Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
April 9, 1873

Every Wednesday morning. P.M. McCORMACK, Editor.

At the residence of Harry EASTON, in Postville, April 1st, 1873, by Rev. G.L. GARRISON, Mr. A.C. RIPLEY and Miss Carrie H. BABCOCK. Mr. RIPLEY is the well known and highly appreciated principle of the Postville school, and so satisfactory have been his services that the people have determined to retain him in that position another year, and as an extra consideration, Isuppose, have given him one of their fairest and most gifted daughters. Miss Carrie was a former associate of Mr. RIPLEY, having charge of the primary school. Their association has became a consolidation. Long may they prosper and be happy.
DIED. Mary L. DOUGLAS, daughter of J. LAUGHLIN, departed this life, April 2nd, 1873. Aged 25 years, 11 months and 3 days. The deceased left an orphan daughter; ten years of age, and a widowed mother, three kind hearted brothers and sisters, and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss, and may it be their happy lot to meet in heaven where pain and death can never enter.
State of Iowa, Allamakee County}ss: Luthena HOPPAS, plaintiff vs David HOPPAS, defendant. To David HOPPAS: you are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit court of Allamakee County, Iowa, a petition of Lethena HOPPAS claiming of you a divorce from the bond of matrimony and other relief, and unless you appear thereto, and defend, before noon, of the 2d day of the next June term of the Circuit court of said county, to commence on the 2d day of June 1873, default will be entered against you and judgement rendered thereon, as prayed for in said petition. By S.S. POWERS, attorney.

State of Iowa, Allamakee County}ss: Bevel VanVELZER, plaintiff vs M.O. DUTTON, defendant. To M.O. DUTTON: you are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit court of Allamakee County, Iowa, a petition of Bevel VanVELZER claiming of you one hundred and twenty-five dollars, for rock furnished to you at your request for a building, and asking the foreclosure of a mecha[?] lien, and unless you appear thereto, and defend, before noon, of the 2d day of the next June term of the Circuit court of said county, to commence on the 2d day of June 1873, default will be entered against you and judgement rendered thereon, as prayed for in said petition. By S.S. POWERS, attorney.

State of Iowa, Allamakee County}ss: W.H. McLELLAN , plaintiff vs N. COSSEY, et al. To N. COSSEY, Mary C. COSSY and W.S. HOYT: You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit court of Allamakee County, Iowa, a petition of W.H.S. McLELLAN claiming of you seven hundred dollars on two promisory notes, and the foreclosure of a mortgage to secure the same, and unless you appear thereto, and defend, before noon, of the 2d day of the next Junc. term of the Circuit court of said county, to commence on the 2d day of June 1873, default will be entered against you and judgement rendered thereon, as prayed for in said petition. By S.S. POWERS, attorney.


S.B. POWERS. Attorney-at-Law Insurance and Collecting agent, Postville, Iowa. Will practice in all the courts in the Tenth Judicial District and Supreme Court.

T. STILES. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. Conveyancing a specialty. Collections promptly made and remitted. Office over E.J. STEVENSON & Co.'s brick store, Postville, Iowa.

C. VanHOOSER, proprietor. National Hotel. Free busses to and from the trains. Good Livery in connection with the House. Postville, Iowa.

BURLING & STOWE, attorneys-at-law, buy and sell land, and pay taxes.Special attention given to collections. Office near depot.

J. ELLIS & Son, dealers in agricultural implements. Also Heavy and Shelf hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails and cutlery.

E.J. STEVENSON & CO., dealers in Groceries, dry goods, clothing,notions &c. At the new brick store . If you want the best in the market call and see us.

PRESCOTT & EASTON are prepared to supply their numerous customers with anything in the Hardware and Tinware line. Farming tools , firearms, cutlery, paints, oils, brushes, &c. cheaper than the cheapest.

LEITHOLD Bro's. Keep on hand the largest and most complete stock of clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, wall paper - in fact anything that can be called for, and of the very best in the market. Give us a call.

ROBERTS & Bro's are at all times prepared to sell at the lowest figures, anything in the grocery, clothing, dry goods, notions, stationery, boots and shoes, hats and caps. Always have on hand the latest styles. If you want a bargain, come and try us.

L. POESCH announces in an extensive add in the Review, that he is at all times ready to wait upon his customers with anything they please to call for in his line, and can sell at pricesthat defy competition.

N.W. STILES is prepared to wuppy this entire community with anything they wish in the Drug line. Also,can sell at figures to excel any others, the popular Howe Sewing Machine. Come and see for yourself.

G.W. STAFFORD is agent for the best pump in the country, and will sell cheaper than the cheapest and on the best terms.
B. HOLCOMB, Decorah, Iowa. Justice of the Peace and collecting agent.

DUFSIN & EASTON, dealers in clothing, gents' furnishing goods, hats and caps. STEYER's Opera House, Decorah, Iowa. Special attention given to custom work.

A.L. McKAY, photographer and general dealer in pictures, making a specialty of stereoscopic views. Rooms over GULLIEKSON's Hardware Store.

John E. MEUSER, dealer in watches, clocks, fine jewelry, silver plated ware, spectacles, &c., &c. One door west of the Winneshiek House, Decorah, Iowa. Clocks, watches and jewelry carefully repaired and engraving done on short notice.
R.B. APPLEMAN, proprietor, New England House, Clermont, Fayette Co. Iowa. First class hotel. The traveling public are invited to try our accommodations. Livery attached. Free bus.

John HOSFORD, notary public, conveyancer and collector, Clermont, Iowa. Collections promptly made.

D.C. GOODRICH, notary public, and conveyancer.

C.E. DIBBLE, attorney at law and notary public, Clermont, Iowa. Gives his personal attention to all matters connected with the legal profession. Call in person or address me by mail.
S.D. STRAW, proprietor, Straw's Hotel, corner of Main and Fourth Sts., McGregor, Iowa.

J.B. HUSTON, proprietor, United States Hotel. Good stables and guests courteously and liberaly treated.

S.L. BRANCH, proprietor, Bremer House, Waverly, Iowa. Located on the east side of the river. All who stop at the Bremer House will be made comfortable. Buss to and from the cars.

Wm. W. PYND [or Pyrd], proprietor, Key City House, Dubuque, Iowa. Corner of Main and Third Sts.

W.H. GORE, proprietor, Calmar House, Calmar, Iowa. Good sample rooms, and good stabling for horses.

Dr. KNOWLES, physician and surgeon. All calls promptly attended.

WM. BARRETT, proprietor, Union House, Charles City, Iowa.

C.S. SYDOW, Conover, Iowa. Justice of the Peace. Collections made and remittances promptly attended to.
FARMS FOR SALE by POWERS and PRESCOTT, Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa. All titles perfect.

Tho COSSEY farm, four miles north of Hardin, on the Waukon road. Two hundred acres, one hundred acres under cultivation; two hundred bearing apple trees; well watered, [?]plenty of timber. Will be sold at a great bargain. Terms easy, price: $3,000.

The D.W. LYONS farm, near Hardin. Five hundred and fifty nine acres, in lots to suit, or all together. This is the best farm in Allamakee Co., without doubt. Fine buildings, plenty of wood and water. Terms easy. If you want a good farm, don't buy till you see this one.

The TULLER farm, three miles east of Postville. Eighty acres improved. Terms easy. Price, $2,640.00.

The THORNTON farm is sold.

D.B. (dead beat) DUTTON, has gone north, may the good Lord keep him going.

The Editor is a "widder" and is likely to be for two or three weeks.

STOKES has gone to Europe. We presume to see his Josie.

Dr. BROWN is building a fine addition to his residence.

Mr. J. ROWE, is building a very neat little barn a few rods south of his residence.

Mr. C.L. ALLEN, who is always on hand [illegible] at their bidding.

We had the pleasure of listening to a very interesting sermon at the Baptist Church last Sabbath evening, delivered by Rev. S.F. SMITH. But few were out on account of the bad weather.

We are informed that there is to be a hotel at Castalia, and is to be proprieted by Mr. J. LAMBERT. That's right, a hotel is what Castalia should have. Success to the enterprise.

It looks like snow. Later- snow ten inches deep as we go to press.

Near the residence of Mr. C.P. DARLING, on Monday afternoon, a small bundle of wearing apparel, was found in the street. The owner can obtain said bundle by calling at Mr. DARLING's.

There will be no Miss Skeeters in Iowa or Minnesota the coming summer, as they all winter killed, who says they object to this cold climate? "Shoot him on the spot."

The farmers are getting very anxious for the ground to get in condition for them to sow wheat the snow yesterday made them feel and look rather blue, we can't blame them.

Mr. H.P. DAWES is nearly ready to move into his new building. Mr. D has everything in about the right shape around his new place of business.

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Allamakee County