Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
March 1, 1876

Our subscribers who purpose bringing us wood on subscription, are requested to report as soon as possible, as we want to get in our summer's supply before the ground breaks up.

Best prints 8 cents. Twelve lbs. French prunes for one dollar. E. Buttericks & Co.'s patterns -- at ROBERTS & SKELTON's.

We have just received the nicest and best stock of men's, youth's and boys' clothing, for spring and summer, at prices so far below "down" that you won't wear your old clothes a minute after you come and see them. LEITHOLD Bros.

The masquerade on the 26th, was a grand success; 225 tickets were sold, and not a jar occurred to mar the enjoyment of the occasion. Our German friends never get up one-horse dances.

W.H. BURFORD, of Lansing, is here in the interest of the order of United Workmen, and expects to institute a lodge either this or tomorrow evening. From what we know of the institution we most heartily indorse it. It affords reliable life insurance for less than on fifth of regular company rates. Investigate it.

A caucus for the nomination of officers for the incorporated town of Postville, for the ensuing year; will be held at mayor POWER's office Saturday evening, March 4th.
By committee: A.R. PRESCOTT, Mat LEITHOLD & N.W. STILES.

Briganza, a splendid coal-black Norman Percheron Stallion, will be kept for service during the season, commencing March 15th, 1876, under the charge of J.B. WALTERS, at the following places:
R.N. SAWYERS' stable, Ossian, Mondays.
Turner CALLENDERS', Frankville twp. Tuesdays.
STILES' Hotel Stable, in Decorah on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Briganza is thus described by M.W. DUNHAM, of DuPage county, Illinois, who imported him from France in July last year:
"Five years old; 16 1/2 hands high; and weighs 1,720 lbs; color black; very heavy bones, exhibiting altogether a most powerful physique, which is rendered more attractive by a fine head carried well up a nicely curved neck, covered with a mass of jet black mane; full of resulation a square trotter and good walker."
To all breeders I can say he must be seen to be appreciated. For terms enquire of J.B. WALTERS, Groom, Myron, Iowa. ROLLINS & MILLER, proprietors, Burr Oak, Iowa.

Mr. Wm JACK and lady, of Ossian, while driving through Postville yeasterday, met with an accident, caused by the neck-yoke getting loose. His team ran away and threw his lady from the wagon, causing a fracture above the wrist. Dr. BOUGHTON was called, and set the fracture. She went home last night on the train.

Last Tuesday evening was the occasion of a little surprise party at the house of C.H. EASTON, in honor of Lettie WILFORD's birthday. Her presents were numerous and aobut twenty-five Postville lads and misses contributed their presence to make the occasion a delightful one.

Sheriff Sales.
-State of Iowa. Allamakee Co. By virtue of a special execution, to me directed, issued by the Clerk of the District Court of said county, in favor of Caroline Van HOOSER and against Clark Van HOOSER, I have levied upon and will sell to the highest bidder at public auction at the front door of the Court House in Waukon in said county, on the 25th day of March, A.D. 1876, at 1 o'clock p.m., the following described property [lengthly legal followed]
Geo. HEWIT, Sheriff, Allamakee Co.

-State of Iowa. Allamakee Co. By virtue of an execution, to me directed, issued by the Clerk of the District Court of said county, in favor of Geo. W. BOLLMAN and against John COOPER, I have levied upon and will sell to the highest bidder at public auction at the front door of the Court House in Waukon in said county, on the 18th day of March, A.D. 1876, at 10 o'clock a.m., the following described property [lengthly legal followed]
Geo. HEWIT, Sheriff, Allamakee Co.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2003]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. IA
March 8, 1876

--We forgot to mention last week that Miss POST, sister of Mrs. L. A. REED and daughter of Mrs. Z. POST, and who went to Michigan to gain health, has been failing according to advice lately received by Mrs. REED.

--Hall ROBERTS departed this locality yesterday to visit relatives East. The elevator keeps right along elevating the elevateable elevatings.

--Some Relations.
At a social gathering at M. Y. McMASTER's, it was acertained (sic) that the company consisted of: -- 1 grandmother, 4 mothers, 3 fathers, 2 brothers, 4 aunts, 3 uncles, 2 great aunts, 1 great uncle, 6 cousins, 4 second cousins, 1 third cousin, 4 sisters, 3 sons, 5 daughters, 2 nephews, 5 nieces. Total number of relations, 50. Total number of persons present, 11.

[transcribed by M.D., January 2005]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
March 29, 1876

We clip the following from the last Decorah Republican: On Tuesday last between 10 and 11, the dwelling house on the farm of J. T. Atkins, in Frankville township, caught fire and was entirely consumed. Only two
females were in the house at the time, and when the fire was discovered, it was raging in the attic. They rang the farm bell, which called in Mr. Jay Atkins, -- the occupant of the house -- but he was too late to save much of the property. The building was erected in 1859 and 1860 and was so substantially built that it was still equal to any farm-house in the County, it being of a very large size, with two full stories, basement and attic, all completely finished off into rooms. It originally cost $8000 or $9000, and was in good repair at the time. It was insured in the American, of Chicago, for $2500. The furniture was uninsured, and is a total loss. Jay Atkins had been to Postville a day or two previous with wheat, and had $90 in money, which was lost in the fire.

Mr. J. T. Atkins was at the house only a few minutes before the fire was discovered, and spoke of a smell of something burning; but was satisfied with an explanation that the folks had been burning rags. When he returned to the house, Mr. Jay Atkins went to the attic to see where the fire was, and while there was almost suffocated by the smoke; and when one of the three large chimneys -- all extending from the cellar -- fell in,
the family were in the room below, and narrowly escaped. Happily a west wind was blowing at the time. Had a north or north-west wind prevailed, the barns and other farm buildings, -- several large structures, -- would
doubtless have gone with the contents. Mr. Atkins loss, over and above insurance, is at least $6000.
B. Folsom at the Gilson Flouring Mills, on the Yellow River has lately refitted the Mill with new machinery and a new bolt, and is prepared to furnish all with the best of flour, ground feed, and every thing in line of milling. Call on him with your grists and be made happy.

[transcribed by M.D., August 2004 & November 2006]

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