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Biography of Frederick Mortimer Clark

FREDERICK MORTIMER CLARK, The founder of the first bank in Lime Springs, Howard Co, was born in Oneda County, New York, Jan 11, 1836. The family moved to the Chicago area in 1853 when he was seventeen years of age.

In 1854, he became a resident of Waukon, IA, where he taught a term in a country school and the next year was employed by L. T. Woodcock Merchandising Co. of Waukon as their New York buyer and made regular trips to the city.

Later he took up the study of law with his father, John T. Clark and in 1857 was admitted to the bar. The same year, on 26 Nov 1857, he wedded Laura Ann Tuell of Waukon, IA and they became parents to seven children.

During the Civil War he was mustered in at Dubuque, IA as a member of Company E, 38th Iowa Vol Infantry. He went in as a sargeant and was promoted to rank of 2nd Lt as quartermaster officer. On account of sickness, he was discharged after the siege of Vicksburg on July 25,1863.

He conducted business in Waukon until 1879 when he moved to Lime Springs. In 1882, he organized the Exchange Bank and worked there until his death on 18 Feb 1907.

History of Chickasaw and Howard Counties,
By Robert Herd Fairbairn (Published 1919 - Volume II)
S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois
Transcribed by Leonard Granger