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Biography of Casper Heller

The occupation of farming claimed the efforts and energies of CASPER HELLER, whose home was situated on section 6, Afton township, Howard Co. Iowa, where he engaged in the cultivation of a good tract of land. He was born July 22, 1840, in Germany, a son of Ambrose Heller.

He spent the first twelve years of his life in the place of his birth and then came to the United States in 1852 with his parents, who after landing on the eastern coast at once made their way across the country to Watertown, Wisconsin. The father there rented a tract of land and remained in that district for several years, devoting his attention to farming there. Eventually, however, he and his wife took up their abode in the city of Watertown, where they continued to reside until called to their final home.

Casper Heller was reared under the parental roof upon the old homestead near Watertown, Wisconsin, after he had attained his majority he wedded Johanna Meyer, of Watertown, who was also of German lineage, her parents having been born in Germany.

The young couple began their domestic life upon a farm at Watertown which Mr. Heller rented and there they continued to reside for several years. Two children were born to them before they left Wisconsin.

In 1870 they severed home ties in that district and came to Iowa, taking up abode upon the farm on which Mrs. Heller yet resides. Mr. Heller first purchased 100 acres of land and from time to time as his financial resources increased, he extended the boundaries of his farm until it comprised 370 acres of land, upon which he continuously made his home to the time of his death, which occurred on the 31st of March 1909.

To Mr. and Mrs. Heller were born eight children, namely: Mrs. Frances Worple, Mrs. Dorothy Krueger, Mrs Annie Schmidt, Mrs. Lizzie Krueger, Willie, Theodore, Emma, and Casper A.

Mr. Heller belongs to the Luthern Church of Riceville and his family are also adherents of that faith. He voted with the republican party and was keenly interested in the questions and interests of the day. His was an active, useful and upright life which won for him the respect and confidence of all and by reason of his diligence and industry he was able to leave his family in very comfortable financial circumstances.

History of Chickasaw and Howard Counties,
By Robert Herd Fairbairn (Published 1919 - Volume II)
S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois
Transcribed by Leonard Granger