Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
October 7, 1874.

An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. O. WHEELER of Cerebro Spinal Meningitis, on October 1st, 1874, aged 8 months, 21 days.

Charles Francis ADAMS, son of A. and E. ADAMS, on Monday October 5th, of diptheria. Aged 7 mo. and 15 days.
Card of thanks. We are sincerely thankful for the kind assistance rendered us, in our cares and afflictions during the sickness and death of our child. Alfred ADAMS and Ella ADAMS.
Wallace SAWYER returned yesterday from Chicago exposition, where he passed many days.

Rev. S.F. SMITH has gone to R.I. He will be gone 3 weeks.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
October 28, 1874.

[the first lines of this article are illegible]
...comfortably seated in a light wagon, and each one of the happy party anticipating of course a very pleasant time, but unfortunately terminated in one of the most painful accidents we have ever been called upon to record in the columns of the Review. The particulars, as related to us by Mr. S.C. CLARK, are as follows. When the party arrived at the corner of H.G. CLARK's farm, situated on the Clermont and Castalia road, well known to many of our readers. One of the traces became unfastened. The horses being on a mild trot, the tongue of the wagon fell down, and this frightened the team, and they were quite unmanageable, after going some distance the wagon tongue ran into a sort of turn-pike throwing the hind end of the wagon into the air. Everyone of the passengers were thrown out of the wagon in every direction, instantly killing Miss Rosa McGAHARAN, and breaking Wm. McGAHARAN's leg and severely injuring Miss TONY, the remainder of the company receiving but slight bruises. The team ran some two or three miles.

Mr. CLARK, who was the first person that came to their assistance. S.C. CLARK at once took his team and carried the survivors and their dead companion to the place where they started, Mr. McGAHARAN's. Who can imagine the horible spectacle as the dead daughter and crippled son were brought home to their aged parents.

Miss Rosa McGAHARAN was about 28 years of age, and for many years a teacher in this locality, and highly respected by all who knew her.

Later--We learn as we go to press that the condition of Miss TONY is a critical one, there being but little hopes of her recovery.
J.S. RENSHAW vs Wm. WHEELER and Charlotte WHEELER. To the defendants, you are notified that there will be a petition of J.S. RENSHAW on file in District Court of Allamakee co., claiming of you one hundred and fifty dollars on your two promisory notes and the foreclosure of a mortgage given to secure payment of the same.

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