"This illustration was made from an old oil painting in
the possession of the Academy of Sciences. It
depicts the little frontier settlement on the banks of
the Mississippi about the time "The Daily Iowa State
Democrat" was founded here in 1855. Who painted the
original is not known. The importance of steam
boating is shown by the many craft on the river."
***** |
Daily Gazette,
October 27, 1879, page 4.
Sad and Fatal Accident
------ |
On the steamer Minnesota which arrived in port Saturday
morning, was brought the dead body of its engineer, a
young man in his twenty-third year -- Abner Bagley, of
Ripley County, Ind. Undertaker Boles was summoned by
Captain Bryson, and the corpse given to his care for
burial in Oakdale cemetery, the Northern Line Company
providing for the expenses. Bagley was a splendid looking
young fellow, six feet high and broad shouldered, and
very popular with the boat’s crew, and with men along
the river wherever known. His death was by accident, and
almost instantaneous. While the boat was approaching
Keithsburg, Friday evening, he went back to oil the
pitman, which in some way struck him back of the ear
causing almost instant death. While the boat lay at
Keithsburg the coroner was summoned, a jury impaneled,
and an inquest held, resulting in a verdict of
accidental death. Bagley’s father, who was an engineer on
the Golden Rule, an Ohio River steamer, died last summer
of yellow fever, leaving his son as the only support of
his mother and sisters. And now that support is suddenly
taken away from them. Bagley was buried Saturday morning
without any funeral exercises.
Trailways to Albany 2000
by Helen H. Hanson
"William and John Burns were the two engineers who
brought the August to Albany and Clinton from Davenport,
Iowa." |
William W. Burns |
The Davenport Democrat
and Leader, Sunday, February 16, 1913, page 7. |
DIES IN DAVENPORT ----- Wm. W. Burns One
of Old Packet River Men, Was Ill Several Months
----- |
William W. Burns, a riverman of the early day and a
resident of Davenport for 35 years, died at his home,
819 Brady Street at 4 o'clock, Friday afternoon. He had
been in ill health for several months but was confined
to his bed for but six weeks prior to his death.
The deceased was born August 16, 1843, in Pennsylvania,
and came with his parents to Iowa at an early age. While
yet a youth he worked with his father in packet service
on the Mississippi River. He was taught the trade of
river engineering by his father and during the Civil War
was employed on the passenger steamers plying as far
south as possible. As an engineer he became noted for
his coolness and bravery in the face of danger. As a
man, kindness and consideration for others won him
friends. He was especially fond of children who returned
the affection which he displayed for them. He was a
member of the Modern Woodmen of America for 25 years.
The deceased is survived by a wife, two sons, and six
grand-children. The sons are Harry and Isaac B. Burns of
Albany, Illinois. The grandchildren are Deida, William
D., Vetra, Cathyrn, Lillian and Bessie of Albany. The
funeral services will be held from the late residence,
819 Brady, at o'clock, Monday afternoon. The services
are to be private and it is requested that no flowers be
sent. The remains will be cremated.
The Daily
Times, February 15, 1913, page 7. |
William W. Burns, a pioneer
steamboat engineer, died at 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon at his home, 819 Street, aged 69 years. He had
been ill for six weeks.
Mr. Burns was born August
16, 1843, and came to Iowa with his parents before the
Civil War. His father being a river engineer, Mr. Burns
learned the business and served his first years as an
engineer on southern packets during the Civil war.
Mr. Burns is survived by his wife, two sons, Harry and
Isaac B. Burns of Albany, Illinois, and six
grandchildren. Private funeral services will be held at
2 o'clock Monday afternoon from the late home, with
incineration at the Davenport crematorium. The family
requests friends not to send flowers.
Davenport Democrat and Leader, Tuesday, February 18,
2015 |
----- Burns Funeral |
funeral of William W. Burns was held yesterday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the home, 819 Brady Street, with
incineration at the Davenport crematorium. Rev. W. H.
Blancke officiated at the home and also at the
crematorium, preaching a very eloquent sermon.
Pallbearers were Frank Andrews, M. V. Von Kostrick, C.
W. Schricker, John Bammer, Harvey Lyons and Albert
***** |
(once lived in
The Davenport Times, Aug. 29, 1901,
Pg. 6 |
Capt. Dixon, One of the best Known river
Men on the Upper river
A letter from
Capt. M. M. Looney from St. Michaels, Alaska, announces
the sudden death of Capt Decker Dixon, aged about 55,
who was one of the best known steamboat pilots on the
Mississippi. But scant particulars were given. The
letter is dated Aug., 9 and says Capt. Dixon died the
day previous. At circle City, Alaska, Captain Dixon had
eaten a hearty supper and seemingly was in the best of
health, had laid down for a short nap. About 10 o’clock
in the evening he woke with intense internal pains and
at 11:30 he died. The body is now on its way back to
Oakland, cal., where his family resides, and where
internment will be made.
Complete and full
particulars regarding the family life and death of Capt.
HOMASDixon, are practically unobtainable upon short notice.
He was one of the early pilots on the Mississippi and
had plied the river from head waters to mouth for many
years and on many boats. His home, the home of his
family. was in Dubuque. Ia., but it might be said that
the home of the captain was in a pilot house upon the
old father of Waters.
***** |
Pilot |
A Pilots Fate
Dixon suddenly summoned by the Grim Messenger -
His life
on the river. |
Sad news came to the wife, mother
and sister of Thomas Dixon, the well-known river pilot
of this city, yesterday morning.
It was the
intelligence they least expected, as one week ago last
Sunday he left this city to go up the river, and was
then in usual health. Of his death conductor W. M.
Shaddleger, of the Western Union Railroad, who reached
Rock Island yesterday morning, gives us these
particulars: Mr. Dixon boarded the train at Gordon's
Ferry, the first station below Dubuque, near midnight
Tuesday. He had a companion, his brother Dick, who took
care of him, as Thomas complained very much of pain,
groaned considerably and seemed to breathe with
difficulty. When near Clinton, Dick was dosing, and
Thomas arose and walked slowly toward the water closet.
Just as he had his hand upon the door, Dick, who had
been aroused, was by his side, when without word of
warning, Thomas sank down and died in the arms of his
brother. This was as the train pushed into Clinton. A
doctor was called, but he pronounced Thomas beyond the
reach of aid, though from what disease he died it is not
known: probably apoplexy.
Thomas Dixon was born in
Delaware County, O. in 1832 (?), and came to Davenport
when 10 years of age. For the past 29 years(?) he has
been on the river as mate or pilot, for several years
past the latter. Last year he ran the wheel of the
Maggie Reaney. His wife has been an invalid for some
years. His mother Mrs. Elizabeth Dixon, and sister, Mrs.
Druzzilla Hampton, live on the corner of Front and Rock
Island streets. The remains, accompanied by Richard
Dixon, reached the city last evening at 7 o’clock, and
the funeral will be held from the place named this
afternoon at 2 o’clock. Friends of the deceased are
invited to be in attendance.
***** |
The Davenport Democrat, Thursday, March 24,
1881, page 1.
At nine o’clock Tuesday evening, George W. LeClaire, son
of Captain David LeClaire, died at this father’s home
after an illness of but thirty-six hours--that is, his
illness was not considered serious until the
commencement of the period named. He was taken with
diarrhea about two weeks ago, but paid little attention
to it, and it did not weaken him enough to cause his
remaining at home but at 9 o’clock on the morning of
Monday a vomiting and purging spell came upon him, and
physicians were sent for--they pronounced his disease
inflammation of the bowels. He experienced little relief
save as anodynes were administrated, until eight o’clock
Tuesday evening, and at nine o’clock he died.
persons have died in Moline and Rock Island of the same
disease--and in Illinois it is known as winter cholera.
The deceased was born in Davenport, February 7, 1847,
and so was thirty four years of age at the time of his
death. He early adopted his father’s vocation, that of
pilot, and for years was well known among the fraternity
in the St. Louis, Davenport and St. Paul trade. He stood
at the wheel of several of the large packets for more
than ten years. He left the river in ‘78 and has lived
in Davenport since that time. He was unmarried.
time of funeral will be announced to-morrow.
Daily Gazette, Saturday, March 26, 1881, page 4. |
Announcement will hereafter be
made of the time of the funeral of the late George
LeClaire, who died of inflammation of the bowels
Wednesday night. The remains were deposited in the vault
at the cemetery yesterday.
Davenport Daily
Gazette, Thursday Morning, December 25, 1884, page 3. |
David N.
LeClaire |
The funeral of the late David
N. LeClaire, will take place from the residence of his
mother, Mrs. Sarah LeClaire, 915 Le Page street,
to-morrow afternoon, Friday Dec. 26. Services will be
held at the house. All friends of the family are
respectively invited to attend.
***** |
The Davenport
Democrat, January 7, 1902, page 4.
Researched by Sue Rekkas |
----- Seen by Ice Cutters As It Floated Past
Beneath Them- -Not Identified and Hardly in Shape to be
Recognized. ------ |
Ice cutters near the point
of the island opposite the Glucose works were treated to
a gruesome sight this morning when they saw the body of
a man floating under the ice on which they were at work.
They traced its course until it came up in a space of
clear water from which the ice had been cut, and then it
was secured, and ultimately turned over to the
undertaking firm of Runge & Petersen while Coroner
Lambach and Constable Holliday were notified.
had developed up to 2 o’clock this afternoon that threw
any light on the identity of the dead man. He had
apparently been in the water a long time, and the
remains were badly swollen, the hair ground from the
head by abrasion against the ice, the clothes covered
with mud and slime, so that there was little chance of
even a relative identifying the dead man. Arrangements
were made for an inquest which will be held at 5 o’clock
this afternoon.
Davenport Republican, Wednesday,
January 8, 1902, page 8.
----- |
OLESON ----- |
Corpse and Clothes May be Those
of Stonecutter Who Boarded at the National Hotel in This
City and Has not Been Seen for Six Weeks --Postal Card in
One Pocket. ----- |
The description of the body
and clothes of the floater found yesterday morning by
men cutting ice near the point of the island opposite
the Glucose works, answers in all particulars that of
Charles Oleson, a stone cutter formerly stopping at the
National hotel in this city. He disappeared five or six
weeks ago and has not been seen or heard of since. Dr.
Lambach, the coroner, expresses the opinion the body
found under the ice and removed to the Runge & Petersen
undertaking rooms by Constable Holliday, who took charge
of the case as soon as he arrived on the scene had been
in the water for a month or a month and a half. This
point of time since drowning is another in favor of the
theory that the remains are those of the missing Oleson.
Proprietor Drechsler of the National, was not able to
identify the corpse, however, though he could not say
the body was not that of his former boarder. The
examination was made by lamp light and the coroner has
arranged that some persons in the city who were better
acquainted with Oleson than Mr. Drechsler was will visit
the undertaking parlors this morning and endeavor to
identify the clothes.
The inquest was held last
evening at 5 o’clock, with Harry Hamann, Henry Hetzel
and Henry Kuehl as the jurors. The verdict returned was
that death had been the result of drowning in the
Mississippi river. The only paper found in the pockets
of the clothing was a postal card addressed to the
postmaster at Burlington, Ia., and reading as follows:
“Give Billy Kelly my mail and oblige.” |
The signature
was difficult to make out and appeared to be either N.
Oleson or N. Matson. The card was dated at Twentieth
street, Rock Island. The coroner prepared the following
detailed description of the body:
About 35 years of
age, possibly a few years younger or a few years older;
five feet 10 inches in height, red mustache, dark hair,
laced shoes, with the soles well worn; dark corduroy
pants, a soft shirt, with collar attached; a necktie,
sack coat of clay worsted cloth, a pepper and salt vase,
teeth sound in front, well preserved short and strong.
In the pockets were found, besides the card already
mentioned, two knives, a tooth brush and several
The Davenport Democrat, January 8,
1902, page 5. |
----- Had Been on the Young Several Years, and Disappeared
at Close of Last Season --Identified by Clothes and
Several Articles in His Pocket. ----- |
remains of the man found in the river Tuesday morning
were identified this morning as those of William Kelly,
formerly second mate on the Steamer W. J. young, and
connected with that boat for the past six years. A
member of Young’s crew called at the Runge & Petersen
undertaking rooms this morning, and found several things
among the effects of that man that showed that he was
none other than Kelly. In his pockets were keys that
fitted the ice box of the Young and the freight house at
Muscatine; and a pocket knife that had belonged to the
caller and which he had traded to Kelly about a week
before he saw him for the last time. His clothes were
also familiar to the visitor.
How Kelly got into the
river is not explained by the identification of his
body. The last seen of him was at the time of about the
last stop of the Young here this season. He came up into
town and was seen by one of the crew on Front street and
said that he would be down to the boat in a few minutes.
He never showed up, and was not seen again, it seems,
until his remains were found by his friend at the
undertaker’s rooms.
It is understood that he came out
here from the east, years ago. Whether he has any living
relatives or not is not known.
The Davenport
Times, Wednesday, January 8, 1902, page 4. |
WILLIAM KELLEY ----- He Was Second Mate On
The W. J. Young and Disappeared In November
----- |
The body of the floater found yesterday was
positively identified this morning as that of William
Kelley, formerly second mate on the W. J. Young. Kelley
disappeared Sunday Nov. 10, and since then nothing had
been heard from him. The body was identified by Schuyler
Peck, driver for Brick Munro, and formerly deckhand on
the W. J. Young. Identification was made by means of two
keys and a roughly-scrawled note.
"I was coming down Perry street this morning when Ed
Thomas called me,” said Peck. “He called my attention to
the story of the floater and said “I’ll bet that’s Billy
Kelley,” so we went down to look at the body. I knew the
face just as soon as I saw it. But the way we found out
for sure, was two keys in his pockets. One was to the
icebox on the Young, and the other was for the warehouse
at Muscatine.” There were two knives in the pockets of
the clothes and Thomas remembered one that Kelley had
traded for. There was a note, too, signed by somebody
named Maston or Madson. It was to the postmaster at
Burlington and said, “Please give Billy Kelley my mail.”
“I’ve known Kelley ever since 1894 when we started
working for Captain Blair,” said Peck. “He used to work
two or three months at a time and then go off and we
wouldn’t hear anything from him till he would turn up
again. He was fond of having a good time, but he always
saved a little money. He came out here from Buffalo, N.
Y., and was about 30 years old. He was single and had no
folks around here that anybody knows of. He may have had
some folks in Buffalo. He always went back and worked
there every winter and came back here in spring.
“Sunday, the tenth of November, he was paid off after
dinner and he gave Charley Moore, the cook, $5. The
Sunday before he had given him $5 too. He went up town
and had a good time all day. That is the last anybody
knew about him. Thomas thinks he came back to the boat
pretty late at night and tried to walk up the plank, but
fell off. He may have got caught under the barges down
in front of the levee, but nobody knows. The reason
nobody bothered about looking him up when he failed to
show up next day was because he often disappeared, and
as he had been paid off Captain Blair had nothing more
to do with him. “The $10 that is coming to him, I
suppose Moore has. He lives at New Boston.
The reason why Kelley was never hunted for
after his disappearance, was as Peck says, because the
men are paid off every Sunday after dinner and get no
more rations till the next day at noon. They are allowed
to sleep on the boat, but no account is taken of their
going or coming unless they get noisy and the watch man
has to put them off. As second mate, Kelley was little
more than a common roustabout and as he was a greater
drinker nobody cared when he failed to appear the next
Other people who remembered Kelley on the boat
agree with Peck and Thomas that the body is that of the
missing second mate. Peck and Thomas knew him better
than anyone else as they worked with him off and on, for
six years. And their reasons for thinking that Kelley
may have gone back to his regular haunts in Buffalo was
the cold weather and the near end of the season for the
Young, which came a week later. Kelley was well-known
about the Burlington levee and had more friends there
than in Davenport.
***** |
George Rebuer |
Daily Leader, Thursday, February 27, 1896, page 5.
REMINISCENT. ----- An Older River Man
Speaks of the False Work Wreck.
Superstructure of the present government bridge was
erected in the winter of 1872-1873, just after the great
Chicago fire. The ice had formed hard, heavy and early
that winter and on it moving in the spring the false
work put in place between the Iowa shore and the first
abutment or pier was carried away, though without much
damage to the bridge itself.
In conversation with
Captain George Rebuer, an old riverman, this morning a
Leader representative was told that after that disaster
the superintendent caused large ice breakers to be
placed on the east side of all the false work and
securely anchored to the piers. These devices
cut the floating ice much similar as the piers
disintegrate it now, thus minimizing the
pressure and protecting the bents and trestles
supporting the bridge proper."Something like
this," said he, "would have saved the bridge
from the catastrophe of last Tuesday." |
Photo by Sue Rekkas |
There is a
great deal of truth in the remarks of Mr. Rebuer, but
the Phoenix people were simply taken unawares. Had the
ice not moved until today the bridge would have been so
far completed as to be able to dispense with the
false work altogether, and that was the main reason why
the company did not resort to such measures for
protection. Enough dynamite was at hand to counteract
the effect of a move should any occur, but it was not
thought necessary to use it as the false work was going
to be removed entirely within 24 hours. Such a result of
the ice break was not anticipated, and it only serves to
show that human ingenuity and skill count for nothing
when the gigantic forces of nature are involved on the
other side.
The Davenport Daily Times,
Thursday Evening, May 28, 1896, page 3.
RIVER ----- |
Steamer Belcher Can Not Pass
the Moline Bridge. ----- |
Capt. Rebuer
attempted to make a trip up Rock River yesterday with
the steamer Belcher and a coal barge after a load of
that commodity. Rock River, however, is on a rampage at
present and the fact was clearly demonstrated to Capt.
Rebuer when the Moline bridge was reached. The hog
chains on the barge that the little steamer had in tow
were too high to allow the craft to pass under the
bridge. This was an unlooked for state of affairs as the
trouble was expected to come with the attempt of the
steamer to pass under the span and preparations had been
made to take off the pilot house and lower the smoke
stacks. As the boat with that barge was useless in this
case the trip was abandoned and with the steamer tied to
the bank the captain and his crew boarded the street car
and came home. Further operations are suspended until
the river drops.
The Davenport Times, Tuesday,
November 19, 1901, page 5.
----- Capt. Rebuer and Capt. Schricker Will
Moor Them Along Levee. ----- |
Capt. George
Rebuer, master of the Hennepin and the fleet which
navigated the canal was seen this morning and stated
that he had laid up his water craft for the winter.
He will spend the closed season making necessary
repairs. The fleet of barges will be moored on the levee
west of Harrison street.
Capt. Schricker will lay
up the Lone Star and barges also. The latter will occupy
their usual anchorage in Fishertown.
Republican, Friday, December 18, 1903, page 8.
------ Identified With the Navigation of the Upper
Mississippi River From The Early Day
------ |
Early yesterday morning occurred the death of George
Rebuer one of the oldest as well as the best known
citizens of Davenport and a man for many years
closely identified with the navigation of the upper
Mississippi river. His death was due to an illness of
about four months during which time he had rapidly
failed, growing weaker and weaker until his death
finally ensued yesterday morning shortly after midnight.
Mr. Rebuer was born in Switzerland in 1834, coming to
America at about the age of fifteen years. He settled in
Davenport shortly after his arrival in this country
taking up the occupation of a river man, gradually
advancing in his profession until he obtained the
position of captain and owner of a steamboat. He had
been until the time of his death actively engaged in the
boating business being the owner of the steamer
Hennepin, now in the sand and gravel business.
reputation as a riverman and business man in general is
well known over the upper part of the Mississippi, where
he had operated over a career of many years.
was, under the administration of Ernest Claussen,
alderman from the Third ward, serving but one term
because of the pressure of private business. As a
member of the city council he was active in the making
of many ordinances which were for the well government of
the city, retiring with credit. He was at the time
of his death sixty-nine years and three days of age, he
having passed his sixty-ninth birthday but a short
time previous to his passing away. He is survived by his
wife, Sophia, and one son, who is at present out of the
city, his whereabouts being unknown. He will be
located and notified of his father's death. The funeral
has not yet been announced.
The Davenport
Democrat, December 18, 1903, page 6. |
----- Rebuer
------ |
At his home, 712
West Third street, at 1 o'clock Thursday morning
occurred the death of Captain George Rebuer, the master
of the Hennepin, in the 69th year of his age. The
deceased came to his death by reason of a dropsical
aliment from which he had been suffering for some time.
He was one of the oldest and most respected citizens of
Davenport, and a captain well known upon the upper
river. He served as alderman
of the Third ward in
one city council during the years 1883-1884. The wife
and one son, Rudolph Rebuer, survive.
The funeral
will be held from the family home, 712 West Third
street, on Sunday afternoon.
Republican, Tuesday, December 22, 1903, page 7. |
----- The Rebuer Funeral |
funeral of the late Captain Geo. Rebuer was held Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late home, 712 West
Third Street, under the auspices of Scott and
Hermann lodges of the I.O.O.F., of which society the
deceased was a patriarch. Burial was made at
Fairmount cemetery.
Davenport Democrat and Leader, June 6, 1942, page 15.
Robert Rebuer,
67, 1416 Garden Avenue, retired river captain, died at
7:30 p. m. Sunday, in Mercy Hospital following an
extended illness.
Born April 18, 11875, in Davenport,
he was captain of a river boat for the Streckfus lines
until retiring in 1917. In 1916 he was married in this
city to Mary Murray, who survives.
Mr. Rebuer was of
Lutheran faith and a member of the Eagles.
services have been set for 2 p.m. Wednesday in the
Horrigan home for funeral. Burial will be in Fairmount
Robert Rebuer,
former river boat captain and lifelong resident of
Davenport, died in Mercy Hospital at 7:30 p.m. Sunday
following an extended illness.
Born here on April 19,
1875, Mr. Rebuer was married to Mary Murray in Davenport
in 1916. He had received his training in piloting from
his father, George Rebuer who was also a river captain.
He had been employed by the Streckfus lines until his
retirement in 1917.
Mr. Rebuer was of Lutheran faith
and was a member of the Davenport Aerie, Fraternal Order
of Eagles.
He is survived by his wife.
The body
was taken to the Horrigan home for funerals where
funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. Burial
will be in Fairmount cemetery.
The Daily Times,
Thursday, June 11, 1942, page 8.
Funeral services for Robert Rebuer were held at 2
p.m. Wednesday at the Horrigan home for funerals, with
C. U. Nolan, president of the Davenport Aerie No. 235,
Fraternal Order of Eagles, in charge.
The pallbearers
were Joseph McKeone, Hanes Voss, William Dunker, Frank
Boy, John P. Knuth and C. U. Nolan.
The Davenport
Democrat and Leader, June 11, 1942, page 15. |
Funeral services for Robert Rebuer,
former river boat captain who died Sunday, were held
from the Horrigan home for funerals at 2 p.m. Wednesday.
C. U. Nolan, president of the Davenport Aerie No. 235
Fraternal Order of Eagles was in charge. Internment
was at Fairmount cemetery. Bearers were Joseph
McKeone, Hans Voss, William Dunker, Frank Boy, John P.
Knuth and C. U. Nolan.
***** |
Republican, Friday, March 22, 1901, page 8.
FIRST IN THE SWIM ------ Steamer Lone
Star Inaugurates the Season of 1901. ------ |
Yesterday day morning the steamer Lone Star steamed
up the Mississippi from the South Rock Island ice harbor
and took the houseboat of the Sunfish Lake Club, which
was staked out near Cook’s point, in tow, and anchored
her on the shore off Long Island. Thus Captain
Schricker’s boat is the first of the season to use the
waters of the river at this point. The Sunfish Lake Club
will enjoy several days in going after ducks and other
The Davenport Times, November 19, 1901,
page 5.
THE BARGE FLEETS ----- Capt. Rebuer and Capt. Schricker Will Moor Them
Along Levee. ----- |
Capt. George Rebuer, master of the
Hennepin and the fleet which navigates the canal was
seen this morning and stated that he had laid up his
water craft for the winter. He will spend the closed
season making necessary repairs. The fleet of barges
will be moored on the levee west of Harrison street.
Capt. C. W. Schricker will lay up the Lone Star and
barges also. The latter will occupy their usual
anchorage in Fishertown.
The Democrat and
Leader, Sunday Morning, March 23, 1930, page 11.
------ C.W. Schricker Succumbs Saturday
Following Month’s Illness. ------ |
Christian W. Schricker
23 Jun 1858
Mar 1830
Fairmount Cemetery
Davenport, Iowa |
Photo by Sue Rekkas |
Capt. C. W. Schricker, 2027 Rockingham Road, well known
former river captain on the Mississippi and sand and
gravel dealer, died at 7:15, a.m. Saturday at his home.
Death terminated an illness of four week’s duration.
Capt. Schricker was born in St. Louis, June 28, 1859 and
came to Davenport with his parents when five years old,
residing here since. He was married to Miss Fredericka
For many years Mr. Schricker captained
steamboats from the timber regions in the north to
Davenport. He was later in the sand and gravel business
for 20 years, retiring five years ago. For the past 45
years he was a member of Fraternal lodge, No. 221, A. F.
& A. M. of Davenport.
Surviving besides the widow are
one son, Elmer C. of Davenport; three brothers and three
sisters, J. C. Schricker, George and Arthur Hoffman:
Mrs. Henrietta Hard, Mrs. Bertha Jansen and Mrs. Tillie
Meier, all of Davenport; and four grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 6:30 p. m. Monday at
the Runge chapel with burial in Fairmount cemetery.
The Davenport Democrat and Leader, Tuesday Evening,
March 25, 1930, page 17.
Obituary ------ The Schricker Funeral
----- |
Funeral services for
Capt. C. W. Schricker were held at 3:30 p. m. Monday at
the Runge Chapel with the Rev. M. A. Getzendaner
officiating. Services were in charge of Fraternal lodge,
No. 221, A. F. & A. M. Burial was made in Fairmount
cemetery. Pallbearers were John Volkens, Emil
Rohwedder, Herman Rohlfs, Charles Tank, Dr. Ed Strohbehn,
and Dick Heeschen.
***** |
JOHN SCHROEDER 1880 United States Census, Davenport, Scott, Iowa.
------ |
Schroeder John S., Male, 46, Holstein, Steamboat Man
The Davenport Democrat, July 18, 1902, page 5. |
Exiled From the
Fatherland in Quebec in 1854, and Successfully
Ran the Civil War Blockade -- His Career in Davenport
and Vicinity. |
At 6:30 o’clock this morning at
John Ahren’s home, upon the Washington Garden property,
occurred the death of John Schroeder, one of the best
known of the Schleswig-Holstein contingent in the city.
John Schroeder was never married. He came from his
native town Beldorf, in Holstein, Germany, in 1854,
where he was born on Nov. 27, 1832, then being 70 years
old at the time of his death. When he left the
Fatherland he came by sailing vessel to the Canadian
port of Quebec, and a year later came to Davenport.
He began the avocation of a raftsman, which he continued
until the year 1876, when he entered into partnership
with Captain George Rebuer, in the Sand and Gravel
company, under the name of Rebuer, Goos and Schroeder.
He continued in this business for five years, quitting
it in 1881 to take up an interest in the Montpelier tile
company. For the last ten years he has been a boarder at
the hostelry of John Ahrens, first at the Deutsches Gast
house on Second and Scott streets, and afterwards at
Washington Garden, where he died. Prior to that time he
boarded at the St. Louis house.
Mr. Schroeder was
always a great huntsman. The Wisconsin woods were as
familiar to him as were the streets of Davenport. He
accumulated a fortune during his career, which is
variously estimated at between $20,000 and $30,000.
He is survived by no direct heirs, the children of
deceased sisters, nieces and nephews will inherit his
estate. These are Claus and Henry Jordon of Keystone in
Benton county, Iowa, Mrs. Louis Hinz of Walcott, and
Mrs. Janus of this city.
In 1857 Mr. Schroeder
affiliated with Scott Lodge, No 37, I. O. O. F. under
whose auspices the funeral will be held Saturday
afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Washington Garden,
Gustav Donald officiating. The remains will be
In the early 90’s, Mr. Schroeder
accompanied by Julius Goos, were in New Orleans where
they witnessed the execution of the five Italians,
members of the Mafia order, for the murder of Chief
Hennessey. During the strenuous days of the Civil War
Mr. Schroeder successfully ran the Mississippi river
blockade bringing down provisions to the troops and
returning with contraband cotton. In 1889 Chief Piening
accompanied him to the South upon one of his many
hunting expeditions. During the recent Indian Outbreak
in the North Mr. Schroeder figured prominently, but
escaped with his life. Death occurred after a long
period of illness.
The deceased was over 6 feet in
stature in his stocking feet, and weighted about 280
pounds. He was remarkable for his physical strength and
endurance. Until cancer of the stomach called a halt in
his career, he was as good as four ordinary men, where
strength and weight were required. He left a collection
of trophies which would stock an ordinary museum.
Fairmount Crematorium Records Year 1902 |
# |
Name |
Age |
Place of Death |
Cause of Death |
Death Date |
Attending Physician |
184 |
John Schroeder |
69y 6m 21d |
City (Fairmount) |
Carcinoma of esophagus |
18 Jul 1902 |
Dr. Strohbelm |
Name of
Undertaker |
Date of
Incineration |
Hartwig |
19 Jul
1902 |
Fairmount Cemetery WPA Burial
Records |
Name |
Birth Date |
Death Date |
Johann Schroeder |
1832 |
18 Jul 1902 |
Probate of the will of John Schroeder,
for Order appointing Trustee,
and Directing Erection of
Monument. |
III. “It is my will and desire to set
apart Six Hundred (600.00) dollars to cover funeral
expenses and granite monument, and a small burial place
at the Fairmount cemetery.
It is my further Will and
desire that on this monument be engraved the following:-
“The three rings of the Old Fellows:- Born at
Holstein, Nov. 27th, 1832”, |
Also the date of death.
I further desire that my ashes be put in an urn and
placed and sealed up in the monument, and that Hans
Nissen be the conductor of my funeral.”
undersigned further shows to the court that it has
procured a lot costing One Hundred (100.00) dollars,
from the Fairmount Cemetery Association, being Lot No.
119, in Block Five (5) on the plat of said Cemetery, for
the purpose of erecting thereon a granite monument,
containing the urn holding the ashes of deceased. That
said Will fails to provide, or name, any person to whom
the deed to such cemetery lot may be executed as
grantee. That the said deceased had no relatives in this
country, his only relatives being residents of the
Empire of Germany in Europe. That it is necessary and
proper that some person should be named to whom the deed
to such cemetery lot may be executed in trust for the
heirs of said deceased.
This document goes on to
state that Louis Block, attorney for The German Trust
Company was appointed as the trustee to take the title
to the cemetery lot for the heirs of John Schroeder
deceased. This was done on the 21st day of October 1902.
However when the Author tired to find the monument
to obtain a picture of same for this record none could
be found or listed in the burial records of Fairmount
cemetery that were on Microfilm in the Special
Collections department of the Davenport, Iowa Library.