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Teachers Institute

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1909 Teachers’ Institute
The annual teachers’ institute and summer school is now in session and is largely attended. The enrollment last week was chiefly of those who intended to take the examinations for certificates, and the work consisted mainly of review. The institute proper commenced yesterday morning and will continue throughout the week.

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Albertson, EscaCresco
Auringer, EmmaRiceville
Auringer, MarciaRiceville
Auringer, MyraRiceville
Bingham, MarthaLeRoy, Minn.
Bird, GertrudeBonair
Blaska, SusieElma
Bouskn, RichardCalmar
Breedlove, NettieCresco
Brown, Belle C.Cresco
Brown, TillieCresco
Bufton, BessieCresco
Bufton, FlorenceCresco
Canfield, KathryneCresco
Canfield, MargaretCresco
Cashman, ElizabethElma
Chick, SusieLime Springs
Chyle, FrankProtivin
Coffee, MarieRiceville
Conroy, MissElma
Conway, LorettaElma
Cornwall, CornieCresco
Crain, IvaElma
Daley, KathrynCresco
Dascom, MissCresco
Davis, Alice M.Cresco
Dempewolf, LydiaLime Springs
Donaldson, MabelleCresco
Ellingson, ChristiniaElma
Evans, BerthaLime Springs
Evans, Mary J.Lime Springs
Fairchild, EttaChester
Fessenden, DaleCresco
Fitzgerald, AliceElma
Fitzgerald, KateCresco
Fitzgerald, RoseElma
Forthum, GenaLeRoy, Minn.
Foye, MyrtleLime Springs
Friend, EthelCresco
Fuller, GraceCresco
Gager, FlorenceCresco
Gillmore, FlorenceCresco
Gillmore, MaeCresco
Haaf, LauraElma
Halver, LawrenceLeRoy, Minn.
Harris, MaeCresco
Hewitt, EmmaLime Springs
Hoppe, SadieCresco
Hovey, HannahRidgeway
Hoy, GraceCresco
Hunter, lnaCresco
Jinderlee, LouiseElma
Klaffke, MinaCresco
Kline, IdaCresco
Knopf, IdaCresco
Lee, MarieCresco
Lusk, LeonaChester
Malek, CarrieCresco
Malek, JosephCresco
Malone, MargaretElma
McAllister, JuliaCresco
McKee, AvaCresco
McKee, ElvaChester
Miller, MabelCresco
Moen, AmeliaCresco
Mullen, AgnesLime Springs
Mullen, HannahLime Springs
Nagle, EdytheLime Springs
Neeb, NellieElma
Nichols, ElizaChester
Noonan, Wm.Elma
O’Brien, AnnaElma
O’Brien, MarieElma
Peckham, RuthCresco
Peitzke, ClaraRiceville
Perry, Lola I.Cresco
Perry, Mattie S.Postville
Plopper, StellaCresco
Richardson, NellieElma
Roberts, Myrtle A.Lime Springs
Roberts, Pearl E.Lime Springs
Salisbury, OliveLime Springs
Shafer, Mrs. BerthaLime Springs
Shaw, CeliaCresco
Shaw, ClaraCresco
Shields, LettieLime Springs
Shields, MaryLime Springs
Smith, ArthurCresco
Smith, MerleCresco
Stevenson, CoraCresco
Sullivan, KatyLime Springs
Sullivan, NellieElma
Svoboda, JamesCresco
Svododa, AdolphCresco
Swenson, LenoraCresco
Thompson, GertrudeCresco
Tipton, MyrtleLime Springs
Walsh, IdaCresco
Wanless, EdnaCresco
Weers, ClaraElma
Weers, LillieElma
Wilkes, BlancheRiceville
Zender, MaymeCresco

The Teachers Institute attendance report was extracted from Library of Congress Micro-Film using: Chronicling America, transcribed and prepared for the Web by Bill Waters. This Report was published in the Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer June 29, 1909, FP, C4.