World War I Draft Registrations
24 August 1917
The Humboldt
Humboldt, Iowa
24 August 1917
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New Draft Issued For Humboldt County
Officials Make Second Call To Fill Quota.
Humboldt county has issued the second call for the
conscription draft. The first call did not fill the
number demanded by the national authorities, which made
necessary the second call. The men are called to appear
for physical examination in two squads, as follows:
The following named persons are notified to appear for
physical examination on the 27th day of August, 1917,
Halvor Skorpen, Dakota City
Will Oliver Blomker, Humboldt
Jesse Burr Smith, Humboldt
Fred Maahs, Hardy
Earl Maupin, Bradgate
Henry Axelson, Humboldt
Gordon Sylvester Seversen, Ottosen
Howard Lester Snibley, Humboldt
Oscar Guner Wild, Humboldt
Roy William Pollock, Livermore
Sammie Hughes Millward, Gilmore
Sidney Lenard Parsons, Humboldt
Ernest Elmond Patterson, Gilmore
John C. Mayer, Humboldt
Edward Severin Dyvig, Gilmore
Earl J. Olinger, Humboldt
August F. Kirchhoff, Humboldt
Harry Calvin Bordwell, Livermore
Ben Buaas, Eagle Grove
John Bannick, Renwick
Adam Kramer, Bode
Adolph Espe, Thor
William Guy, Humboldt
John Helvick, Thor
Henry Cornhouse, Thor
Hilmar Hanson, Humboldt
Bert Anderson, Thor
Lawrence Holden Ottosen
Gunder Christian Gunderson, Bode
Chris Anderson, Rutland
Harold C. Hatfield, Gilmore
Fred Jensen, Bradgate
Arentz J. Ericson, Bode
Torger Underberg, Humboldt
Clyde Alexander Hart, Humboldt
H. M. Olson, Bode
George C. Skorpen, Dakota City
Loren Ellsworth Holmes, Livermore
Byron Henry Locke, Rutland
Chris Hansen, Rutland
Ernest Lawrence Freeman, Gilmore
Edward Michael Calligan, Gilmore
Zacharias Madison, Ottosen
Melville Amerson, Hardy
Lawrence Samuel Hefley, Hardy
Fred Baumgartner, LuVerne
Rudolph Johnson, Gilmore
Clarence Earl Fawcett, Humboldt
Clarence Dakkesven, Ottosen
Wilbur John Strait, Humboldt
Theodore Sorli, Hardi
Andrew Christensen, Jr., Humboldt
Robert Francis Garnier, Goldfield
Jesse Ulysis Watts, Rutland
Ben Pedersen, Humboldt
Verne Hardy, Humboldt
Henry Marius Neilsen, Rutland
John Rongved, Bode
James Peter Jensen, Bradgate
Clinton R. Nicholson, Renwick.
The following named persons are notified to appear for
physical examination on the 28th day of August, 1917
Henry Hansen, Ottosen
Andrew W. Nygaard, Humboldt
Elwood Ray French, LuVerne
Raymond Magnus Haugen, Bode
Harry L. Strong, Humboldt
Martin Longseth, Ottosen
Roy Telford, Ottosen
Isaac Messer, Bradgate
Webster W. White, Renwick
Holly Benjamin Sanford, Humboldt
Jay Haisell, Hardy
Herman Gronbach, Livermore
Eli W. Anliker, Hardy
Earl D. Phipps, Renwick
Benjamin H. Baldwin, Humboldt
Herb Monroe Nelson, Humboldt
Swardrop John Nelson, Ottosen
Walter Joseph Rosenbaum, Humboldt
Edd Severson, Thor
Gladney Ferguson, Goldfield
C. J. Moen, Gilmore
Archie William Shaw, Dakota City
Johann Brinkman, Livermore
John Sampson, Eagle Grove, Iowa
Valentine Kullmann, Ottosen
William Franklin Hundertmark, Ottosen
Henry Andrew Marty, LuVerne
Ray Elmer Hart, Humboldt
Harold Edward Ball, Rutland
Guy Schaffer, Bernville, Penn.
Nils Johnstad, Humboldt
Cecil R. Kepler, Goldfield
W. L. Spray, Renwick
Clarence Alfred Kinseth, Bradgate
Elmer Knutson, Ottosen
Howard William Raymond, Bode
Irvin Volz, Livermore
Orville Lee Brown, Hardy
James Alfred Slattery, Livermore
Gerd H. Assing, Gilmore
William Plant Hastings, Humboldt
John Naugle Miller, Humboldt
Lenhard Holden, Ottosen
Julius Marnes, Humboldt
Louis Beckman, Ottosen
John Pierce, Ottosen
Elias Kleveland, Hardy
Thomas Devine, Livermore
James Roy Maddison, Bradgate
Heinrich Johannes Petersen, Humboldt
George Beck, Humboldt
George Gabrielson, Ottosen
Sigurd Lovilen, Ottosen
John Oscar Collins, Goldfield
Ernest Jacob Burr, Bradgate
Walter Ray Zobrosky, Humboldt.