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1915 Cresco Commencement

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1915 Cresco High School Commencement

Cresco High School

Cresco High School Photo
Extracted from David Shedlock Postcards

The 35th annual commencement exercises will extend over the week commencing May 30th.


May 30. Baccalaureate Sermon, Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Will Kerwin, 8 o’clock.
June 2. Class Day Exercises, Methodist Episcopal Church, 2:30 o’clock.
June 2. Junior-Senior Banquet, Modern Woodmen Hall, 8 o’clock.
June 3. Base Ball game, Cresco vs Lime Springs, South Side Park, 4 o’clock.
June 3. Commencement exercises, Methodist Episcopal Church, 8 o’clock.
June 4. Class Play, “The Fortune Hunter,’’ The Cresco, 8 o’clock.

Will Rathert - - President
Gertrude Kessel - - First Honor
Hugh Eaton - - Second Honor
John Fullen - - Third Honor

View or Print this Table
Banning, RoyPost Graduate
Bateman, StanleyGraduate
Brown, AnnaGraduate
Curtis, FrancisGraduate
Curtis, FrankGraduate
Daskam, MaxGraduate
Eaton, HughGraduate
Fullen, JohnGraduate
Goocher, MarjorieGraduate
Halweg, BerthaGraduate
Hess, EstherGraduate
House, NeilGraduate
Huntting, DaleGraduate
Johnson, CecilGraduate
Kellogg, HazelGraduate
Kessel, GertrudeGraduate
Marsh, WilliamGraduate
McVety, BoydGraduate
McVety, RubyGraduate
Melaas, AnnaGraduate
Melaas, IraGraduate
Miller, DelphiaGraduate
Moen, CoraGraduate
Moen, JosephinePost Graduate
Orvold, HelenaGraduate
Parchman, ClaraGraduate
Parchman, MaryGraduate
Power, LucyGraduate
Rathert, WillGraduate
Ringoen, MarionGraduate
Slyke, Harriet VanGraduate
Smith, LesterGraduate
Stevens, HazelPost Graduate
Woodworth, HelenGraduate


Invocation - - Rev. John Pless
Music - Marjorie Goocher
Salutatory - Hugh Eaton
Class History - - Will Marsh
Class Speech - - - John Fullen
Class Poem - - Boyd McVety
Vocal Solo - Anna Melaas
Class Will - - Hazel Kellogg
Class Prophecy - - Neil House
Class Song - Class
Valedictory - - Gertrude Kessel


Music - High School Orchestra
Miss Helen Kakac, Director.
Invocation - Rev. Will Kirwin
Address - - Dr. H. N. Wilson
Pastor Central Presbyterian Church,
St. Paul
Music - High School Girls’ Glee Club
Presentation of Class - A. I. Tiss
Superintendent of Schools
Presentation of Diplomas, E. T. Lomas
President Board of Education
Benediction - - Dr. Robertson


“The Fortune Hunter”

A Comedy in Four Acts. By Winchell Smith


Nathaniel Duncan, “Nat,” the Fortune Hunter.........Cecil Johnson
Henry Kellogg, a Rising Young Financier......Will Marsh
George Burnham, a Promoter....................Neil House
Robbins, Kellogg’s Servant........................ Ira Melaas
Sam Graham, the Druggist,.......................Will Rathert
Mr. Lockwood, the Banker.....................John Fullen
Tracey Tanner, the Liveryman's Son......Marion Ringoen
Pete Willing, the Sheriff.................William Parchman
Mr. Sperry, the Drummer................ Hugh Eaton
“Watty,” the Tailor.................Frank Curtis
“Hi,” the Old Inhabitant........... Max Daskam
Rowland Burnett.........Lester Smith
Betty Graham, the Druggist’s Daughter......Anna Brown
Josephine Lockwood, the Banker’s Daughter ...Anna Melaas
Angie, the Friend of Josie..............Cora Moen

Class Flower - - Shamrock
Class Motto - - B2
Class Name - - Climbers
Class Colors - - Red and Green

The commencement program was extracted from Library of Congress Micro-Film using: Library of Congress Micro-Film using: Chronicling America, transcribed and prepared for the Web by Bill Waters. This Report was published in the Cresco Plain Dealer May 28, 1915, FP, C-3