Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
May 21, 1873

KNOX-THOMPSON -- At the National Hotel in Postville, Iowa, on the 6th day of May, 1873, by T. STILES Esq. James KNOX to Elizabeth THOMPSON, both of West Union, Iowa.

THE DEVIL OUTDONE! Hell upon Earth!
For the Review. From Decorah, April 29, 1973.
In Washington township resides a man by the name of WURZER, who is the owner of a large well improved farm with a two story house. In one corner of the house, in the upper story, is a little den 8X10 in which is a box three feet six inches in length and twenty-two inches wide. There is nothing else in the room but dirt and a few rags. A living human being has lain in that box for more than fifteen years -- a girl, the daughter of WURZER, twenty years of age. His neighbors knew he had a daughter, but when asked "what had become of her," he would give some evasive reply.
Last week one of his neighbors made information that she believed the girl was not receiving proper treatment as she had heard sobs and moaning which she supposed came from the girl.
Sheriff THOMPSON, from whom we learn the facts, found the girl lying on her elbows and knees upon a little straw in the box. She had nothing on her person whatever but a piece of dirty blanket not fit to [remainder of article is cut off]

SUICIDE AT WAUKON.[partial article paraphrased]
Waukon, Iowa, May 18, 1873. Our usually quiet and unquestionably christian village was thrown into an intense state of excitement to-day upon the discovery, that, one Andrew OLESON had used a very sharp razor, in a very careless method in the immediate vicinity of his neck....Andrew now sleeps with his father....Andrew OLESON was a man about twenty-four years old, a black smith by trade, had been employed by a firm here for the last 18 months, and at several times the deceased had shown marked signs of insanity....[remainder cut off]

Considerable interest was manifested in the election of our corporation officers, which took place on Thursday last. Two tickets were in the field viz: "The People's Ticket" and "The True Blue Ticket". But the "People's Ticket" came out victorious, notwithstanding the "True Blues" worked had for their favorite candidates. Both tickets were composed of some of our best and most respected citizens, and the successful candidates, whose names we give below, will serve the people acceptably, and seek the welfare of the town and its citizens. The following are the names of those that we are to obey: Mayor, J.S. MOTT; Trustees, John SANDERS, A.P. ABBOTT, C.P. DARLING, J.N. LEITHOLD, A. STAADT; Recorder, D. SMETHURST. It has not yet been decided who will be appointed to fill the offices of Treasurer, Street commissioner and Marshall.
The annual meeting of the Postville Cemetery Association for election of officers and transaction of other business will be held at the old school house in Postville on Friday, the 30th of May, at 1 o'clock P.M. By A.R. PRESCOTT, secretary.

Funeral services for Mr. RICHARDSON took place at Freeport last Friday. He was an old settler to this county.

Died, on Wednesday last, after a short sickness. Frankie youngest son of William and Mary M. McMULLEN, aged one year.

The Postville Brass Band made their appearance the other eve on the platform in front of the Review office. A rapid improvement was noticed by all who listened to their playing, much credit is due to the members of the band for the interest they have taken in their musical exercises, as well as their very efficient teacher mr. E.J. FERRY, who conducts their exercises to the entire satisfaction of all.

Rev. Sidney SMITH rector of the Episcopal Church, is expected to remove from Fayette to this place in a few days.

Rev. DICKEY and another minister held a series of meetings at the Brick Church, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of last week, a few united with the church.

Mr. John THOMPSON who has been confined to the house for a few days past, suffering with a severe cold, is recovering.

J.P. BLACKETT of Lawler, is at home receiving new arrivals.

On account of unfavorable weather, John DURNO's sale as advertised to be on the 21st will be postponed until Monday, May 26, 1873. This sale consists of a complete sett of Farm Implements....[remainder cut off]

LEITHOLD Bros. We defy competition, will not be undersold.

Saturday afternoon our sportmen had plenty of good shooting at the large flocks of pigeons in the grove south of town. Dr. BROWN and Wm. HAINES, brought down the greatest number of birds. We "felt for 'em (the birds) but couldn't reach 'em" Our gun was "sum" on the push. And as the sun was fast sinking in the western horizen and the evening chill came on and the singing of the meadow lark was no longer to be heard, when suddenly on the hill south east of town a black speck appears, some said it moved, but it was hardly perceiveable! In an hour or so it becomes a man, he walks near the fence, he grows more and more distinct, and hark! Some person exclaims, "its John BURHANS, surer that shootin!" It was no other than BURHANS, and he had "narry" a pigeon, but looked much fatigued, and when he returned the gun to the owner, we are informed that he said: "Take your old gun. And--you need not speak of this--foolishness to the boys."

Mr. Editor: Supposing you would like to become acquainted with the progressive state of affairs in this interesting town of Monona. I take the liberty of noting down some few items worthy of notice, by those who have ever been inclined to think the inhabitants dead, and the town one of utter dellapidation, not so, "phoenix like she has risen from her ashes" and donned the garb of enterprise. "Grand metamorphose." Housewives are neck deep in suds. Painters are running to and fro panic stricken at the rush of business. Yards that have heretofore been the promenade grounds for swine and other domestic animals, are now being laid out in inviting croquet grounds, surrounded by neatly painted or newly erected fences. Here the Monona beauties beguile their leisure moments by whacking those little gay colored balls. Fristy SMITH has just completed a fence in front of his cottage. It has caused no little comment and admiration. C.A. DEAN, our enterprising druggist has set an example that should shame some of the other business men to follow suit, he has caused a new side-walk to be laid in front of his business store, giving it a much neater appearance. C.A. RATHMAN, complains tha he cannot order goods fast enough to supply the demand. He is doing a rushing business in "calico". T.A. SAVAGE is also wide awake notwithstanding the principle attraction is "gone where the wood-bine twineth," customers will always find a polite and attentive gentleman in Johnny.

In our town there has been quite a change for the better, I notice a number of improvements being made by those who formerly gave their money for the support of these pests of society, and it is a natural result that will follow with everybody who leads a life of industry and sobriety. I feel proud to inform the readers of the Review that three of our dens of iniquity have winked out of existence within a few months, and a number of others are in a totering condition. Let the good work go on, and the ladies that bring their knitting and sit down in the saloons to the shame of its inmates, shall have my earnest support.

The HOUSTONDER and KATRINA [not sure if this is a surname or first name] that I spoke of two weeks ago, returned prodigal like and were made twain of one flesh by D.G. GOODRICH, Esq.

Prof. BERGER, our music teacher and artist, married Julia SWENSON. Being an expert in the picture business we expect to see him produce a living likeness of himself.

J.P. CALVIN is giving seventeen pounds of dried apples for one dollar, this is a store where you can make the "almighty dollar" stretch out a long way in almost anything that you need.

J.N. DENNIS, is giving about all the dried apples that a boy twelve years old can carry away for one dollar, with other things in proportion.

Alex. McKINLEY is never behind any of them as regards quantity, quality and price.

CROWE and HERLIHE are making some substantial improvements on the shops formerly owned by G.W. IRWIN, these gentlemen are both good mechanics and if you want a good wagon go and see them.

Just as we go to press we have learned that Robert McLEAN of this place, was married on Sunday last, to Mrs. ATKINS of Fayette, by Rev. URE, of West Union.

John W. STILES of Decorah is the owner of the celebrated trotting stallion Mainbrino Forrest. This is without doubt the best horse in Northern Iowa, mahogany bay, is sexteen hands high, and only 11 years old this spring. Mambrino Forrest will be exhibited in harness after the searson, or before if necessary, will make the season at STILE's stable in Decorah.

[transcribed by S.F., Aug. 2003 & M.D., Oct. 2004]

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
May 28, 1873.

State of Iowa, Allamakee County}ss. S. BARNES, plaintiff vs James BARNES, defendant. To James BARNES, you are hereby notified that on or before the 1st day of May 1873, there will be on file in the Clerks office, District court of Allamakee County, a petition of Sofrona BARNES claiming of you a divorce from the bonds of matrimony and for other relief. S.S. POWERS, attny of plaintiff.

State of Iowa, Allamakee County}ss. L.M. BERRY, plaintiff vs Wm. BERRY, defendant. To Wm. BERRY, you are hereby notified that on or before the 1st day of June 1873, there will be on file in the Clerks office, District court of Allamakee County, a petition of L.M. BERRY claiming of you a divorce from the bonds of matrimony and for other relief. S.S. POWERS, attny of plaintiff.

Levi MINNICK, harness shop. As cheap as the cheapest!

J.C. DOW, wagon and blacksmith shop. Charges very reasonable. Postville, Iowa.

Friday, April 18, 1873. The board of Supervisors of Fayette county, Iowa convened in the Auditors office. H.S. BRUNSON in the chair. Members all present. The proposition of L. FULLER and others was called upon and the following was submitted... [lengthly proposition about a public building]... signed, L. FULLER, A.N. FOX, H. RICKEL, Wm. E. FULLER, H.B. HOYT, Lewis BERKEY, J.E. BERKEY, L.L. AINSWORTH, P.L. HINKLEY, L.W. WATERBURY, C.B. ROBERTS, S.B. ZEIGLER, H. RUSH, C.T. NEFZGAR, John OWENS, E.A. WHITNEY, W.A. WHITNEY, C.R. BENT and S.E. ROBINSON.

[transcribed by S.F., Aug. 2003]

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee co. Iowa
May 29, 1873

Much to our regret Mr. C.R. Hamstreet, for the past year and a half, owner and publisher of the Standard, retires, compelled by impaired health and other circumstances. He said, "Our relations with Mr. Uray have been of such a nature as to establish an eternal bond of friendship between us and we part reluctantly." And we said of Mr. Hamstreet, "Our relations in the office have been most pleasant. Our labors have been in harmony without an exception. We regret the necessity for his going, and wish him good health, success and riches where-ever his lot may be cast."

I.B.S. Isted is again railroading at Stevens Point, Wisconsin.

E.M. Hancock of the Decorah Republican is home for a few days.

S.V. Coppermole of Harpers Ferry, reports business good in that town.

We are glad to be able to report that Co. Supt. T.F. Healey, who is dangerously sick at The Farmers Home hotel is a little better but has had a dangerously close call.

J.H. Royce of St. Paul is visiting his former Waukon home and F.M. Clark is going into the livery business with him up there.

The thanks of J.W. Pratt, Miss Emma Hayward and Mr. and Mrs. A.M. May are due Decorah friends, especially Mr. and Mrs. R. Willson, Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Bailey, of the Republican, Dr. Cartwright's family, and others for courtesies extended while there assisting in two concerts.

Petit jury for the June term of the District Court, Hon. Milo McGlathery of West Union. Judge A.W. Purdy of Lansing: J.W. Mitchell of Union Prairie; Jas. H. Perry, Post; John O'Neil, Union Prairie; W. Massiker of Lansing; J.H. Laughlin, Post; Paul Halverson, Paint Creek; Patrick Keenan, Jefferson; Jas. Corrigan, Taylor; Martin Stone, Makee; Jas. Maxwell, Makee; K.K. Stein, Taylor; David Borer, Lafayette; Lawrence Liddy, Union Prairie; James Curan, Lafayette.

Married at Waukon by Rev. A.M. May, O.H. Maryatt and Miss H.H. Lindberg of New Albin.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2008]

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