Iowa Old Press

Adams County Free Press
Corning, Adams co. Iowa
December 25, 1901

Mrs. Content M. McCord died last Wednesday at her home in this city, aged 64 years. She had been suffering from a complication of diseases, which terminated in lung fever. Deceased was born in Morgan county, Ohio, and came to this county with her parents in 1855. In 1866 she was married to A. L. McCord, who died in 1881. Four children were born to them, Mrs. P. A. Strait, of Douglas township, and Mrs. Celia Richey of Hastings, Neb., the other two dying in infancy. She was a sister of C. D. and G. T. Lawrence and Mrs. M. W. Miller of this county and Mrs. Isaac Crow of Guide Rock, Neb. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at the Baptist church and the services were conducted by Revs. J. G. Duling and W. E. Adams. The remains were taken to the cemetery near Briscoe for interment. Mrs. McCord was a woman of many fine qualities and during her long residence in the county had made many friends who regret her death.

[transcribed by L.Z., August 2010]

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