable young horse of Calvin Dresser's lost its life in the following singular manner. It had got so deep into a piece of soft, marshy ground as to be unable to extricate itself, and while in that helpless condition was attacked by some animal or animals, evidently wolves, and fearfully lacerated about the head. Its ears were torn almost out of its head, and a large portion of flesh eaten out of its neck, and more than six inches square off the top and front of the head was stripped clean to the bone. Dr. Brown was called to see if surgical aid could be of any avail, but nothing could be done, and the terrible sufferings of the unfortunate animal were terminated by a bullet.
W.G. Sawyer and lady started yesterday for the centennial.

Our fair begins one week from next Tuesday, Sept. 19th.

Congregational sociable this week Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Chas. Easton's.

Large clouds of grasshoppers have been seen to pass over town within the past few days.

Don't fail to read the advertisement of Floegel & Wagner, successors to Pete Beucher in the meat business.

Rev. Mr. Kephart, president of the United Brethren college of Western Iowa, will preach in this city on Sunday next at the M.E. church at 10:30 o'clock.

Our worthy station agent, Mr. Wilson, had a serious twist of the cholera morbus Sunday night last, and being alone had much difficulty in making himself heard and securing assistance.

Rev. L.P. Matthews, the new pastor of the Congregatonal church, has purchased the desirable property of Dr. Rhude near the church. We understand the doctor is to vacate at once and remove to Indiana.

Rev. L.F. Smith, for nearly five years the faithful and devoted pastor of the Baptist church of this place, leaves this week with his family for Nebraska. Elder Smith's removal will be a serious loss to the church and to the religious interests of Postville.

Mr. Bencker, our worthy baker, was arrested one day last week at the instigation of two tramps, one of whom claimed that Bencker had endeavored to end his career the previous night with a revolver. The latter however stoutly denied the charge and says that the artillary used on the occasion was a firecracker. A light fine was inflicted.

[transcribed by S.F., Nov. 2003]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
September 13, 1876

H. S. Humphrey has sold the Commercial Hotel to the Johnson Brothers, and taken two farms in exchange. The transfer of possession was made last Monday.

The friends of Rev. J. L. PAINE will give a farewell visit and benefit supper at the Methodist Church, next Friday evening. The following Sabbath will close his three years pastorate among us. Let there be a grand rally. The tables are to be supplied as is customary on donation occasions.

[transcribed by M.D., August 2004 & Jan. 2005]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. IA
September 27, 1876

SHORTREED-ERVIN -- At the Residence of, and by, Rev. J. L. PAINE, on Wednesday, Sept. 20th, 1876, Mr. Thomas SHORTHREED and Miss Dora R. ERVIN, all of Postville.

On Sunday evening, 26th inst. Helen F. Wife of T. B. EASTON. aged 27 yr's and 6 months.

We learn that Mrs. J. WEBSTER of Frankville, the mother of W. S. WEBSTER, was buried the 17th inst.

A child of Mr. HENDERSON, who lately removed here from McGregor, died on Monday. More sickness prevails here now than for the last two years altogether.

[transcribed by M.D., January 2005]

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