Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
October 1, 1873.

Married. Mr. C.M. DOUGLAS to Miss Ellen SANDERS, both of Postville. They were united Wednesday morning, September 4th, by Rev. GARRISON. Mr. and Mrs. DOUGLAS have the best wishes of their numerous friends in Postville.

Mr. H.E. BABCOCK took his departure for New York last Tuesday. Herman, we all wish you a pleasant time, but don't stay too long.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
October 8, 1873.

Friends, you must excuse the poor paper this week, as the Editor is gone, and we don't profess to know anything about getting up a lively paper.

Wm. BLAGDEEN the murderer of INGALL's of Monona, March last, was tried in District Court of Clayton Co. last week and acquitted.

Strayed or Stolden, a sorrel pony, from Waudena, Fayette County, Iowa. Said pony had a white strip in the face, the brand "C.M." can be seen on the left shoulder. 4 years old. A $10.00 reward. John A. LOCKARD, Waudena.

Mrs. TRIPP, who resides directly east of the National Hotel, wishes to take two boarders, can give them good accomodations for $3.50 per week.

All those having book account with E. SCHMITZ, will do well by calling and making a settlement at once.

The Howe Bros. editors and proprietors of the Lime Springs Herald have dissolved partnership, F.A. HOWE retiring, the business will be carried on by E.L. HOWE.

S.M. LEACH of the Brick City mills of Clermont, is supplying flour for the Portland, Maine market.

Notice. This is to notify the public that I forbid any one trusting my wife Caroline VanHOOSER, or any one else, on my account, as I will not pay any such debts. Clark VanHOOSER.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
October 15, 1873.

The carrying of concealed weapons has been made a misdemeanor.

Racing fast driving on the public highways is made criminal.

Notice. This is to notify the Public that I forbid anyone trusting my wife Thressa HOPPES, on my account, as I will not pay any such debts. John HOPPES.

State Ticket:
Governor. CARPENTER 90 votes, VALE 91.
Lieut. Governor. DYSART 90 votes, WHITING 92.
Supreme Court Judge. BECK 91 votes, HALL 91.
Supt. Public Instruction. ABERNETHY 91 votes, PRINGLE 91.

County Ticket:
Representative. PRESCOTT 86 votes, Henry DAYTON 94 and H.O. DAYTON 1.
Auditor. TART 43 votes, THOMPSON 139.
Treasurer. GILCHRIST 78 votes, RYAN 104.
Sheriff. HEWIT 87 votes, PALMER 95.
Surveyor. H.O. DAYTON 182, full vote.
Superintendant. HINCHON 78 votes, STONE 103.
Coroner. CRAIG 109 votes, MORGAN 73.
Supervisor. PLANK 95 votes, COOPER 86.
District Attorney. Orlando J. CLARK 89.

Post township ticket.
Collector. D.T. SMETHURST 178 votes.
Justice. BURLING 105, BOLLMAN 75, E. HARRIS 1.
Trustees. ABBOTT 97 votes, ROLL 94, MEYER 88, ORR 87, HANKS 86, COOK 79 and STAADT 2.
Clerk. STOWE 90 votes, SANDERS 84, ABBOTT 2 and HANKS 1.
Assessor. BARNES 98 votes, PERRY 81.
Constables. DAWES (vacancy) 92.
Road supervisors. Dist. 1- C. HUGHES 1 vote; Dist. 2- S.F. GOODYBOONTZ 12 votes, W.H. CARITHERS 1, P.J. THORNTON 1; Dist. 3- N.G. CLARK 110 votes, VanVELZER 1; Dist. 4- no election; Dist. 5- A.B. COOK 6 votes; Dist. 6 -G.W. [illegible]4 votes, C.H. BARNES 3, E. HARRIS 1, STODDARD 2; Dist. 7- E. PRESS 3 votes, E. HAMLIN 2; Dist. 8- C. BREEDLOVE 3.

Lansing township.
Majorities- DAYTON 74 votes, HEWITT 117

Makee township.
Majorities- THOMPSON 180 votes, STONE 112, RYAN 93,

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
October 22, 1873.

At the residence of her father in Illyria twp. Fayette Co. Iowa, October 11th, 1873, Miss E.J. STOWELL, oldest daughter of D.W. and A.G. STOWELL aged 21 year 1 month 11 days. The deceased has suffered from consumption for over 2 years. Funeral services were conducted at Elgin by Rev. FATHERGIL of Highland twp.
Mrs. A.P. WHITE is expected home this week.

President GRANT passed last Sabbath at Cleveland, Ohio.

DAWES and SYMMS are constables for Post twp.

We notice George Mitchell is putting up a new building on his promise.

The Brewery is rapidly growing, it is to be run by steam, is 3 story with basement.

W.M. FOGO, former editor of the Cresco Times, has removed from Cresco to Richland Center, Wisconsin.

Mr. S.B. FINNEY is making preparations for building a residence west of the Street west of J.S. MOTT's.

Mr. GORE, the landlord of the National Hotel is meeting with good patronage.

The first snow of the season with us was last Saturday afternoon, though very light. Boys get your sleds ready.

There will be a public sale given on the CLARK farm, in Grand Meadow twp., one mile and a half west of FRY's Tavern, on Tuesday, Nov. 4th, 1873. Stock, farming implements & c.

We have the letter handed us by C. VanHooser for publication, concerning the disturbance that occurred some days ago. Any of the parties alluded to in VanHooser's article are welcome to space in this paper, reply if they desire. We shall use our own judgement as to how long we will run the publication of such letters of the disturbance we allude to in this [illegible] between Charley VanHooser and [?]Topliff, Clark VanHooser and Hall R.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
October 29, 1873.

No fires. No births. One marriage.

The roads are very bad. Snow all over the Northern country during the past week.

Married. At the National Hotel, Postville, Iowa, on Sunday Oct. 26th, 1873; by Rev. J.L. PAINE, Mr. Samuel SMITH to Miss Martha JOHNSON, both of Waukon.

"Dora" tomorrow night, at MOTT's Hall, by the Grand Opera House Company.

The father of STOKES testified to insanity affecting the members of his family.

We call attention to the card of Mr. W.J. CORLIER, auctioneer, in another column.

We notice a letter in the West Union Gazette, written by H.A. STOWE, of this place, giving his account of the VanHooser and TOPLIFF difficulty. How is it STOWE, did'nt you tell us you knew nothing about the fracas?

A little difficulty took place a few days ago between Wm DELANEY and a Swede. The Swede brought in a charge of assault and battery, the trial came off last Monday afternoon before Justice BURLING. DELANY was fined $5.00 and costs.

Hon. J.T. STONEMAN, of this city, received one vote for Governor in Howard county.

Reports constantly come in that the cheapest establishment in Northern Ia. is A.W. KRAMER's Dry Goods and Grocery at Castalia.

From the Shell Rock Enterprise, Shell Rock, Iowa-- The post office at this place was broken into last night (Thursday) and between thirty and forty dollars worth of postage stamps taken, the contents of two registered letters abstracted and the mail generally "gone through". A number of letters containing deeds, mortgages and other valuable papers directed respectivly to County Recorder WILSON, G.M. CRAIG, J.W. DAVIS AND Butler CANTER were found near O.L. EASTMAN's blacksmith shop this morning, the thief or thieves probably having removed the money contents if any. Nothing is known as to who are the guilty ones, but suspicion points strongly toward a stranger who went south on the 1:30 train this morning.

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Allamakee County