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1913 Cresco Commencement

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1913 Cresco High School Commencement



May 25-Baccalaureate Sermon, Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Benjamin WV. Soper, 8:00 o’clock.
May 26—Class Day Exercises, High School Assembly Room, 2:00 o’clock.
May 27—Class Play, Israel Zangwill’s “Merely Mary Ann,” Armory, 8:00 o’clock.
May 28—Commencement Exercises, Armory, 8:00 o’clock.
May 29—Base Ball Game, Decorah vs. Cresco, South Side Grounds, 3:15 o’clock.
Junior-Senior Banquet, Modern Woodmen Hall, 8:00 o’clock.


Music High School Orchestra Miss Ruth Connolly, Director.
Invocation Rev. Clifford Shaffer
Music Ladies' Quartette Miss Mabel Kratz, Miss Edith Webster, Mrs. M. O. Swenson, Mrs. Winifred Story.
Address Dr. Raymond V. Phelan Professor of Economics,
University of Minnesota.
Music High School Orchestra
Presentation of Class, Supt. H. L. Nearpass.
Presentation of Diplomas. Mr. E.,T. Lomas, President Board of Education.
Benediction Rev. B. W. Soper


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Darrow, William Dwight, PresidentGraduate
Cameron, Laura IsabelGraduate
Clemmer, Mary AliceGraduate
Culver, Rufus B.Graduate
Eaton, M. LeoneGraduate
Eaton, Mary A.Graduate
Evans, WinifredGraduate
Ferkingstad, GertrudeGraduate
Fessenden, RachelGraduate
Frank, Burnetta MayGraduate
Gibbons, BessPost Graduate
Gill, Harley E.Graduate
Glass, SarahPost Graduate
Goocher, GladysGraduate
Grinde, ClaraPost Graduate
Hamilton, George C.Graduate
Huntting, Emily Louise, Second Honor Graduate
Johnson, John AlfredGraduate
Meikle, Ruth BeatriceGraduate
Miller, VeraPost Graduate
Moen, Grant T.Graduate
Nearpass, Val E.Graduate
Patterson, W. HenryGraduate
Phillips, Everett E.Graduate
Smart, Jessie Heloise , First HonorGraduate
Smith, Bessie B.Graduate
Webber, Chas. K.Graduate

Class Flower—Violet
Class Motto—"Why Live in the Lowlands When the Highlands are Calling?”
Class Name—Ability.
Class Color—Purple and White.


Invocation Rev. John Pless
Music Selections from “Il Trova* tore”-(Verdi)—Harley Gill, Burnet a Frank, Gladys Goocher, Henry Patterson.
Salutatory Emily Huntting
Oration “The Women of Tomorrow”—Leone Eaton.
Reading: “After whiles, ” Riley— Winifred Evans.
Oration: “The Toilers”—Rachel Fessenden.
Class History—Alice Clemmer.
Oration: “Mark Antony”—John Johnson.
Class Poem—Harley Gill.
Oration: “The Melting Pot”—Bessie Smith.
Oration: “On the Firing Line”— George Hamilton.
Solo: “A Winter Lullaby,” DeKoven —Mary Eaton.
Reading: “The Fiddle Told”—Ruth Meikle.
Oration: “The Schools and True Patriotism”—Grant Moen.
Oration: “The Lady of the Lamp”— Gertrude Ferkingstad.
Class Will —Laura Cameron.
Oration: “Education and Civic Prosperity”—Everett Phillips.
Class Prophecy—Rufus Culver.
Piano Solo: “Rondo Capricioso” Op. 14, Mendelssohn—Will Darrow.
Valedictory—Jessie Smart.



A comedy in four acts, adapted by Israel Zangwill, from his story of the same name.


Launcelot, a composer: Will Darrow
Mr. Peter, in business: Rufus Culver
Herr Bralmson, a music publisher: George Hamilton
Samuel Smedge, Henry Patterson
O’Gormon, Sunday Journalist: George Hamilton
Lord Valentine Poxwell, a gilded youth: Cecil Johnson, ’15
Mrs. Leadbatter, a lodging house keeper: Alice Clemmer
Rosie, her daughter: Jessie Smart
Lady Chelmar, a poor peeress: Emily Hunting
Caroline, Countess of Poxwell: Rachel Fessenden
Lady Gladys Poxwell. Burnetta Frank
Mary Ann Merely: Winifred Evans
Howard, a footman, Leonard Lyons, '14
Dick,: A Canary Introducing the song “Kiss Me, Dear Love, Goodnight, by Mr. Malcolm Williams.

The list of graduates was extracted from Library of Congress Micro-Film using: Chronicling America, transcribed and prepared for the Web by Bill Waters. This Report was published in the Cresco Plain Dealer May 23, 1913, P-5, C-8