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1910 Rural School Commencement

County Superintendent Fallgatter has issued programs for the commencement exercises of the Howard County rural schools to be held at Crcsco on Saturday, June 11th, at 2:30 p. m.,


Invocation......................Rev. Hinman,
Recitation........ Marguerite Monahan,
Song..............................Miss Nesheim,
Address: “And This Is What They Said”,
..................Mrs. Hattie Moore Mitchell,
Presentation of Diplomas.................,
Benediction .........................Rev. Bell,


View or Print this Table
Aspel, Pearl
Banning, Roy
Bateman, Harold
Bateman, Stanley
Bergland, Arthur
Bigalk, Esther
Bigalk, Josephine
Borlaug, Eddie
Bouska, Eddie
Brophy, Earl
Burgett, Elmer
Burgett, Leonare
Buttolph, Iva
Cashman, Earl
Cummings, Vivian
DenniB, Carl
Dennis, George
Doolittle, Ralph
Dunn, Joseph
Durgan, Mary
Ellingson, Iver
Fairchild, Earl
Fairchild, Elton
Fenske, Esther
Germann, Katie
Gibbons, Winifred
Grabau, Sylvia
Graff, Charlie
Hart, Effie
Hayes, Joe
Huntington, Elsie
Jacobus, Hazel
Jensen, Anna
Jensen, Harry
Jensen, Louis
Kriebs, Madalen
Kuene, Glberda
Landswerk, Edward
Mahaffy, Frank
Malcomson, Alvin
Marr, Grace
McCarville, Athansius
McGourty, Frances
McGourty, Kittie
Merrick, Wesley
Miles, Donald
Pecinovsky, Emma
Regan, Celia
Roche, Gladys
Roche, Lotty
Scharnweber, Edward
Schrieber, Alvin
Sebastian, Cora
Shafer, Fred
Shafer, Mae
Smith, Harry
Stevens, Hazel
Stevens, Paul
Stockwell, Lee
Thorne, Joe
Wallace, Ronald
Wells, Claribel


Auringer, Marcia
Bird, Gertrude
Burns, Vera
Daley, John
DeLange, Claire
Ellingson, Christina
Fitzgerald, Rose
Foley, Mary
Forthun, Gena
Fox, Ruby
Friend, Ethel
Fuller, Grace
Gager, Florence
Graf, Lena
Hoppe, Gertrude
Johnson, Lavina
Kelsey, Mrs. Gertrude
Lee, Marie
McKee, Elva
Moen, Alve
Murphy, Mary
Schultheis, Mayme
Shelhanier, Winifred
Sullivan, Catherine
Svoboda, Adolph
Svoboda, James
Tipton, Myrtle
Walsh, Ida
Weers, Lily
Wilmarth, Rhoda

The list of graduates was extracted from Library of Congress Micro-Film using: Chronicling America, transcribed and prepared for the Web by Bill Waters. This Report was published in the Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer June 7, 1910, FP, C5