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Biography of P. M. Herold

P. M. HEROLD, who was not yet three years old when his parents Michael and Margaret Herold established the family home in Winneshick county, Iowa, has little opportunity to attend school in his youth but acquired a good practical education through reading and self-study.

He was married at age 26 and the same year began farming independently undertaking the development of a tract of 160 acres of unimproved land which his father had purchased for him in Howard County, Iowa and for which he later reimbursed him.

In 1877, Mr Herold took up his abode on the Howard county property on section 34, New Oregon township, where he carried on farming until 1909. He extended the boundaries of his home farm to include 400 acres. He also acquired 150 additional acres in sections 3 and 4 of New Oregon Township, and he likewise owns a 10 acre tract comprising his present home in Cresco, Iowa.

In 1876 Mr. Herold was united in marriage to Miss Regina Steinmetz, a native of Winneshiek county, Iowa, and a daughter of Joseph and Sophia Steinmetz, the former being born in France, while the latter's birth occurred in Wurtemburg. Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Herold became the parents of 14 children, thirteen of whom are still living.

The record of the family is as follows: Philip J, who is employed in the mill in Spillvile, Iowa.--Frank J, operating his fathers farm of 150 acres.--Albert D, employed in an elevator in Cresco.--Carl E., who farms the home farm of 400 acres in New Oregon township.--Henry L., an agriculturist residing in Vernon Springs township.--Andrew P, a merchant in Cresco, Iowa.-- John L, at home.-- William L., who makes his home in Calmar, Iowa.--Sophia M, who is the widow of Joseph Meyer and resides in Cresco, Iowa.--Clara A and Mary A at home-- Louisa who is deceased-- and Anna B and Agnes P who still at home.

The wife and mother passed away on 9 August 1917, her demise being the occasion of deep regret to all who knew her. Mr. Herold ably served as a member of the board of township trustees for nine years and was a member of the school board for many years. He is identified with the Modern Woodmen of America and the Knights of Columbus, while his religious faith if that of the Catholic Church.

History of Chickasaw and Howard Counties,
By Robert Herd Fairbairn (Published 1919 - Volume II)
S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois
Transcribed by Leonard Granger