Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
May 6, 1874.

We have some knowledge as to the curing of sugar cured hams be we have never seen or heard of such a thing as molasses cured hams, until yesterday morning. Mr. F. SHULTIS, of this place, has tried the experiment and pronounces it a grand success. He has two already cured. It was done by his sitting down in a six quart pan full of molasses, at the post office. SHULTIS is without doubt the sweetest man in this vicinity!

Last Monday evening as the St. Paul train was coming into Postville the train switched off of the main line and ran down the side track into a freight car, badly demorilizing the headlight on the engine, shaking the passengers well scaring the engineer almost to death besides lifting the freight car off the ground. Mr. C. LEITHOLD and young STAADT were in the freight car at the time but no one injured.

Mrs. R.D.R. TOPLIFF is prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking.

To C. KELSEY. You are hereby notified that there will be on file in the office of the clerk of the district Court of Allamakee Co. Iowa, a petition of S. KELSEY, claiming of you a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. By S.S.POWERS, attny for plaintiff.

To Elmer LULL and Isaac AIKEN, his guardian. You are hereby notified that there will be on file in the office of the clerk of the district Court of Allamakee Co. Iowa, a petition of George LULL, adm. of the estate of Joseph LULL, asking the Court to compromise the claim of said estate against H.B. TAYLOR. [remainder illegible]

DIED. At Cleveland, Iowa, April 7, Mr. D.G. DARRALL,aged 59 years. Life to Mr. DARRALL was dear, and this world like all of God's works, seemed god rather than evil--a place in which to give and receive happiness, rather than an abode of discontent and gloom, this hopeful patient spirit greatly endeared him to all his acquaintances. Those who knew him best loved him most, and his death will bring sorrow to many beyond that household circle of which he was the center. He leaves a young daughter and two sisters to mourn his loss.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
May 13, 1874.


Matter of guardianship of person and estate of Sarah J. CRANE, imbecile. Wesley SMITH, guardian.

Probate of Will. In the matter of the Last Will and Testament of Casper MILLER, deceased.
Mayor PUTNAM has had a relapse, erysipelas of a malignant type, having made an appearance and covering every surface of his body.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
May 27, 1874.

To Udelia KIGHTLINGER. You are hereby notified that there will be on file in the office of the clerk of the district Court of Allamakee Co. Iowa, a petition of Jacob KIGHTLINGER, claiming of you a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. By BURLING & STOWE, attny's for plaintiff.

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