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Biography of Fred Kruger

FRED KRUGER, who is engaged in farming on section 32, Afton Township, is one of the native sons of Howard County, Iowa, his birth having occurred within its borders on the 23rd of December, 1886. His parents are Edward J. and Amelia Kruger, both of whom were born in Wisconsin but came to Iowa at an early age. When a young man of about 25 years the father began farming on his own account and made for himself a creditable place among the substantial agriculturists of this part of the state.

It was upon the old homestead place the Fred Kruger was born and reared, his youthful experiences being those that usually fall to the lot of the farm-bred boy. He attended the district schools and worked with his father until about the age of 22 years, when he started out in life independently as a farmer. For three or four years he cultivated rented land and then purchased the place upon which he now resides.

On 15 September, 1908, Mr. Kruger was married to Miss Annie Rieken, a daughter of Henry and Barda Rieken, of Mitchell County, Iowa. They have become parents of three children, Elmer, Bessie and Irving, all living at home on the farm.

Mr. Kruger is a director of the Howard County Equity Cooperative Assoc. In politics he is republican and his religious faith is that of the Luthern Church. His life has been actuated by high and honorable principles and in every relation of life he has measured up to the advanced standards of manhood and citizenship.

History of Chickasaw and Howard Counties,
By Robert Herd Fairbairn (Published 1919 - Volume II)
S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois
Transcribed by Leonard Granger