Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. IA
November 1, 1876

Shot to Kill
Last Wednesday afternoon L. BENCKER shot at, with intent to kill, Charley WAGNER, one of the proprietors of the Meat market formerly owned by Pete BAUCHER. It seems there had been an altercation between them a short time before, and Wagner went into the Bakery to call Dr. BROWN, who was in there
on business, and BENCKER picked up a revolver and discharged it at WAGNER, just missing his head and lodging the ball in the door casing. BENCKER was arrested, wavied (sic) exanunation (sic) and in default of $500 bail went to Waukon jail the following morning. It seems to be a clear case of attempted murder, although we do not wish to prejudge the case in advance of the trial.

[transcribed by M.D., January 2005]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
November 8, 1876

-Geo. W. Bollman had a valuable harness stolen from his barn Tuesday night.
-After this week the Review will be dated Saturday and printed each Friday afternoon.
-Geo. McKay, a well known machinery man, has removed his headquarters from Calmar to Postville, and is now settled here.
-H.P. Dawes did not quite get the office of township collector, but he has got a girl baby just the same, which ought to be and doubtless is much more satisfactory.
-New Paper -- It is a fixed fact that New Hampton is to have another paper. Bro. F.M. Haislet, a good printer, formerly editor of the Chickasaw Co. Times is, we learn, to be at the helm. Frank, here's a friendly [graphic of a little hand] - New Hampton Courier.
-Clerk-elect Colsch was in the city Wednesday evening and is the happiest man we have met in a long time and he certainly has reasons to congradulate himself on the victory he achieved at the polls Tuesday, which was the biggest political surprise party ever perpetrated on the people of Allamakee county.

-At the residence of the bride's father, Nov. 8, 1876, by Rev. J. Dolph, Mr. William D. Church and Miss Libbie V. Pearson, all of Hardin.

-At the residence of the bride's father, Oct. 31st, by Rev. L.P. Matthews, Mr. William Gordon and Alice Ann Redhead, all of Clayton county.

Marshall RAGAN wishes to give Notice to all stock owners in the corporation of Postville, that all cattle must be shut up by the 15th of Nov. sharp. By heeding this notice pound expenses may be avoided.

Take Notice
I hereby give to Willie F. STEBBINS, my minor son, his time, and I will not be responsible for his debts or doings after this date. Castalia, Oct 30th, 1876 32 X 4 J. STEBBINS

[transcribed by S. F., March 2004 & M.D. January 2005]

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