Coach, Smoker and Pullman With Human Freight Are Smashed In Confused Mass of Bloody Wreckage.

Marshalltown, Iowa, March 22. Forty-five people were killed and 40 were Injured, many of them fatally In a wreck four and a half miles north of Green Mountain, Iowa, on a Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific passenger train. The train, which was a consolidation of No. 19 from Chicago and No. 21 from St. Louis, bound for Minneapolis, Minn., was being detoured over the track of the Chicago Great Western road. Running at about 30 miles an hour in a cut north of Green Mountain, the train struck a spread rail. The pilot locomotive jumped the track and with terrific force was buried ln an embankment of soft clay. A second locomotive, just behind the first, rolled over, and the impact of the sudden stop hurled all the rear cars forward. A coach, smoker and a Pullman car were smashed to splinters, almost all the occupants being killed or Injured. The superstructure of the Pullman was literally shaved off and was jammed like a ramrod through the smoker and day coach.

The following is the list of dead as far as identified.

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Adams, A. P.Willmar, Minn. Man supposed to be
Allschweger, LaurenOgden, Iowa.
Bamberger, JohnToronto, Ont.
Banbridge, JohnHartford, Ont.
Betts, Thomas G.Cedar Rapids, traveling salesman.
Biebuch, Louie F.Muscatine, la.
Blair, O. W.Sedalla, Mo., died at St. Thomas hospital.
Brown, Two young girls namedfrom Waterloo, identified among the dead, their father, mother and two sisters.
Bunt, George P.Waterloo.
Colton, Fred L.Washington, Iowa.
Davis, Mrs. WalterWaterloo.
Eggers, W. W.Ellis hotel, Waterloo.
Eves, C. G.West Branch, half of head off.
Fisher, F. F.West Branch, Iowa.
Fleck, WilliamVinton.
Girls, Twoone about five years of age, the other about 16.
Heacock, N. C.West Liberty, stock buyer.
Heinz or Hurtz, Frankaddress unknown.
Hoff, Caesar C. O.Minneapolis, mail clerk.
Hoffman, MaeWaterloo, Iowa.
Lewis, Mrs.Valley Junction, Wis., wife of Dr. Lewis.
Lyman, B. G. Mrs. of Cedar Rapids, died from injuries.
Lyman, F. D.Waterloo.
Main, Earl T.cashier First National bank, Wllllamsfield, IL.
Nauholz, JacobCedar Rapids, Iowa conductor of train No. 21.
Parish, MiltonCedarvllle, Mo.
Parrish, L.Cedar Rapids, professor Iowa state teachers college.
Pennington, H. L.Galesburg, IL. ,member Galesburg lodge, B. of R. T.
Phillips, AnthonyWaterloo.
Price, ArchieCedar Rapids, colored, porter.
Robinson, R. B.Cedar Rapids, engineer of engine 828.
Ross, ____ [George]Cedar Rapids, brakeman.
Servis, BessieWashington, la.
Tangen, Ingebret L.Northwood, Iowa.
Ward, Wm. West Branch or Cedar Rapids, la.
White, Andrew J.colored, 418 East Seventh Street, St. Paul.
White, Johnof Des Moines, pilot on the train for the Great Western, died from injuries.
Women, Tenfour men, one of whom Is supposed from a card in his pocket to be a resident of Dalhar, Tex.
Worthington, M. E. Mrs.Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Young, JennieVinton.

The Injured.
The following were among the injuried:
Abraham, AlfredClermont, S. D., bruised.
McDonald, A. S.Perth, N. D., head cut.
McDonald, A. S. Mrs.Perth, N. D. Jaw dislocated.
Moody, Wm.Menomonie, Wis., left arm fractured.
Russel, P. A.Grand Forks, N. D., badly bruised.
Russel, P. A. Mrs.Grand Forks, N. D., badly bruised.
Swanson, FrankWilton, N. D., leg cut.
Wallen, L. M. Washburn, N. D., head cut, collar bone broken.

The Train Wreck information was extracted from Library of Congress Micro-Film using: Chronicling America, transcribed and prepared for the Web by Bill Waters. This Report was published in the: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Mar. 29, 1910, LP, C1, 2

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