Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
August 12, 1874.


At his residence on the 28th ult. by Rev. S.F. SMITH, Mr. J. ELLIS to Miss S.A. KELLY, all of Postville.

By Rev. S.F. SMITH, on 8th inst. at the residence of Mr. J. BURBANS in Postville; Mr. Wm W. DAVIS to Miss Ellen NICHOLS, both of Auburn, Fayette Co. Iowa.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
August 19, 1874.


We are requested by little Angie RATHBONE, daughter of C.P. RATHBONE of this place, to publish a death notice of her little canary, Rollie. Rollie departed life last Wednesday A.M., cause of death is unknown. Rollie will be missed by the entire family.

Anna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. CURTIN, of this place, departed this life last Wednesday, p.m. Aged 15 months and 19 days.

Isabella DUNNING, wife of Edward DUNNING, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David JEMISON, departed this life August 12th, 1874, aged 27 years, one month and three days. The deceased leaves a husband and three small children to mourn her loss, which they deeply feel. She also leaves a father and mother, sisters and brothers who feel that they have sustained in the death of this their child and sister a great loss. Mrs. DUNNING was esteemed by all who knew her as was expressed by a large congregation upon the funeral occasion. Edward and the motherless babes have the sympathy of many friends. May he be so happy as to finally meet his entire family in that land that is fairer than day where death can never enter, we commit them to God and the word of His grace.
At present there seems to be a good deal of sickness in this locality, mostly among children.

As we announced three weeks ago, that a quanity of stolen goods had been found in Postville, and that certain parties had been arrested and were awaiting examination. We have today to notice that the examination was held yesterday before G.W. PEARSON, Esq., at Hardin, a change of venue having been taken from STILES. The examination was thorough, and occupied the attention of the court until 1 o'clock this morning, resulting in the holding to bail of Theressa HOPPAS, in the sum of $800, to answer to the Dist. Court. The evidence also disclosed the fact that others here in town were equally guilty with herself, and the end is not yet.

LOST. Last Monday, a coat with gloves in pocket, they were picked up on the bridge north of mrs. LASSIE's place, by some boys who were seen picking them up. Those boys will do well to return the same to A.A. CANFIELD, of Postville.

E. RAGAN, of this place, ships to the eastern market a car load of hogs regularly each week.

We had a pleasant call last Friday from Mr. John WEBSTER, of Frankville. John is a jovial fellow.

The Peoples Paper, Clermont, is now running by steam power, and works like a charm.

S.M. LEACH, of Clermont and Rev. CASEBEER, of Anamosa, are out near Alena, chicken hunting.

Last Monday night some wretch entered Dr. L. BROWN's barn and stole his whip. Who was it?

J.N. LEITHOLD, of this place, is a gent for one of the best organs manufactured, the Estey. Remember this.

Just rec'd at F.J. FERRY's Jewelry and music store, a fine selection of sheet music the very latest in the market. He has taken the agency for several of the best makes of Pianos and Organs.

Mr. BURLING is with us again has leased the place owned by Wm MITCHELL where he will soon commence housekeeping.

T.B. HALL is prepared to do all kinds of work in the shaving and hair dressing line, opposite the elevator in P. BEUCHER's store.

Dr. J.S. GREEN, of this place, is agent for the celebrated Burdett organ, which is now meeting with such a demand throughout the States.

The West Union Gazette comes to us enlarged to nine columns, and "chuck" full of the best of reading matter. Glad for you Bro. TALMADGE.

Jas. PERRY's new residence is progressing finely, is to be built after the fashion of S.B. FINNEY's residence, which is a good pattern.

F. WOLDBETER is doing an immense trade in the hardware line at Elgin and is one of the most pleasing fellows we know of.

Dr WATKYNS, of the Health Retreat, Lyons, Iowa, will visit Postville the 7th and 8th of each month for consultation. Rooms at Merchant's Hotel.

Farm for sale. 82 1/2 acres on military road between Postville and Luana, all under cultivation. Small house and granery, good well and springs, nice young bearing orchard, a very desirable location at a bargain terms, one third down and balance to suit purchaser. For further particulars enquire of undersigned or at Howe Sewing machine office in Postville. E.D. STILES.

Mr. P.C. HOFFMAN of Waukon, has selected the lot directly south of J.T. MOTT's store building, for his location for business in our live town.

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