Old Press
Adams County Free Press
Corning, Adams co., Iowa
Thursday, February 16, 1899
For Stealing Chickens
J. D. Willhite, who was arrested last week and lodged in
jail on a charge of stealing chickens, was tried Monday before
Justice of the Peace Gurney of Brooks. The complaining witness
was Oliver Howard, who lives near Nodaway, and there appeared to
be no doubt in his mind as to the guilt of the accused. There
appears to be some question, however, as to Willhites
sanity. The trial resulted in his discharge. His attorney was J.
W. Bixby of this city, while the State was represented by County
Attorney Stanley.
Their Home Burned
An alarm of fire about 10 oclock Wednesday night
of last week caused a feeling of general consternation, the first
thought being of the difficulty of fighting fire in such intense
cold. It was found that the fire was at the home of J. H.
Leckliter in the southwest part of town and a large crowd soon
gathered to watch it and to render whatever assistance was
possible. The fire company arrived promptly, but was unable to
throw any water on account of the distance from a hydrant. Even
had water been accessible, however, the flames had made such
progress before the alarm could be turned in that it would have
been impossible to save the building. Most of the household goods
were saved and Mr. Leckliter places his loss at $200 on the
contents of the house and about $500 on the building. The loss is
total, as there was no insurance, and it is a severe blow to Mr.
Leckliter. It was a terrible night for a fire. Great sympathy is
extended to Mr. Leckliter and his family in the destruction of
their home. Mr. and Mrs. Leckliter wish to express their sincere
thanks to the many kind friends for assistance rendered them
during and since the burning of their home.
[transcribed by L.Z., April 2017]