Iowa Old Press

New Albin Spectator
New Albin, Allamakee County, Iowa
August 3, 1876

FROM THE EAST— Mrs. Chas. Little, accompanied by the mother of John and Charles, arrived from the East, on Friday last, where the younger lady has been on a protracted visit.

AUCTION STOCK— R. Kenney bid in the horses at Mayer's sale, last Saturday, and L. Lapham got most of the cows.

AT WORK— Carpenters are at work on the frame of the E.M. Woodward's house. The cellar is dug and will be walled up soon.

A LIVELY LAD GONE— T.B. Guthrie, a wide awake lad, took the train on Tuesday last, bound for Carrol county, this state, to visit and uncle there, view the country, and, perhaps, to locate permanently. Terrence, give the dogs a rest out there.

SUDDEN DEATH— Mr. Temple, an old man, died suddenly in his chair, on Sand Cove, last Tuesday morning. He had just eaten his breakfast, and a few minutes before his death, appeared to be in usual health, though he had been rather feeble for some time. The immediate cause of death is unknown.

BACK AGAIN— Jake Englehorn returned to New Albin on Tuesday last, from a six weeks overland trip to the south-west part of this State and some fifty miles into Nebraska, having traveled altogether, more than 1,200 miles. Jake was in poor health when he left, but is now completely recovered, and has gained some forty pounds of flesh. The object of his trip was to look up a location for a farm. He camped out the most of the time, subsisted on game, and enjoyed his trip hugely.

REMARKABLE DEATH OF A COW— The Kelly boys, up the Iowa, lost a cow recently in a very remarkable manner. The animal had been running at large with other cattle, when, not making its appearance as usual, search was made and the carcass of the poor brute was found lying on the side of a steep bluff, with its tail twisted around a sapling on the upper side of the decline. It is probable that the unfortunate creature in descending the hill, was switching the flies, when her tail became entangled and she was held fast, being unable to go down or up, and there she died of starvation.

SCENIC PAINTING— The walls of the City Hotel saloon have recently been adorned by some large sized paintings, executed by the artist Myers, the subjects being two buffalo bulls rampant, a serpentine giraffe, and a chimpanzee, embellished with trees, grass and flowers. J. Pohlman is also having some artistic work done on the interior of his bar-room, by a painter from Kansas, whose skillful manipulation of the brush indicate that he thoroughly understands his business.

On Thursday last, we accepted an invitation from H.P. Lane, which included our entire household, for a visit to his extensive stock farm up the valley of the Iowa. There we spent several days in the most enjoyable manner possible, varying the kindest hospitality and domestic sociability with rides about the surrounding country and excursions after the wild game to be found in the woods and fields and on the slopes of the bluffs.

While on our way out we paid particular attention to the crops. The corn and oats in the valley of the Iowa are excellent, but the wheat is almost a total failure. Some pieces, however, will produce about a quarter to a third of a crop.

On Saturday our party enjoyed an extensive ride diagonally through Union City township, and across Portland Prairie, by the way of Carver's, Eitzen, Shumways and Albee's, passing the new M.E. Church built by W.H. Tuthill, of this place. This Church is a very neat and tasty structure, and adds much to the picturesque beauty of the landscape. The wheat on this prairie, though apparently injured but slightly by chinch bugs, was more or less affected by blight. Oats, as usual, were heavy, but a little rusty. The harvesting of this crop had already commenced. The corn appeared to be spotted--some of the fields stand well, with the prospect of a fair yield, while in others the growth was short, uneven and backward.

Towards evening we retraced our route homeward, enjoying the latter part of our ride in a cool, evening atmosphere, lighted by the soft rays of the "silver moon." We remained at Mr. Lane's over Sunday, and on Monday morning we were conveyed back to New Albin, feeling much refreshed and invigorated by our trip into the country.

DISTURBING MEETING— Complaint is made by some of those who were at church last Sunday evening, while Elder Swearingen was preaching, that some parties created a disturbance in the street below by shouting and other rowdyish manifestations. No gentleman will thus disturb a religious meeting of any kind, and persistence in such proceedings is sure to make trouble for those who are guilty of the disturbance.

480 ACRE OF GRASS FOR SALE, close by New Albin. Apply to R. Kenny or Jno. Polley.

[transcribed by E.W., November 2014]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. IA
August 9, 1876

A child of F. DRESSER died on Saturday night, of whooping cough and was buried on Sunday afternoon. Funeral from the Baptist Church.

The Census
Since our last issue the people have done well in the way of multiplying and replenishing the earth.
Rev. PAINE, a daughter
A. L. STILES, a daughter
O. WHEELER, sex not reported,
E. L. LAMBERT of Castalia, a pair of twins, a girl and a boy. And still there is room. [see Aug. 16 issue of paper]

[transcribed by M.D., January 2005]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
August 16, 1876

At the democratic caucus held Saturday evening, August 12, 1876, the following were elected delegates to the democratic county convention to be held at Postville August 23, 1876:
J.H. Saunders, Matt Leithold, F.S. Burling, H. Stoe, N.J. Beedy, A. Staadt.
Alternates -- Matt Beucher, Ferdinand Meyer.
The delegates were instructed to support J.H. Saunders for member of the board of supervisors. A. Staadt, L. Brown and J.H. Sanders were appointed township central committee for the ensuing year.

We ask the pardon of our friend E. S. LAMBERT, of Castalia, for reporting him to the world as the father of twins. The paternity should have been credited to A. instead of E. S. LAMBERT. We'll take it all back for the
present, E. S.

[transcribed by S.F., Sept. 2003 & M.D. Jan. 2005]


New Albin Spectator
New Albin, Allamakee co. Iowa
August 17, 1876

Published Every Thursday Morning, at New Albin, Allamakee Co., Iowa.
E.S. Kilbourne, Editor and Proprietor.
Terms, $2.00 Per Annum in Advance.

New Albin Business Directory

H.G. SMART, Notary Public. Office with Jac Luther, New Albin, Iowa.

EARL M. WOODWARD, Attorney at Law, Collection, Insurance and Real Estate Broker and Notary Public. New Albin, Iowa.

R.C. AMBLER, Physician and Surgeon. New Albin, Iowa.

MRS. C.L. SHUTTLEWORTH, Photographist, New Albin, Iowa.

KINNE & CLARK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Room No. 1, Hufschmidt Block, Lansing, Iowa. S.H. Kinne and L.T. CLARK
KENNE & BURDICK, Attorneys & Councellors at Law, Rooms No. 1, Hufschmidt Block, Lansing, Iowa.

O.H. MARYATT, Attorney At Law. New Albin, Iowa.

WM. H. TUTHILL, Architect and Builder, New Albin, Iowa.

MAY & McAULEY. Architects and Builders, New Albin, Iowa. Churches & Public Buildings. Bridge & Mill Work a Specialty. Painting, Graining and Sign Writing done, and Job Work promptly attended to. All Work Executed with Neatness and Dispatch. Call and see us before letting your contracts.

J. SEWELL, Barber & Hair Dresser, Shop in C. Jaquot’s Restaurant, Prompt attention given to business. Work satisfactory and prices reasonable. New Albin, Iowa.

JOSEPH HABERKERN. Meat Market, West Side Depot. All kinds of fresh and salt meat constantly on hand. Highest Market Price paid for beef on foot. New Albin, Iowa.

ENGLEBORN & BOCK, Manufcturers of Wagons and Carriages, General Repairing and Blacksmithing done on order, and all work warranted. New Albin, Iowa.


DEUTSCHER SALOON, FRED NEUDECK, PROP. The best beer and cigars always on hand. Corner Main and Oak St., New Albin, Iowa.

JOHN LITTLE - Dealer in Drugs and Medicines. Paints, Oils & Brushes, School Books & Stationary, Oil, Lamps & Chimneys, Groceries of All Kinds. Gents, Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Gloves & Notions. TEAS! Purchased from first hands and sold at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES! Prescriptions carefully compounded. Night calls promptly attended to. Store on Main Street, South of Depot. New Albin, Iowa.

N.A. SMITH, Stone Mason. Especial attention given to the building of CHIMNEYS. All work done at reasonable figures and satisfaction guaranteed. New Albin, Iowa.

JEFFERSON HOTEL. J. POHLMAN, PROP. Good Stabling Accommodations. New Albin, Iowa.

STATE LINE HOUSE - J.A. SEELEY, PROP. Main St., New Albin, Ia. The Travelling Public will find at this House excellent accommodations for man and beast, an attentive and accommodating host, and a reliable hostler. Terms reasonable.

HEMENWAY, BARCLAY & CO. New Albin, Iowa. Office and Yard East Side of R.R. Track. I buy my lumber of Hemenway, Barclay & Co. New Albin, Iowa.

FITSCHEN BROS. Dealers in Gen’l Merchandise, Oak St., New Albin, IA.

F. ERICKSON, House, Sign and Ornamental Painter. Grainer and Paper-Hanger, Walls Whitened and Calsomined. Orders promptly attended to and special attention given to the work. Paints and stuffs warranted when furnished me, at as low prices as can be found. New Albin, Iowa.

LIVERY STABLE, H.SHUTTLEWORTH, PROP. Good Horses and Easy Rigs! Also Draying Don with Care and Dispatch. New Albin, Iowa.

The only reliable place in New Albin for pure Drugs & Medicines, at Luther’s.

Preaching every Sunday by W.H. HOUGHTON, (preacher in charge) at 10:30 a.m. Preaching by R.C. Ambler, M.D., and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 2 p.m.

WM. MILLS and SON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. N.E. Corner Main and 6th Sts. Dubuque, Iowa.

The undersigned hereby announces that he has located in New Albin, and is prepared to shoe Horses on short notice, and warrants all his work to give satisfaction, having purchased the blacksmith shop formerly occupied by Sederlof, where he can be found during business hours. Please give me a call when you want your horses shod, and I will convince you that I have no equal in the West, or none superior to me as a Horseshoer in the United States. You can bring on your old, crippled. Foundered horses and rest satisfied that I will give them immediate relief. Lessons and instructions given to country blacksmiths at reasonable charges, in the art of horse-shoeing.
JOHN McCORMACK, May 3, 1876, New Albin, Iowa.

CASH STORE. H. MARTIN, Dealer in Groceries, Provision, Flour, Feed, Grocery, Glass Ware, Wooden Ware, Boots and Shoes. Every thing usually kept in a first-class GROCERY STORE. Credit Played Out. Goods Cheap for Cash. Highest market price paid for all kinds of country produce. New Stone Block, Main St., New Albin, Ia.

LOOK HERE - Persons wishing to purchase Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pickets, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Eave Troughs or Building Paper. Will find the Largest and Best Selected Stock ever offered in this market, at JOHN PAUL’S LUMBER YARD - West Side Railroad Track, Prices warranted to suit customers. J.R. ANDERSON, AGENT.

NEW ALBIN HOUSE - JAMES LOGAN, PROP. This house is new, and comfortably furnished. The traveling public will always find here Excellent Accommodations and an attentive host, at very reasonable charges. Also Good & Commodious Stabling. Corner Firs & Oak Sts., New Albin, Iowa.

JOHN ESSER, Proprietor of CITY HOTEL. Also Good Stabling Accommodations. Oak St., New Ablin, Ia.
JOHN ESSER, Proprietor of Restaurant and Saloon. Also Good Stabling Accommodations. Oak St. New Albin, Iowa.

WM. MACOFFIN, Physician & Surgeon. Special attention given to Chronic Diseases and Diseases of Women. New Albin, Iowa.

DRESS MAKING - Miss Lizzie McDonald and Mrs. H. Giles will continue Dress making at Mrs. Shuttleworth’s Photograph Gallery rooms. Orders respectfully solicited and prompt attention given to same.

CHURCH DEDICATION— The presiding Elder (Norwegian) will be here on the 27th of the present month to dedicate the new church, preaching in Norwegian in the day time and in English in the evening.

UNION SOCIABLE— We are requested to give notice that the Union Sociable, which was postponed on account of the inclemency of the weather, will come off on Friday evening, at the Kelley building. All are invited, as usual.

IN LIMBO— Albert Burns, the Houston county horse thief, who barely escaped arrest here a short time ago, is now in jail at Decorah, having recently stolen a mare belonging to E.O. Omley, of this place. Burns is a hard case, and should be sent out west for the vigilantes to deal with, then he would give this locality a long rest.

HOUSTON CO. OFFICIALS— Messrs. McMahon and Russell, of Caledonia, with their families came over to New Albin on Saturday last and returned home on Sunday afternoon. They were the guests of Dr. Magoffin, a former neighbor of theirs.

SPORTSMEN FROM ABROAD— A party of gentlemen from Epworth arrived here on the train, Tuesday, to enjoy a fishing excursion on the sloughs adjoining this place. These gentlemen make annual visits up this way, for piscatorial sport.

COMING TO STAY— Mr. F.A. Spencer, son of R.P. Spencer, of Lansing, was in town this week, accompanied by his wife, looking for a house to rent. Mr. S. intends to become a permanent citizen, continuing the hardware business established by his father, a short time since.

RATHER TENDER— A certain young man of this place who hires his washing done was recently addressed as follows by his washer woman's little girl: "Oh, please sir, I've brought your shirt home, but mother says she can't wash it no more, 'cos she was obliged to paste it up agen the wall and chuck soapsuds at it, it's so tender."

TURNED GRANGER— Charley Petrehn, having "retired" from the hardware business, has enrolled himself among the numerous army of Grangers, making his base of operations at Waukon. Charley was home on a visit, Wednesday, looking as hearty as ever.

McMILLIN AHEAD— B.T. McMillin, proprietor of the French Creek flouring mills, is possessed of the secret for manufacturing a quality of flour which is simply perfect. We purchased a sack of this flour last week, which is by far the whitest and nicest article we have ever seen in this town. The bread made from the same would, we are positive, be awarded the 1st. premium at the Centennial Exposition, if placed on exposition.

HEAT, WIND AND RAIN— Last Sunday was a genuine melter, the mercury at 12 p.m. mounting to 95° in the shade. In the afternoon there was a light shower, and at about 9 o'clock a violent storm of wind and rain set in and prevailed for about an hour. The storm commenced just previous to the close of the services at the M.E. Church, and the majority of the congregation were obliged to remain an hour or so after the benediction was pronounced, when the storm lulled and the people picked their way home through the flooded streets, guided by the flickering light of lanterns. In the valley of the Iowa, we learn, there was considerable mischief done by the wind, the tops of grain stacks blown off and the shocks scattered. Corn fields suffered to some extent, and were laid flat in places. Old settlers in the valley say this was the most violent wind storm they have experienced for many years.

"A SCARED EDITOR"— Under this heading, Medary, of the Lansing Journal, published, last week, an article, the animus of which was a slur on our personal courage, and the yarn, from beginning to end, a weak, witless, silly fabrication, with hardly the shadow of a foundation in fact, and the publication of which was entirely characteristic of that editor’s general reputation for honor and veracity. The material from which the lies were spun, we are informed, was furnished Medary by a certain "erudite" historian, who is possessed of more brass and cheek than brains, and who is always ready for a dirty job, scenting it out, even as the hyena or jackal discovers carrion in the distance, and gloats over the fetid, stinking putrefaction. However, as there was not a grain of truth in the silly and senseless item, we will not condescend to answer it in detail, but will close with the remark, if the fabricator or writer of the slur desires to put our courage to the test, we will gladly give him an opportunity, at any time or place he may see fit to mention, and with any kind of weapon, from a pair of knuckles to a double-barreled "shot gun."

HE SMILES ON ALL— M. Degnan, who is traveling in the interests of his brother Nick, illuminated our sanctum with the glorious effulgence of his smiling countenance, yesterday. He has been busily engaged "cutting the coupons from his government bonds." By the way, Mike narrowly escaped a slander suit, lately, the details of which are rich.

[transcribed by E.W., January 2013 & November 2014]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
August 23, 1876

Those farmers who have done threshing report the yield of wheat per acre at from 3 to 5 bushels, with a very few cases of a little larger yield.

Presiding Elder Swearingen preached a regular oldfashioned Methodist sermon last Sunday evening, the like of which we have not heard for thirty years.

Messrs. Roberts, Douglass and Huffman returned from their centennial trip last Thursday. Powers and Lull still tarry among down east friends in the state of new York.

At a republican caucus the following were nominated for township offices:
For Justices of the Peace -- T. Stiles, F.S. Burling and A.B. Cook.
Township Trustees -- James Roll, Jas. McEwen and N. Lamborn.
Township Clerk -- A.P. Abbott
Collector -- H.P. Dawes
Constables -- H.P. Dawes, J.B. Reed.
Assessor -- C.H. Barnes
Delegates to County convention -- T.F. Johnson, H.A. Stowe, N. Lamborn, A. Hart, W.H. Carithers, J. Roll, J.W. Patterson, Jas. McEwen, A.R. Prescott.

[transcribed by S.F., Sept. 2003]

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Allamakee County