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Auto Ads


Model Eighty-Five Four $895 f. o. b. Toledo Subject to Change Without Notice

Downright Smashing Value! Unequaled !! Unapproached !!!

It’s time now for speed and efficiency

No one has time to waste.

Speed up your work—and speed up your play to keep fit for your work get an automobile.

No one has energy to waste.

Get a car that's big enough not to cramp you, that rides easy and won't tire you.

Get Overland Model Eighty-Five Four.

True efficiency and true economy point to this one car as the compass points to the North Pole.

No other car of such comfortable size sells for so little.

No other car of such comfortable has such power with such economy of operation.

No other car of such comfortable size is so sturdy—so economical of upkeep.

No other car of such comfortable size has been built in such quantities and for so long a time.

No other car of such comfortable size sells for anywhere near so low a price.

Have efficient equipment for efficient living.

Get your Overland Model Eighty-Five Four today.

Come to our store.

Ahem Brothers
Phone 122 Cresco, Iowa

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Overland Auto Ad

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer May 25, 1917, P-2 C-3-6