Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
September 3, 1873.

The Sociable of the Congregational Society this afternoon, at Mrs. Hall ROBERTS.

O.J. CLARK of Decorah received the nomination at the Judicial Convention for District Attorney.

The Sociable of the M.E. Society will be held at Mrs. C.H. BARNES, next Friday afternoon.

Don't fail to hear Rev. CASEBEAR's lecture next Wednesday night. You will hear all the "grit".

Charley EASTON has one of the most cacommodious houses in the town. If you don't believe it go see it.

Mrs. E. SCHMITZ starts East today for a new stock of Millinery goods.

Mr. T.C. BARCLAY informs us that he raised from eleven sheep, one hundred and seventeen pounds of wool.

The second regular meeting of the Allamakee Co. Medical Soc. will be held at Waukon at the office of Dr. T. H. BARNES, on the first Wednesday of Sept. Dr. T.H. BARNES,president; Dr. S.H. DRAKE, secretary.

We are glad to inform our friends that Mr. and Mrs. CHEEVER are fast recovering from their burns. Mr. C. is so as to be out some of the time.

A fire occurred last Sabath at the premises of Mr. W. H. SMITH, who resides on the Military road, about two miles west of Luana. The fire consumed Mr. SMITH's hay [illegible] and a number of grain, tack and [illegible]. It was with great difficulty that the house was saved. It is indeed a very severe blow to Mr. SMITH, as he has been very sick with the fever for some time, and it is thought by his physicians that his recovery is now almost impossible.

The subject of this notice was found on one of the Croquet grounds in this place. The owner can have the same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. The above [a drawing] has been exhibited to the knowing people of this place and most learned of them cannot find a name for it. The depot boys think it resembles one of KEEFE's patent tooth picks. The article can be seen at the District Fair in Floral Hall suspended to a red cord with a yellow tag on it. [transcribers note: the drawing was very obviously a safety pin!!!]

We are obliged to record an account of another fearful accident, that occured to one of our citizens Monday. As Mr. John MOIR Sr. was returning home from the woods with a load of poles, he stopped on the road to talk with a friend, while talking his team commenced to walk off. He spoke to them but they did not stop. He ran to them and in trying to get on the load he stepped on a rotten pole, which gave way. Mr. MOIR fell under the wagon. the hind wheel running over his face, mangleing him most fearfully. We are informed that his jaw is fractured and dislocated, and severe injury all over his person. Dr. BROWN was sent for and dressed his wounds.

D.W. LYONS will be in Postville Sept 8-12 for purpose of selling or renting his farms in this vicinity.
F. MEYER. Wagons and Buggies. Manufacturer and dealer.

L. METZGAR. McGregor Vinegar factory.

C.B. ROBERTS, proprietor United States Hotel.

G. HAWLEY & Co., McGregor. Buggies, carriages and sleighs. We manufacture our work out of second growth hickory and Sweeds iron.

J.P. CALVIN, variety store, pianos, organs. Clermont.

The Postville Bank. Capital $25,000 at ROBERT's Bros. Store. Hall ROBERTS, president. W.S. ROBERTS, cashier.

J. ROLL. Blacksmithing. Shop west of National Hotel. Postville.

[transcribed by S.F., Aug. 2003]

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
September 10, 1873

Obituary. -- Mrs. Nancy Blue, wife of Peter Blue, died at her home four miles north of Castalia, Aug. 30th, 1873. Her sickness was scarely (sic) thought serious until the announcement of her death came, ..........She was aged 42 years, 10 months, and 2 days, a great part of which time was spent in the community of her death.

[transcribed by M.D., Oct. 2004]

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
September 24, 1873.

Miss PAYZANT would respectfully announce to her scholars that on next Monday she will again commence giving lessons.

Prof. A.W. McCREADY of this place took his departure this morning for Mason City, from thence to St. Paul; he is one of the most promising young men in Iowa. May sucess be his.

For sale, a complete set of Blacksmith tools, nearly all new. Inquire of Geo. LULL, or at this office.

Mr. J.F. CHEEVER, the victim of our late fire at this place gave us a call this morning. Mr. C. is now in business at Calmer, at HILBURGS old stand.

Nelson JOHNSON, of Winneshiek Co. had on exhibition at the District Fair we think the best specimen of blooded stock on exhibition.

Postville has been so fortunate as to have an addition to her number of residents. Mr. J. PUTNAM, one of Winneshiek's enterprising farmers has moved into town. We extend a hearty welcome from every person within her limits.
[article abstracted] The Board of Supervisors of Allamakee County met in regular session at the court house in Waukon on Monday.
Present: T.H. BARNES, T.C. SMITH and Martin MOORE.

-Rejected - petition of J.W. DAVIS for payment of damages sustained by being thrown from bridge at mouth of Iowa river.
-Approved - bond of H. SHUTTLEWORTH, justice of the peace appointed by trustees of Iowa township.
-Ordered that Peter HAMMON be allowed $3 per month for June and July for rent of property occupied by D. CASEY, and the auditor be authorized to draw the warrant on the Poor Fund.
-Ordered that the contracts of S. PECK and H. GIRTS for rebuilding the New Galena bridge be recorded; that H. GIRTS be paid the sum of $534.58 in full payment for the Bear Creek and New Galena bridge, on contract of 1872. The auditor was authorized to draw warrants for Samuel PECK on County and Bridge Fund, in payment for brick for court house and repairing the Myron bridge.
-Ordered that an appropriation of $20 be made from the poor fund to payment for transportation of Sheldon MARSH and son. The Steward of the poor farm is ordered to purchase tickets and see them started for their destination.
-Ordered that a county bond be issued for the cancellation of a mortgage on the poor farm, held by Mrs. Charlotte HOWE.
-Ordered that the taxes for 1872 on the property of Margarette BAKEWELL be abated in full.
-Ordered that the tax on $300 monies and credit assessed to John DEAL of Franklin twp. for 1872 be stricken from the tax list.

The following were audited and allowed.
Poor farm payments:
Coffin - N.H. PRATT
Medicine and attendance - T.H. BARNES
Repairs - W. WALKER

Lansing township payments:
Merchandise - RUCKWELL & SCHIERHOLZ, KERMIT Bros. and KERNDT Bros.
Medicine - FOWLER Bros. and Theo NATCHWAY
Pauper funds - HEMMENWAY WOOD & Co.
Examining dead body - N.S. CRAIG
Medicine and attendance - N.S. CRAIG and R.E. BROCKHOUSEN

Iowa township payments:
Visit and consultation - R.C. AMBLER

Hanover township payments:
Medical att'n - H.E. McNUTT

Makee township payments:
Care of D. CASEY and family - Marg't RILEY
Medical att'n - T.H. BARNES

Insane payments:
Commissioner of insanity - J.W. PRATT

Bridge payments:
Repair - W. BELL
Building Smithfield bridge - B.C. CLARKE
Spikes for bridge - M. PECK
Material for Waterloo bridge - T.C. SMITH

Misc. payments:
Appraiser on road - Fred BARTHELD
Witness and constable - E. POOLE
Committee over roads - Josiah GILTMAN
Supoening witnesses - Thos. WELDON

[transcribed by S.F., Aug. 2003]

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Allamakee County