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1915 March Term Jurors

Jurors For The District Court Following is the list of jurors drawn to serve in the Howard, county district court. The grand Jurors serve during the year 1915. The petit jurors serve during the term which convenes March 8th.

Grand Jury

Buresh, FredSaratoga
Davis, T. S.Forest City
Eldridge, E. M.Howard Center
Evans, A. J.Vernon Springs
Fosse, C. A.Paris
Garmen, Chas.Alton
Hall, C. B.Oak Dale
Lusk, JamesChester
Shimek, JoeHoward
Svoboda, JoeNew Oregon
Wallace, AlbertAlbion
Warburton, JohnJamestown

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Petit Jury

Baldwin, E.Afton
Birmingham, JamesParis
Brown, J. J.Cresco
Buckley, D. F.Afton
Chyle, Fr. TNew Oregon
Dempewolf, J. F.Cresco
DeNoyelles, GusCresco
Dickman, W. J.Afton
Friedhoff, EdHoward
Herold, Henry L.Cresco
Holcomb, AlfredAlbion
Howe, J. H.Cresco
Howe, WilburChester
Hughes, R. O.Cresco
James, ElmerCresco
Laub, C. B.Cresco
Lee, Chas.New Oregon
Lewis, W. W.Forest City
Lubert, A.Afton
Mackovec, JohnHoward Center
McGourty, Jas.Afton
McGrane, DickAfton
McGrane, EdAfton
McKee, Geo.Chester
Michel, AlfredVernon Springs
Nichols, A. L.Vernon Springs
Noeb, Chas.Afton
Novak, FrankHoward Center
Patterson, W. H.Cresco
Paul, G. D.Paris
Shield, JimHoward Renter
Stark, FredJamestown
Steele, I. N.Oak Dale
Whalen, M. D.Cresco
Woods, F. E. Cresco

This information was extracted from Library of Congress Micro-Film using: Chronicling America, transcribed and prepared for the Web by Bill Waters. This Report was published in the Cresco Plain Dealer Feb. 12, 1915, P-4, C-3