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Updated: Wed 7 Apr 2021
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ADOLPH ARNDT, busily engaged in agricultural pursuits in Howard County, his home being on section 18, Afton Township, was born in Germany, October 20, 1863, and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arndt, who in the year 1868 came with their family to the United States. They took up their abode in Mitchell County, Iowa, where they resided for a year, the father working on a farm during that period. He then brought his family to Howard County in 1869 and established his home in Afton Township, where he rented a farm, on which he lived for five years.

He was very desirous of owning property, however, and the family practiced economy as well as industry in order to gain a start. About 1874 therefore the father was enabled to purchase land, becoming the owner of a farm on which his son Adolph now resides. He and his wife continued to occupy that place until they were called to their final rest, the father passing away in 1912, while the mother's death occurred in 1909.

By the terms of his father's will Adolph Arndt came into possession of the old homestead property and has by an active, useful and well spent life justified his right to be classed with the representative farmers of this section of the state. He was only five years of age at the time of the emigration and a little lad of six years when the family arrived in Howard County. Here he has lived through the intervening period, covering a half century, and has been an interested witness of the development and improvement of this section of the state and has at all times given active aid and cooperation to projects for the public good.

His education was acquired in the public schools and his home training made him thoroughly familiar with the best methods of carrying on farm work. On his father's death he took over the management of the old home place, which he now owns and which is an excellent tract of land of one hundred and fifty-seven acres, situated on section 18, Afton Township.

In 1899 Mr. Arndt was married to Miss Mary Hohn and they have become the parent of nine children, namely: Arthur, Walter, Gertie, Hedwig, Edith, Elbert, Marty, Edward, and Minnie, all of whom are yet with their parents.

The religious faith of the family is that of the German Lutheran Church, their membership being in the church in Riceville. Mr. Arndt votes with the republican party and is a student of political questions and conditions, so that he is able to support his position by intelligent argument. He ranks with the substantial men and representative citizens of Afton Township and with its history is largely familiar, for through fifty long years he has witnessed the changes that have occurred and the work that has been wrought as Howard County has been placed upon a par in its opportunities and advantages with the counties of the older east.

History of Chickasaw and Howard Counties,
By Robert Herd Fairbairn (Published 1919 - Volume II)
S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois
Transcribed by Janice Sowers