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Biography of HERBERT L. PERRY

Herbert L. Perry is a progressive farmer of Howard county, living on section 22, Howard center township, and is also a member of the United Shippers of Cresco. He was born in the state of New York, January 30, 1855, a son of Thomas R. and Eunice A. (Couch) Perry, who were likewise natives of the Empire state. They came to Iowa in 1856 and the father preempted land, upon which his son Herbert L. now resides. The father was a graduate in law, having completed a course in the Auburn (N. Y.) University. He was also numbered among the Argonauts who went to California in search of the golden fleece in 1849. He made the trip by ship around Cape Horn and the ship was becalmed in the Pacific ocean, being out of sight of land for eighty days. After reaching Iowa Mr. Perry here engaged in farming, and during the period of the Civil war he occupied a clerkship in Washington, D. C., for two years. He was a member of the legislature of Iowa at an early day and for many years remained an honored and respected resident of the state, passing away in 1913, when eighty-six or eighty-seven years of age.

Herbert L. Perry was educated in the district schools and after reaching man's estate engaged in farming and in other lines of business to the time of his marriage, which was in 1889. , He then went to Fresno, California, where he spent five years on a raisin ranch that belonged to his uncle, Daniel P. Perry. He afterward returned to Howard county and purchased a farm in Howard Center township. Following his father's death he sold this property and bought the old home farm, comprising two hundred and forty acres of rich and productive land, which he still owns and successfully cultivates.

In 1889 Mr. Perry was united in marriage to Miss Belle Young, a daughter of James Young, now deceased, who was a well known resident of Saratoga township. To this union have been born eight children, four sons and four daughters, namely: Thomas R., who is filling the responsible position of county engineer of Howard county; Harry, who is engaged in farming in Howard county; Madge and Florence, both of whom are graduate nurses; Helen, who is a graduate of the Cresco high school and is now at home; and Leslie, Chester and Edith, all yet at home.

Mr. Perry votes with the republican party and has served for several years as a member of the board of township trustees and for some time as a member of the school board. He belongs to Cresco Lodge, No. 150, A. F. & A. M., and is a worthy follower of the craft, exemplifying in his life its teachings concerning the brotherhood of mankind and the obligations thereby imposed. In his life record there are no exciting chapters but fidelity to principle has marked his career and his business life has been actuated by a laudable ambition that has enabled him to accomplish substantial results.

History of Chickasaw and Howard Counties,
By Robert Herd Fairbairn (Published 1919 - Volume II)
S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois
Transcribed by Bernie Glienke