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Auto Ads

Madam-Be Sure Your Husband Reads This Advertisement

Tear it out and place it before him. It tells about gasoline and is the first of a series of advertisements to appear in this paper, containing a straightforward presentation of scientific, stubborn truths about Red Crown Gasoline.

Probably there is no other factor entering into your domestic life concerning which you have so little accurate knowledge as gasoline. Follow through this series and you will know enough about gasoline to preclude any one misleading you.

RED CROWN Is to Gasoline what Sterling is to Silver

It is the mark of quality—integrity in manufacture.

There is but one measure for the efficiency of any gasoline and that is the range and adjustment of boiling point fractions.

By a boiling point fraction we mean the portion of the gasoline which will be changed from a liquid to a gas at a definite temperature.

In Red Crown alone do you find the perfect adjustment, commencing at about 93 degrees Fahrenheit, and continuing above 400 degrees Fahrenheit in an unbroken chain, each fraction vaporizing at a different temperature.

Red Crown contains the correct number of boiling point fractions for easy starting. The correct number for smooth acceleration and the correct number to develop a maximum of smooth rhythmic power.

If there are too many low boiling point fractions there is undue evaporation in storage (waste).

If there are too many high boiling point fractions there is excessive carbon deposit, causing the spark plugs to foul and cylinders to score (unnecessary expense).

If There is a Gap in the Chain of Boiling Pont Fractions There is a Gap in the Power

which may mean being stalled on a railroad crossing, or in a bad road, or lack or response when Instant acceleration it necessary to avoid an accident—that's why we say insist that your husband heed the facts in this advertisement it’s your interest and that of your family.

Further, to illustrate and convince you of the importance of uniformity and the necessity of every fraction vaporizing at a different temperature, try to ignite a lump of hard coal with a match without the aid of paper, kindling and heavier wood.

Red Crown contains the correct number of boiling point fractions for varying conditions because it is manufactured by a process developed from authoritative, scientific data assembled by the most eminent petroleum chemists and automobile engineers available. There is no guess work in the manufacture of Red Crown Gasoline.

Because it is made scientifically, and therefore accurately, the uniformity of Red Crown Gasoline is guaranteed.

Standard Oil Company Stands Squarely Back of Every Gallon of Red Crown Gasoline.

That is a guarantee that means something. It is as good as a Government Bond. Red Crown is the best gasoline in the world; it costs no more than ordinary gasoline and you can get it everywhere.

Red Crown Gasoline develops all the power your engine was designed to deliver. It gives greatest speed and greatest mileage.

The next advertisement will be on the subject of "Beware the Garage Man Who Claims to Sell a Better Gasoline than Red Crown.

Made. Recommended and Guaranteed by

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Standard Oil Ad

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer Aug. 10, 1917, P-3 C-1-3