Iowa Old Press

Adams County Free Press
Corning, Adams co., Iowa
August 10, 1944

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walter and family visited Mr. Walter’s parents, near Braddyville, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bray and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hutchinson, Mrs. Roy Walter and son and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Garner Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smisek and family were Creston shoppers, Saturday.

Fred Walter is the owner of a new tractor.

Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner visited in the Lawrence Cihak home, near Kent, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis received word that their nephew, Pvt. Lloyd Lewis, had been killed in action, somewhere in Italy on July 17.

Tade, Thelma and Opal Knapp were Corning visitors Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smisek and Stanley Jr., visited in the Andrew Rychnovsky home Sunday evening.

(Delayed last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Garner Thompson were Sunday visitors in the Elvin Murray home near Massena.

Mrs. Joe Lewis helped Mrs. Elmer Williams cook for threshers Monday.

James Wagner was a business caller in Omaha the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bray spent Sunday with Mrs. Bray’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph Brown.

Otto Hansen threshed for Floyd Eberle, Harold Brown, Gwendolyn Walter, Ernie Rogers and Charles McCarthy the past week.

Mrs. Garner Thompson helped her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Bissell, cook for threshers Saturday.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewis, who was married Monday, July 23. The wedding was performed at the Lutheran church in Shreveport, Louisiana. The bride is the former Eileen Knapp, daughter of T. W. Knapp of this vicinity. Arthur is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis and is serving in the U. S. Army and is now stationed at Camp Polk, Louisiana.

[transcribed by L.Z., December 2014]

The Adams County Free Press, August 17, 1944
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis received word that their son, Pvt. Arthur Lewis, is now located in New York.  He has recently been located at Camp Polk, Louisiana.

[transcribed by LZ, Nov 2019]

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