Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
November 10, 1875.

MARRIED. At the home of the bride, in Postville on 31st of November [I believe this is a typo, due to the date of this paper and should be October], by Rev. S.F. SMITH, Mr. W.G. SAWYER and Miss C.T. MOTT, both of Postville.

Charley MORSE, the victim of the railroad accident is doing as well as can be expected. Dr. GREEN amputated the limb and is attending him.

Postville has a new hotel that her people will feel proud of. It cost about $15,000 and is ample in all its appointments. It was opened for public patronage under the Stewardship of Mr. Humphrey, under whose administration it has proven itself worth of the support of the traveling public. The commercial bummer will here find his ideal asylum. -Decorah Republican

[transcribed by S.F., Aug. 2003 & M.D., Aug. 2004]

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
November 17, 1875.

One of the largest funerals ever held in this part of the county, was that at Luana last Sabbath, on the occasion of the burial of the only son of Wm. SCOTT, an old residence of that village, and in fact many years before that village was thought of. The McGregor Times reports that W.S. SCOTT, of Luana received a dispatch yesterday from Grant City, Sac co., Iowa announcing the sad tidings of the death by drowning of his son John T. SCOTT. Young SCOTT was the principal of the graded schools in Grant City and graduate of State University. He was 20 years and 11 months old.

[transcribed by S.F., Aug. 2003]

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