Of the Board of Supervisor 

Condensed for publication


The Board of Supervisors of Humboldt County met in regular April session at the Auditor’s Office in the Court House in Dakota City April 7, 1884, with the following members present.

J. M. Schleicher     E. Snook     H. E. Stephens     J. H. Foley

Absent  S. K. Winne

-Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.

-Moved and carried that Hiram Lane be appointed to repair the Foster Bridge in 91-29, across Indian Creek, and that he be paid for the same upon completion.

-Moved and carried that an exemption for two acres of forest trees be allowed on the NW ¼ section 10, town 91, range 20 west.

-Mr. Stephens, previously appointed to view the site for a bridge across Indian Creek between sections 23 and 26, 91-29, reported in favor of building a 32 foot pile bridge, according to previous plans, piling to be 16 feet in length.  Report accepted.

-Mr. Foley reported in favor of building a pile bridge across Prairie Creek on County line between Wright and Humboldt Counties as follows:

95 feet across main channel and two 16 foot spans on south side across two ravines.  Report accepted

TUESDAY APRIL 8th   Same members present as on yesterday.

-Petition for bridge across slough on the Duck road in Norway Township came up.  Motion carried that the matter be indefinitely postponed.

-J. H. Foley was appointed to view the site for bridge petitioned about 30 rods north of the center of Norway Township and report at June meeting.

-Moved and carried that an appropriation be made sufficient to cover one half cost of constructing pile bridge of 128 feet across Prairie Creek on the line road between Wright and Humboldt Counties, and that J. H. Foley be appointed to confer with proper parties from Wright County and decide on plans, time of letting same, etc,. and that J. H. Foley have authority to contract for building same, and to receive specified compensation for one half on completion.

-Moved and carried that Messrs Schleicher and Snook confer with the proper parties from Kossuth County to view site for bridge across the east branch of the Des Moines River near north line of this county and report in June meeting.

AFTERNOON SESSION.  Same members present.

-Moved and carried that Hiram Lane’s request to have the W ½ of NE ¼, section 25 town 91, range 29 west released from a school fund mortgage which embraces the W ½ of section 25 town 91, range 29 west, be granted, he deeming balance of security sufficient.  Chairman and Auditor were authorized to execute release for the same.

-E. Snook moved the adoption of the following:  Whereas, an error existed in records of the Auditor in relation to school loan made by W. J. Coon, June 1869, on which was an over charge of interest at rate of two per cent, amounting to $90.00.  Now therefore resolve that the Auditor draw warrant of $50.00 on temporary school fund in favor of F. D. Foster as settlement in full.  Resolution adopted.

-Resolution was adopted to allow bounty of 3 cents on small prairie squirrels caught in Humboldt County, 5 cents on large grey squirrels and 5 cents on pocket gophers caught between 10th of April and 1st of July 1884, all voting aye except J. H. Foley.

-The following resolution offered by J. H. Foley was adopted:  That $10.50 be refunded D. J. Antonedes of tax on W ½ of SE ¼ and SE ¼ of SE ¼ section 29, town 93, range 27 west, on account of erroneous assessment.

-Motion carried the Auditor notify T. Brackin, A. Telfer, R. Entrolus, F. W. Parsons, to pay delinquent interest on their school loans by June 1, 1884, and in case of failure to pay that he collect same and principal according to law.

-The following resolution offered by H. E. Stephens was adopted:  Whereas the county owns in fee simple numerous lots in Dakota, amounting to one fifth said town as platted, and there is a movement on foot to drain said town by means of tile, and whereas it is evident that this will enhance the value of said lots owned by the county, be it resolved that $150 be appropriated by this Board to assist in said enterprise, to be paid when on half of the work is completed.

-The vote of the Board taken January 1884 to vacate part of Air Line Road in Rutland Township was reconsidered and H. E. Stephens offered the following which was adopted:  Resolved that the resolution passed by this Board at its January meeting relating to vacation of Air Line Road be so modified that the road be not vacated till grading and bridge on section line as contemplated in January be done.

Wednesday APRIL 9.  Member all present.

-Moved by S. K. Winne that $4.84 be refunded E. Colby, over paid by him on taxes.  Carried.

-Petition granted that the road in Beaver Township commencing at SE corner of NE quarter of section 7, thence west 2 miles through center of sections 27 and 28, be vacated.

THURSDAY APRIL 10.  Members all present.

-Whereas, the Foster Bridge, spanning east branch of Des Moines River having been damaged by ice, and there being a petition on file for relocation, Mr. Schleicher moved bids be advertised for repairing the same where now located, and on completion to satisfaction of Supervisor Snook, payment be made for same.

-G. R. Pearsons of Fort Dodge appeared in behalf of Fort Dodge and Fort Ridgely Railway Company to ask for quit claim deed of “Impassable Marsh,” in Norway and Lake Townships.

-Resolved that J. M. Schleicher and Moses Hoover execute quit claim to said Companies, for said marsh.

Resolved the J. N. Prouty be appointed swamp and land agent for Humboldt County, but without compensation from said county.


-Motion carried that Sarah Tillford be allowed an exemption for two acres of forest trees on the NW ¼ of section 4-92-29 for assessment of 1883.

-E. Snook offered resolution that Auditor advertise for bids for pile bridge of two spans of 16 feet each across Hinton and Hines ravine on Johnson and Algona road in town 93, range 28, payment to be made on completion.  Carried

-Also for one of same description across Indian Creek between sections 23 and 26 town 91, range 29.  Carried

-Chairman appointed Mr. Stephens to view following site for bridges and report at June meeting:  Between sections 29 and 30, also 19 and 30, also 21 and 28, all in Corinth Township.


-Motion carried that that Auditor cancel mortgage of $600 given by O. J. Smith and wife to G. L. Ruchshank and I. L. Welsh, same being paid in full.

-Resolution was offered that whereas parties have taken advantage of former resolution of this Board in relation to purchase and improvement of lots in Dakota, owned by county, and have filed thereon, and whereas the payments they have made have been small, and no substantial improvement have been made nor taxes paid thereon, and hove let the title remain in the county to escape taxation, and are holding said lots merely for speculation, and whereas the property of all classes ought to be taxed alike, therefore be it resolved that the Auditor require these parties to pay on half the price agreed upon, execute deeds to said parties and secure balance by mortgage.  Parties failing to comply with resolution by October 31, 1884, forfeit right of said lots to county.  Carried.

-Moved by Mr. Stephens that whereas the citizens of Dakota offer to cultivate seed sown to grass and otherwise beautify the Court House grounds by planting ornamental trees, etc., providing the Board make an appropriation sufficient to cove cost of erecting a substantial fence around said grounds, therefore be it resolved that this Board make such appropriation and appoint Mr. Snook to superintend said work.  Carried.

-Moved by Supervisor Winne that C.A. Babcock be appointed to index all records in the office of Clerk of Courts, and be allowed $50.00 therefore, as soon as said work is done to the satisfaction of the following committee:  Messrs. Prouty, Finch and Coyle.  Also that he be appointed to have doors put in front of large pigeon hole case in Clerk’s office.  Carried.

-Board examined securities taken on school loans and approved the same.

-Motion carried that the bills as per schedule of claims be allowed and paid.

-Motion carried that the Auditor draw warrants in payment of the members of Board for services during session.

-Board adjourned.

Moses Hoover    County Auditor and Clerk of Board of Supervisors.