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Biography of Joe R. Marr

Among the well known farmers of Howard county is numbered JOE R. MARR, who is living on section 18, Afton township. He is one of the native sons of this county, his birth having here occurred September 6, 1879, his parents being William and Rosella (Yager) Marr. The father was born in Germany, while the mother was a native of Austria. The former came to the United States with his parents when but four years of age and the mother crossed the Atlantic with her parents when a maiden of fifteen summers. They became residents of Wisconsin and in that state reached adult age and were married. They afterward removed to Iowa, taking up their abode in Afton township, Howard county, about the year 1869. The father preempted land from the government, a tract that was in its primitive condition. He also bought land in Afton township upon his arrival and to the time of his death was identified with the farming interests of this section of the state. He converted a wild tract into productive fields and to his place added many modern improvements, being classed with the representative and progressive farmers of the district. He died in Afton township in 1899 and was survived by his widow for eight years, her death occurring in 1907.

By the terms of his father’s will Joe R. Marr came into possession of the farm of two hundred acres upon which he now resides on sections 17 and 18, Afton township. He had been reared upon the old homestead farm and pursued his education in the common schools near his father’s home. He had been accorded thorough training in farm work and remained in his father’s employ until the death of the latter, which occurred when the son Joe was twenty years of age. He then took over the management and further development of the land which he inherited and has made for himself a most creditable and enviable position as a prominent and representative farmer of Afton township.

In his political views Mr. Marr has always been a stanch democrat, voting for the men and measures of the party since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. During the World war he was an active worker in behalf of the Red Cross and also in support of the Liberty Loan drives. He early recognized the fact that industry wins in business and saw that honorable success is only to be attained by persistency of purpose and unfaltering diligence; that it slips away from the sluggard and tauntingly plays before the dreamer but yields its fruits to the man who works persistently and earnestly. This Mr. Marr has done and he is now numbered among the men of affluence in Afton township.

History of Chickasaw and Howard Counties,
By Robert Herd Fairbairn (Published 1919 - Volume II)
S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois
Transcribed by Barbara Nagy