Gilmore City High School Graduates

Bertha Beers
Charles S. Scranton

Bertha Guernsey

Percy Beers
Mary Kelly
Hugh Odell
Nellie Small
Ellen Smith
Ella Telfer

Allie Brown
John Hanson
Asoneth “Sena” Jenson
Lizzie Kelly
Mary McMahon
Roy Woolman

1896 – no graduates

1897 - no graduates

Bessie Beers
Blanche Bush
Gertrude Dodson
Cyril Jackson
Lena Jordan
Harold Scranton

Jesse Jackson
Frank Russell

Jean Blake
Dwight Dunham
Blanche Marquart
Lillie Murray
Ethel Riddle
Marjorie Wallace
Errol Wood

Fern Beers
Margaret Dietz
Bessie England
Margaret Flaherty
Solon Guernsey
Alice Paine
Chrissie Thomas
Henry Thomas

Charles Black
Dora Guernsey
Grace Hayden
Hattie Hogan

Helen Beers
Mildred Campbell
Robert E. Dunham
Carrie Russell

Guy E. Daniels
May Higgins
Florence Hogan
Gazella M. Warren

Joseph J. Bush
Daisy Wallace
Lyle Whitcomb

Gladys E. Campbell
Elizabeth A. Connelly
Dorinda L. Kehl
Faye A. Miller
Karl S. Moyer
Gay E. Moyer
Mae J. Mulholland
Elsie A. Ries
Margaret Sullivan
Greta E. VanAlstine
Floyd E. Warren

1907 = no graduates
(see explanation under sources)

LaVerne Daniels
Daisy Day
Dollie Day
Walter Doeringsfeld
Grace Freeman
Annis VanAlstine
Ruth Whitcomb

Bessie Belt
Gertrude Freeman
Loretta Kehl
Ella Morrison
Estella Trullinger
Enid VanAlstine
Grayce Wallace
Mabel Winters

Frederick Bendixen
Mabel Day
Clara Doeringsfeld
Ernest Doeringsfeld
Lenore Hoag
Florence Johnson
Emmett Kehl
Ethel Marmon
Paul VanAlstine

Ethel Black
Loren Bothwell
Bernice Campbell
Clinton Daniels
Flossie Day
Leah Smith
Alice VanAlstine

Mariece Beatty
Loretta Cavanaugh
Hattie Donnelly
Marie Edgington
Elmer Folk
Ernest Freeman
Marie Kehl
Mattie McMahon
Grace Morrison
Emmett Mulholland
Madge Mulholland
Lena Tishenbanner

Adam Doeringsfeld
Leone Goodchild
Enis Jarvis
Helen Maher
Florence Scott

Clara Christensen
Emma Christensen
Fred Daniels
Marie Higgins
Mae Morrison
Emily Reis
Henry Weber
Herb Winter
Amy Wolcott

Blanche Day
Sarah Himrod
Ivan McBride
Madeline Micholson
Clem Mulholland
Fletcher VanAlstine
George Wallace
Gladys Warren
Royal Weaver
Ruth Weaver
Frances Weir
Raymond Wolcott

Floyd Austin
Harry Doeringsfeld
Beulah Edgington
Fred Fisher
Raymond Hanson
Genevieve Kehl
Paul Hughes
Lee Lanning
Maurice Townsend
Lois VanAlstine
Norman Weir

Theresa Bausserman
Marguerite Belt
Elsena Beneke
Earl Day
Charlotte Dayton
Victoria Espe
Lester Hammersley
Harold Heath
Everett Rademacher
Nina Ries
Lillian Tapscott
Emma Wolcott



Dorothy Beers
Georgia Black
Fern Bush
Edna Doeringsfeld
Lillet Hanson
Laura Landmesser
Lora Lanning
John McBride
Alex Smillie
Beth VanAlstine
Mabel VanAlstine
Ruth VanAlstine
John Weaver
Clarence Whittlesey

Thelma Bausserman
Otis Bowyer
Grace Brown
Eleanor Hambly
Elwood Hansen
Wendell Kennedy
Violet Olson

Mildred Christensen
Troy Day
Esther Gutchnecht
Helen McBride
Alta Dena VanAlstine
William VanAlstine
Perry Wolcott
Theodore Wolcott

Alta Doeringsfeld
Clarence Kennedy
Fern Lynch
Helen Morrison
Ramona Wallace

Charles Bach
Letha Bartley
Lucius Bausserman
Helen Belt
Doris Blain
Marion Blain
Mae Daniels
Blythe Day
Harold Freeman
Thomas Herrick
Arnold Olson
Evelyn Rice
Helen Sidmore
Lucille Smilley
Foster Swartz
Florence Weaver
Beatrice Wolcott
Harold Wright

Leone Dodson
Ruth Doeringsfeld
Gretchen Harvey
Carroll Jensen
Clarence Kendall
Fern Tabor
Viola Tapscott
Anna Wallace
Emma Wallace
Hazel Webster
Fern Witt

Ella Behm
Ethel Borg
Glen Davis
Ember Day
Loyd Dodson
Harry Hamersly
Kirk Himrod
Ethel McBride
Harold Morrison
Hazel Stamper
Eva Swain
Leslie Townsend
Percie VanAlstine
Eleanor Wallace
Alice Winter

Don Behrendsen
Gerald Clark
Winnie Dayton
Esther Gangstad
Hazel Hamersly
Howard Hansen
Irene Jensen
Fern Kee
Nelson Kendall
Herschel Langdon
Ruby Layton
Ruth Layton
Beatrice Rice
Max Whittlesey

Sadona Bartley
Elizabeth Behrendsen
Betty Blain
Augusta Fisher
Kenneth Kee
Esther Kendall
Hazel Peck
Elmira Peterson

Keith Bausserman
Sterling Beers
Edna Blain
Helen Burns
Cheryl Clark
Leslie Freeburg
Rupert Herrick
Mildred Jensen
Hazel Kee
Donald Kohl
Jack Mullen
Gladys Rider
Harold Wallace
Ronald Wallace

Fay Anderson
Fern Anderson
Mable Bowyer
Geneva Carr
Fern Christensen
Cecil Davis
Iva Fisher
Bernice Griffin
Maxine Higgins
Dale Himrold
Greta Hoag
Charles Jones
Mary Kizer
George Langdon
Breta Maakestad
Esther McBride
Muriel Melvin
Jess Peck
Blanche Rasmussen

Fern Behrendsen
Donald Benoit
Lilly Cordes
Lucille Dress
Hazel Guderian
Elma Hohl
Gretchen Keller
Thelma Lundy
Ethel Olson
Irene Wallace
Maybelle Witt

Isabelle Blain
Mary Bothwell
Everett Christensen
Sidney Downey
Robert Hambley
Dorothy Hanson
Edna Hanson
Maurice Herrick
Helen Jones
Stanley Knoll
Ingeborg Maakestad
Olaf Maakestad
Muriel Olson
Burton Parriott
Greta Rice
Wayne Rider
Cletus Smith
Lewell Spies
Annis Topliff
Harley Watkins


(1). Iowa []
(2). Gilmore City  Globe, Gilmore City, Iowa, May 31, 1894, p.2, June 6, 1895, p.1 (lists graduates from 1892-1895), June 5, 1902, p.4 (lists graduates from 1892-1902), June 4, 1903, June 1, 1904, p.1, May 31, 1905, p.5, p.1, June 6, 1906, p.1, June 5, 1907, p.5, June 3, 1908, p.4, June 8, 1910, p.1, May 29, 1912, p.5
(3). Gilmore City Enterprise, Gilmore City, Iowa, June 1, 1916, p.1, June 17, 1917, p.1, May 23, 1918, p.8, May 18, 1922, p.1, May 10, 1923, p.1, May 29, 1930, p.1

1907 = no graduates, Gilmore City Globe, Gilmore City, Iowa, Wed., June 5, 1907, p.5, col.2
“The lecture by Thomas McClary on Saturday evening at the Christian church was a most pleasing one. Owing to the fact that the board had added another year to the course of study, there were no graduates this year, and this lecture was given under the auspices of the school to take the place of the usual commencement exercises.”


Many thanks to contributor Karon Velau for the wonderful list of Gilmore City High School graduates!

Page online:  14 Apr 2023