Of the Board of Supervisors of Humboldt County, Iowa

The Board of Supervisors of Humboldt County, Iowa, met at the Auditor’s office Dakota City, in regular session on the 1st day of September, 1884, with the following members present:

J. M. Schleicher, Ed Snook, H. E. Stephens, J. H. Foley, S. K. Winne.—Schleicher in the chair.

The minutes of the June and extra meeting were read and approved.

Stephens moved that Schleicher and Hoover be and are hereby directed to execute a deed of conveyance to the F. D. & F. R. R. Company of the un-surveyed portions of sections 21,22,27,28, in town 91, range 29.  Sections 13 and 24, township 91, range 30.  Sections 18,19,33, 34, township 91, range 29, known as Owl Lake, Base Lake and Small Lake, on the south line of Corinth township.

Ayes, Schleicher, Winne, Snook, Stephens and Foley. Carried.

Stephens moved that an appropriation be made at the rate of $2.50 per week for the maintenance of Mrs. Roe and family of LuVerne.  Carried.

Foley moved that an appropriation at the rate of $5 per month be made for the rent of a house in Vernon for Mrs. Roe. Carried.

Moved by Foley that the bill of the Kossuth County Bank at $3 per month for 6 months as rent for a house for Mrs. Roe in LuVerne be allowed.  Carried.

Board adjourned to meet at 8:30 a.m. September 2, 1884.

Board met pursuant to adjournment.  Members all present.  The question of establishing a county high school and various other matters were discussed without any further action taken thereto.

Board adjourned to meet at 1:30 p.m.

Board met pursuant to adjournment.  All members present.

Moved by Stephens that the Adams and Dickey road be changed as follows:  That said road be established parallel with and along the north line of the right of way of the F. & N.W. Railway where it runs across the northeast quarter of section 16, township 92, range 30, and that so much of said road as is rendered unnecessary by said location, be vacated upon condition that L. F. Fuller puts the new road in a passable condition; and upon the completion of the work necessary to make said road passable, then so much of the old road as is contemplated in this resolution be vacated.

Moved by Stephens that the Auditor be directed to draw a warrant on the County fund of $9 in favor of L. F. Fuller as an exemption on account of forest trees for the taxes of 1883 on the northeast quarter of section 16,, township 92, range 30 west of the 5th P.M.  Carried.

Stephens moved that whereas, Peter Jenson filed a petition for the establishment of a highway on section 27, township 92, range 29 west, that the county surveyor was appointed by the Auditor as commissioner to view and survey said route.  Now, therefore, resolved that said road be established as per filed notice of said survey filed in this office September 2, 1884, upon the written consent of P. Jenson, owner of the land through which said road was surveyed, and that so much of the Dakota and McKnight’s Point road be vacated as now located, for the center of said section 27 to the southeast corner of said section, provided that the public be allowed to travel on the road and bridges as they now do till November 1, 1885, unless the road as now standing be made passable before that time.  Carried.

In matter of making a appropriation from the county fund for a soldiers’ monument to be erected in Union Cemetery as petitioned for by old soldiers and others, and it appearing that the Union Cemetery Association and others interested in the same have agreed to give the sum of $500 towards said monument.

E. Snook offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:

Resolved, that an appropriation of two thousand dollars is hereby made to be paid out of the county fund for the purpose of procuring and erecting a soldiers’ monument as contemplated in chapter 162, laws of the 20th General Assembly, said monument to be erected in Union Cemetery, Rutland Township, Humboldt County, Iowa, said appropriation to be made as follows:  $1,000 payable on or after the 1st day of June 1885 , and $1,000 on or after the 1st day of June 1886.

That the Auditor be authorized to draw warrants for same in favor of the committee duly authorized to received the same.  Carried.

Board adjourned to meet at 8:30 a.m. September 3rd.

Board net pursuant to adjournment.  All present.

Snook, Stephens and Foley were appointed a committee to receive and expend the appropriation made for the erection of a soldiers’ monument.

Winne moved that the following levies be made for 1884:   State, 2 ½ mills; County, 5 ½ mills; County School, 1 mill; bridge, 3 mills; bond, 1 ½ mills; insane, ½ mill, and a poll tax of 50 cents.  Also, for road, school, incidental and library, levies as returned to the Auditor by the proper officers of the several towns and townships of Humboldt County.  Carried.

Foley reported in favor of building a 48 foot pile bridge across an inlet to Owl Lake, on the Hardy road south of Hardy.  Report accepted.

Adjourned till afternoon.

Board met pursuant to adjournment.

Foley moved that an addition of 16 feet be built to the bridge across Trullinger creek on the Air Line road, and one of same length across same, stream on the Livermore and Bode road, near the farm of John Rotz.  Also one across same stream of 32 feet, between sections 9 and 16, on the road running west of the farm owned by T. E. Collins, all in town 93, range 29, west.  Also one of 48 feet on the Stanley and Hardy road, across an inlet of Owl Lake, on section 28, in Lake Township.

Also one of 32 feet in length across a sough on the Hanson road on section 15, Norway Township.  All the above bridges to be built according to plans and specifications on file in this office.  That the auditor advertise for bids for the construction of the above bridges, and upon completion to the satisfaction of committee, then the auditor be directed to draw warrants on bridge fund in payment.  Carried.

The Auditor was authorized to draw a warrant on the county fund in favor of C. Combs, due him on an illegal tax sale of 1881.

Foley offered the following resolution:

That $50 be appropriated for the purpose of procuring the right of way for a highway around a slough north of town of Hardy, on Stanley and Hardy roads, between section 4 and 5, in Lake Township.  Carried.

Moved by Foley that a public highway 40 feet in width be made as follows:

Commencing at the southwest corner of the cemetery grounds located on the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 34, Vernon township, running south and intersecting the east and west road nearly to the south line of section 27, said road to follow the west line of the southeast quarter section 34, on land owned by G. R. Hartwell.  Carried

Board adjourned till 1:30 p.m. September 4th.

Board met pursuant to adjournment.

Foley was appointed to view cite for a bridge petitioned for in Vernon Township section 14, and Stephens was appointed to view cite for bridge petitioned for in Rutland Township on the section line between section 19 and 20.

L. J. Anderson, H. C. Hubbard and E. D. Nickson were granted a permit to buy and sell intoxicating liquors at their place of business in Humboldt for medicinal purposes.

Stephens was appointed to provide for Mrs. Carrington, of Rutland Township.

A highway was established as follows:

Commencing at southeast corner, section 27, township 91, range 28, running north ½ mile and terminating at last named point.

Board met pursuant to adjournment.

Snook offered the following which was adopted:

Whereas, Dakota City has expended abut $800 in the draining of her streets, and there being a deficiency of $50 in the payment of said drainage, and whereas the town in being benefited by the same, therefore be it resolved that $50 be appropriated out of the County fund in payment of same.

Board adjourned to meet at 1:30 p.m.

Board met pursuant to adjournment.

Auditor was authorized to draw warrants in payment of the members of the board for services during this session.  Snook was appointed to paint the Dakota City iron bridge.

Board adjourned sine die.

Moses Hoover, clerk.