Iowa History Project



The Quakers of Iowa




Louis Thomas Jones




Part 2


Page 349

Lutheran Synodical Conference, membership of, 296

Lynn Grove Academy, 246

Lynn Grove Quarterly Meeting, 99

Lynn Preparative Meeting, failure of, to make charge against Gregg, 155-157, abolition

      of, 158

Lynnville, 125

McCarty, Joseph, report of, 219, 220, 221

McClure, Mr., 189, 191

McCool, Julia Ann, 176

McCool, Thomas, 176

McGrew, Jacob B., 308

Macy, Henry H., 308

Macy, Samuel, 324

Macy family, 34

Madison County, 163, 164, 333, academy in, 246

Magadee-Richmond road, 35

Mahaska County, Quaker settlement in, 52, 53; reference to 76, 78, 83, 333; mining of coal in, 86, 87

Maine, 69

Manners, description and explanation of, 269-277

Mansetter (England), 19

Marcussen, John, 178

Marengo, 60

Marietta, Monthly Meeting, 318

Marquette, Jacques, landing of, in Iowa, 300

Marriage license, exemption from necessity of securing, 267, 268

Marshall, William, visit of, to Jamaica, 234; report of, 234

Marshall County, Quaker settlements in, 53, 75; Norwegian Quaker community in,

      175-180; academies in, 246; reference to, 318

Marshall family, 34

Marshalltown, troubles of meeting at, 123; reference to, 125

Martin, Belinda Reece, 313

Martin, Daniel H., 313

Martin, Zenas L., 102, 313; labors of, as General Superintendent, 120, 121; sketch of life

      of, 313

Maryland, arrival of Fox in, 28; growth of Quakerism in, 28; maltreatment of Quakers in

      27, 28; reference to, 30, 149; settlement of Quakers in, 32

Massachusetts, laws against Quakers in, 27, 297, 298; execution of Quakers in, 27, 28;

      Yearly meeting of Friends in, 28

Maxon, William Brown's men lodged with, 192, 193; Brown's plans known by, 193

Maxwell family, 34

Meal-times among Friends, 281

Medhus, Gulik, 321

Meeting for Sufferings, origin and history of, 307

Meeting on Ministry and Oversight, statement by, 115; summer school favored by, 124

Meeting-house, building of, 45, 46, 54, 69; description of, 64, 258, 259; disagreement

      concerning location of, 78; building of temporary, 80, 81; plans for building of, 83;

      abandonment of, 145; provision for building of, 148, 149; building of, by Norwegians,

      175, 177; reference to 218; choice of iste for, 309

Meltvedt, Carney, acknowledgment to, 321

Membership, decline in, 88, 89, 115, 116, 150, 151; reasons for decline in, 89-92;

      additions to, through revivals, 101, 120, 286; absence of negroes in, 202; table relative

      to, 285

Mendenhall, Enos, 45

Mendenhall family, 34, 43

Methodist Episcopal Church membership of, 295; reference to, 310; number of members

      of, in penitentiary, 315

Methodist Protestant Church, membership of, 296

Page 350

Methodists, mission established by, 204

Mexico, missions in, 330

Mexico (Missouri), negro school at, 200

Miami (Ohio), 35

Michener, David O., 311

Michigan, 56, 71

Michigan, Territory of, 267

Middle Quarter (Jamaica), 239

Middle River settlement, 61

Migration of Quakers, 31-37

Miles, Benjamin, work of, among Indians, 212, 213; school conucted by, 224-226

      reference to, 324

Miles, Elizabeth B., work of, among Indians, 212; school conducted by, 224-226

Miles, Isaac N., 226

Miles, Laban J., 213, 214

Ministers, method of choosing, 112, 113; change in economic condition of, 114, 115;

      character of, 115; number of, among Quakers, 120; salaries of, 120; fund for care of

      aged, 122; methoed of training of, 124-126; course of reading for, 126 (see also pastors)

Minister, Board on Recording, duteis of, 113; reference to, 126-312

Ministry, change of policy toward, 104, 105; fundamental principles of, 109; change

      in system of, 110, 111; problems confronting, 111, 112; problem of payment of, 113,

      114; reasons for lack of efficientcy of, 116, 117; recommendation of Martin relative

      to, 120; efforst of Keates to improve, 123 (see also Pastoral System)

Minnealpolis, 83, 312

Minnealpolis and St. Louis Railway, 175

Minnealpolis Quarterly Meeting, 99

Minnesota, 101, 151

Mission Board, 237

Missionary Association, orgaization of, 232; work of, 233; reference to, 234, 235

Missionary Board, Home and Foreign, 233

Missions, 121, 150, 182, 199, 330; work of Quakers in, 128; labors of Quakers in, in

      Jamaica, 232-239

Mississippi River, 37, 38, 39, 43, 49, 56, 65, 66, 70, 73, 75, 79, 85, 137, 205, 304;

      first Quaker meeting west of, 44; first Quarerly Meeting west of, 54, 55; settlement of

      region west of, 67

Missouri, slave-catchers from, 51, 144; reference to, 138, 151; escape of slaves from,

      187-191; work of Iowa Quakers among negroes in, 199-201; negro schools in, 200

Missouri River, 61

Missourians, attempt of, to recapture slaves, 189-191; presence of, at Salem, 323

Mister, regection of term, 272

Mitchellville, reform school located at, 223

Moffitt, Charles W., 232

Monroe County (Ohio), 155

Montana, 151

Montgomery, Thomas, resignation of, 172, 173

Monthly Meeting, first, in Iowa, 44; establishment of, 52; character of, 74, duty of, in

      choice of ministers, 112; reference to, 264, 275

Moore, Thomas, 308

Morgan, J. W., statement by, 82; school founded by, 245; reference to, 308, 332;

       acknowledgment to, 309

Morgan, William B., 332

Morgan County (Ohio), 155

Mormons, objections of Quakers to, 51; reference to, 175, 317

Mosher, L. O., acknowledgment to, 317

Page 351

Mosher, Stephen, 149

Mt. Hamill, 302

Mt. Pleasant, 57, 323; reform school located at, 223

Mt. Vernon Quarterly Meeting (Nebraska), 92, 99

Muscatine, new gateway for Quakers at 53, 67, 68; reference to 208

Muscatine County, Hicksite Friends in, 149; reference to, 192, 318, 333

Music, attitude of Quakers toward, 275, 276

Names, use of first, 272

Nantucket, emigration of Quakers from, 32

Naylor, A. W., 311

Nebraska, 101, 151

Nebraska Yearly Meeting, establishment of, 92

Negroes, labors ofQukers in behalf of, 187-202

Negus, Israel, 308, 324

Negus, Jesse, 173, 174, 320

Neosho River, 204

Nettle Creek (Indiana), 142

Nevis, 297

New England, landing of first Quakers in, 24, 25; spread of Quakerism in, 28;

      suppression of Quakers in, 29; reference to, 154, 156, 279, 301

New England Yearly Meeting, Wilburite separation in, 154; reference to, 206, 298;

      regulation of dress by, 269, 270

New Garden, growth and decline of, 51; reference to, 55, 89, 137, 139; English Quakers

     at, 65

New Garden Monthly Meeting (North Carolina), 33

New Garden Quarterly Meeting (Indiana), anti-slavery activities at, 134

New Hope (Tennessee), 34

New Jersey, purchase of land in, by Quakers, 29; emigration of Quakers from, 32; reference

      to, 322

New Providence, 125, 313

New Providence Academy, 227, 246

New Sharon, 125

New York, 69

New York City, 61, 137, 234

New York Yearly Meeting, 81, 147, 206, 313

Newberg (Oregon), 310

Newberg Quarterly Meeting (Oregon), 92

Newhall, John B., statement by, 39, 40, 46

Newlin, Achsah, 44

Newport (Indiana) 134, 136

Newton, 60

Nicholson, Thomas, 172

Non-conformists, 17

Norfolk County (Virginia), disappearance of Quakers from, 32

North, Jesse, 154

North Branch, 173

North Carolina, growth of Quakerism in, 28; movement of Quakers in, 32; settlement of

      Quakers in, 32; emigraton of Quakers from, 33, 35; reference to, 52, 312

North Caroline Yearly Meeting, 56

North Dakota, 151

Northern Superintendency, 207

Northumberland (England), 22

Northwest Territory, 33, 133, 299; emigration of Friends to, 34-37

Northwestern Freedmen's Aid Commission, 199

Norway, visits of Quakers to, 23; reference to, 176; visit of Hoag to, 177, 178

Norwegian Friends, history of, in Iowa, 175-180; school maintained by, 179, 180

Norwegians, 321

Nottinghamshire (England), 19, 22

Oakley, 57, 60, 72, 304; English Quakers at, 59; William Evans at, 68

Oath, refusal of Quakers to take, 256

Ohio, settlement of Quakers in, 35, 36; reference to, 52, 69, 72, 149, 155, 158, 194

Page 352

Ohio River, 35, 49

Ohio Valley, 37

Ohio Yearly Meeting, 56, 147, 155, 199, 206, 306; Wilburite separation in, 154

Ohio Yearly Meeting of Wilbur Friends, 258

Oklahoma, 151

Oleson, Anna, removal of, to Marshall County, 176

Oleson, Soren, removal of, to Marshall County, 176

Olson, Anna, 179

Olson, Omund, 175

Orange Bay (Jamaica), 239

Ordinance of 1787, 33, 34, 37, 187

Oregon, 101, 151; emigration to, 205

Oregon Yearly Meeting, establishment of, 92

Oregon Friends, 88, 274, 277, 306; decline among, 88, 89; reasons for decline among,

      89-92; obliteration of ancient characteristics among, 95; effect of evangelism on, 96;

      ministry among, 109-117; method of choosing ministers among, 113; modern activities

      of Hicksite Friends and, 149-153; number of meetings of, 150; withdrawal of

      Norwegian Friends from, 179; possible reunion of Conservatives and, 183; Indian

      superintendency given to, 207; work of, among Indians, 208-214; missionary activities

      of, 232-239; prgressive character of, 257; membership of, in America, 296; birth-rate

      among, 309; uniting of, with other churches, 310; average salary and term of pastors

      among, 312

Osage Agency, 210, 224; conduct of, by Iowa Quakers, 210-214

Osage Agency Manual Labor Boarding School report on, 212, 213

Osage Indians, 208; beginning of work of Gibson smong, 209, 210; work of Iowa Quakers

      among, 211-214

Osage Reservation, 327

Osborn, Elwood, complaint against, 138; retraction of, 138, 139

Osborn family, 43

Oskaloosa, 7, 8, 76, 78, 82, 98, 125, 165, 168, 171, 236, 247, 248, 250, 309, 312; coal

      mine near, 86; orgaization of Conservative Yearly Meeting at, 170

Overseers, duties of, 274, 275

Owen, D. D., coal discovered by, 86

Owen, James, 205, 308

Pacific Coast, 31, 86, 241

Painter, John H., coming of, to Iowa, 68; meetings held at home of, 69; Brown at home of,

      193; Brown's plans known by, 193

Palestine, visits of Quakers to, 23; missions in, 330

Parents, moral teaching of children by, 262

Parker's Mill, 60

Parsons, Luke J., 323

Parsons (Kansas), negro school at, 201

Parvin, John A., bill introduced by, 218; reference to, 219, 221

Pasadena Quarterly Meeting (California), 310

Pastoral care, committees on, 103, 104, 106

Pastoral system, importance of, 103; origin of, 103, 105; adoption of 105-107; operation

      of, 107, 108; problems connected with, 108; reference to, 150 (see also Ministry)

Pastors, increase in number of, 107, 108; support of, 107, 108; duties of, 111, 114, 115;

      effect of constant changing of, 116; average salary of, 312; average term of, 312; sex of,

      314 (see also Ministers)

Pearce family, 34

Pearson, John, 311

Pearson, William, 308

Peasley, Enoch, 305

Pella, 62, 303

Penitentiaries, inmates of, 315

Page 353

Penn, Admiral, 29

Penn, William, statement by, 21, 22, 255, 262; cause of Quakers espoused by, 29; claim

      of, against crown, 29; grant of land secured by, 30; reference to, 156, 248; writings of,

      280; book published by, 295

Penn College, 8, 126, 227, 243; founding of, 247, 248; opening of, 248; work of, 249;

      campaign to raise money for, 249, 250; presidents of, 332

Pennsylvania, growth of influence of, 30; stronghold of Quakerism in, 30; emigration of

      Quakers from, 32, 35; reference to, 69, 215, 295, 301, 304, 322; flight of Coppoc

      through, 195; fines against Quakers in 295

Penrose, Clarkson T., 173, 174, 328

Peoria (Illinois), 70

Permanent Board, 307, 312

Persecution, extent of, 295

Pettit, William, 311

Philadelphia, 215, 248

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 56, 206, 306; Hicksite separation in, 146

Phillips family, 34

Picayune, 301

Pickard, Henry, 44

Pickard, James, 172

Pickering, John H., 311, 323

Pickering, Sarah Ann, 52

Pictures, 280

Pidgeon, Isaac, immigration of, to Iowa, 39-40; meeting of Street and, 40; cabin built by,

      40; cabin built by, 40; part of, in laying out of Salem, 41; reference to 46

Pidgeon, William K., 46

Pidgeon family, 43

Pierson, William L., 314

Pilot Grove, separation at, 171, 172

Platte Valley Quarterly Meeting (Nebraska), 92

Pleasant Plain, 49, 55, 76, 302, 304, 308, 328, 336; establishment of Quaker meeting at, 50;

      founding of, 52; early growth of, 52; English Quakers at, 62; first Sunday school at, 97

Pleasant Plain Academy, 246

Pleasant Plain Monthly Meeting, 54, 62

Pleasant Plain Quarterly Meeting, establishment of, 75; reference to, 77, 79, 83, 99, 332

Politics, attitude of Quakers toward, 128, 314

Polk County, 223

Pope, efforts of Quakers to convert, 23

Poughkeepsi (New York), 241

Poweshiek County, 333

Prairie Grove, founding of, 147

Prairie Grove Monthly Meeting, establishment of, 147, 148; building of meeting-house for,

      148, 149; reference to, 149, 318

Prairie Grove Quarterly Meeting, 149, 317, 318; scattered membership of, 151

Prayer, procedure during, 160

Preaching, attitude of Quakers toward, 110, 111

Preparative Meetings, establishment of, 50, 71; reference to, 52, 264; character of, 74;

      schools maintained by, 240, 241; queries read in, 274, 289, 290; position of, 306

Presbyterian Church, membership of, 295, 296; reference to, 310; number of members

      of, in penitentiary, 315

Presbyterian missionaries, 234

Primitive Baptist Church, membership of, 296

Pronouns, use of, by Quakers, 271

Protestant Episcopal Church, membership of, 296

Protestants, 88

Providence (Rhode Island), 118

Public schools, patronage of, 95; relation of Quakers to, 244, 245

Pugh, Polly, 40

Puritans, effort of church to crush advance of, 17; attitude of Quakers toward intolerance

      of, 18; objections of, to coming of Quakers, 25, 26; execution of Quakers by, 27, 28;

Page 354

      suppression of Quakers by, 29

Quaker meeting, change in character of, 95; description of, at present time, 110, 111;

      abandonment of old-time form of, 111; description of old-time, 258-261

Quaker Ridge, 70

Quakerism, character of message of, 17; rise of, in England, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23; spread of,

      in England, 20-23;  spread of, in colonies, 28; new opening for growth of, 29; stronghold

      of, in America, 30; moulding of, in Iowa, 37; beginnings of, in Iowa, 47; testing of,

      in West, 66; decade of expansion of, in Iowa, 67-73; vigor of western, 82; loss of

      distincitve features of, 89; factors in producing new form of, 95, 96; problems

      confronting, 117; view of modern in Iowa, 127-129; heydey of, in South, 299

Quakers, origin of testimonies and principles of, 18; protest of, against wrongs, 18;

      appreciation of work of, 18; persecution of, 23, 295; missionary zeal of, in early

      years, 23; landing of first, in America, 24, 25; objections of Puritans to coming of,

      25, 26; early experiences of, in American colonies, 25-30; pioneer character of,

      31; westward migration of, 31-37, 133-145, 187; first settlements of, in Iowa, 48, 49;

      spread of, into back counties in Iowa, 48-55; keenness of, for agricultural land, 49;

      reasons for coming of, to Iowa, 51; reasons for removal of, from southeastern Iowa,

      51; number of, in Iowa, 55, 88, 89; westernmost meeting of, 61; gateways for, into

      Iowa, 67; spread of settlements of, in Iowa, 67-73; increase in number of meetings of,

      74; first Yearly Meeting of, in Iowa, 80-84; emigration of, from Iowa, 85, 86; last fifty

      years of history of, in Iowa, 85-92; decline of settlements of, 86, 87; branches of, in

      Iowa, 85-92; decline of settlements of, 86, 87; branches of, in Iowa, 88, number of,

      in other churches, 90; inability of, to adapt themselves to changed conditions, 90, 91;

      uncertainty among, as to future, 92, 108, 182; liberalizing forces among, 92; obliteration

      of ancient characteristics of, 95; rise of evangelism among, 95-102; attitude of, toward

      study of scriptures, 96, 97; appearance of spirit of revival among, 103-117; objection

      of, to hireling ministry, 114; work of General Superintendent among, 118-123; lack of

      leadership among, 116; Christian Workers' Assembly conducted by, 124-126; position

      of, in modern life, 127-129; Hicksite branch of, in Iowa, 146-153; Wilburite branch of,

      in Iowa, 154-162; Separation of 1877 among, 163-170; Norwegian branch of, 175-180;

      labors of, in behalf of negroes, 187-202; relations of, with John Brown, 191-197; work

      of, for freedmen, 197-202; work of, in behalf of Indians, 203-214; plan of, adopted  by

      Grant, 207; missionary activities of, 232-239; educational work among, 240-250; 

       religious beliefs of, 253-257, 295; description of meetings of, 259-261; marriages        

      among, 262-268; marrying of, with outsiders prohibited, 263, 264; exemption of,

      from marriage laws, 267, 268; dress of, 269-271; manners and customs of, 269-277;

Page 355

      terms of address used by, 271, 272; first names used by, 272; attitude of, toward

      funerals, 272, 273; attitued of, toward gravestones, 273, 274; circumspection in

      temporal affairs among, 275; attitude of, toward amusements and fiction, 275-277; home

      life among, 278-281; calendars of, 280, 281; queries asked of, 289, 290; marriage

      certificate of, 291, 292; origin of term, 297; other names borne by, 297; law against,

      in Massachusetts, 297, 298; politics of, 314; number of, in penitentiary, 315

Quarterly Meetings, establishment of, 72, 75, 83; character of, 74, 75; number of, 88,

      duty of, in choice of ministers, 112; committees of, on welfare of negroes, 198; schools

      maintained by, 241

Quebec, 178

Queries, 289, 290

Randolph County, (Indiana), 41

Ratliff, Ephraim B., 172, 182, 308

Reader, Rachel, 52

Realf, Richard, 323

Red Cedar, 154, 158, 304, 308

Red Cedar Monthly Meeting, establishment of, 69; growth of, 69; reference to, 71, 155,

      244, 304, 305, 319; attempt of, to discipline Gregg, 155-158; Wilburite separation in,

      157, 158; Gregg disowned by, 158

Reece family, 34

Rees, Eli, 314

Reese, William, 308

Reform school, use of White's Institue as, 218-223; location of, at Mt. Pleasant, 223;

      location of, at Mitchellville, 223

Reformation, 20

Reformed Dutch Church, membership of, 296

Reformed German Church, membership of, 296

Religious beliefs, statement of, 152, 153, 253-257, 295

Renewals, number of, 286

Representative Meeting, subject of Indians taken up by, 205, 206

Republican Party, 314

Resurrection, 254

Revival, appearance of spirit of, 97, 90

Revival meetings, recommendation relative to, 121; holding of, among Quakers, 164, 165;

      number of, held, 286; reference to, 303

Revolutionary War, 34, 295

Rhode Island, spread of Quakerism in, 27

Richards, Jonathan, 210

Richardson, Richard, 323

Richland, 49, 55, 62, 304; founding of, 52

Richmond (Indiana), speech of Clay at, 135; reference to, 137

Richmond Declaration, 257

Rinden, Jon, 321

Robinson, Ann, 233

Robinson, William, banishment and execution of, 27

Rocky Mountains, 119

Rocky Run, founding of, 52; reference to, 62

Rogers, Ansel, 71

Roldol Valley (Norway), emigration from, 178

Rosenberger, Absolom, 314, 332

Roundheads, 17

Rowntree, Henry, 324

Ruebottom, Thomas, 44

Rushville (Illinois), 38, 39

St. Albans (Maine), 118

St. Joseph (Missouri), negro school at, 200

St. Maria (Jamaica), 239

Salaries, recommendation relative to, 120

Page 356

Salem, 39, 47, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 64, 98, 134, 135, 1356, 172, 176, 191, 199, 208, 219,

      222, 300, 303, 304, 308; early growth of, 41-44; laying out of, 41; establishment of

      Monthly Meeting at, 44, 45; building of meeting-house at, 54; English Quakers at, 57,

      63, 64, 137, 138, 139-144; position of, 67; anti-slavery separation at, 138, 139;

      development and decline of anti-slavery separation at, 144, 145; Norse meeting-house

      near, 175; activities of Quakers at, in behalf of slaves, 187-191; purchase of land for

      school near, 216; educational isntitutions at, 241-243; Missourians at, 323

Salem (Indiana), 300

Salem (New Jersey), 300

Salem (Ohio), 300

Salem (Oregon), 310

Salem Monthly Meeting, establishment of, 44, 45; reference to, 49, 54, 63, 146, 171, 242

      300, 333, 336; committee of, to investigate study of scriptures, 97; committee of, on

      pastoral care, 103; anti-slavery separation in, 138, 139; English deputation at, 143;

      burying ground purchased by, 145; message of, to Indians, 203, 204; interest of, in

      education, 241

Salem Quarterly Meeting, establishment of, 54, 55, 75; reference to, 64, 77, 99, 243;

      separation in, 171, 172

Salem Quarterly Meeting (Oregon), 92

Salem Quarterly Meeting of Conservative Friends, organization of, 172; closing of, 182

Salem Seminary, founding of, 242; work of, 242; reorganization of, 242

Salutations, 304

Salvation Army, 233

Sanctification, teaching of, 256

Sanctification, number of, 286

Scandinavians, prosperity of, 320

Scattergood Boarding School, description of, 160, rules and regulations of, 160, 161;

      effect of training received at, 161, 162

Scearcy, William, statement by, 302

Schooley, James, 305, 324

Schoolhouse, services held in, 148, 177

Schools, survey of, among Quakers in Iowa, 240-250

Schuyler County (Illinois), 38

Scotland, spread of Quaker faith to, 22

Scripture schools, 83; introduction of, 95; origin of, 97

Scriptures, knowledge of, in England, 21; attitude of Quakers toward study of, 96, 97

Seaside (Jamaica), 237, 239

Sedalia (Missouri), negro school at, 200; abandonment of school at, 201

Seebohm, Benjamin, 55, 56-66, 68, 303; preaching by, 59, 64; hardships of, 62, 63;

      departure of, from Iowa, 65, 66

Seminaries, 241, establishment and maintainance of, by Quakers, 243-247

Separation of 1877, 98, 104; history of, in Iowa, 163-170

Separatists, 17

Shambaugh, Benj. F., editor's introduction by, 5; acknowledgment to, 9

Sharpless, Evi, desire of, to visit West Indies, 233; labors of, in Jamaica, 234, 235

Sherman, Anna, 239

Silent worship, abandonment of, 111

Siler, Jeremiah H., 44

Siveter, Thomas, 308

Skunk River, 49, 67

Slaughter, Mr., 189, 191

Slave trade, attitude of Quakers toward, 187

Page 357

Slavery, protest of Quakers against, 18, 133; emigration of Quakers on account of,

      35-37; opposition of Quakers to, 133-145, 187; first formal document against, 315

Slaves, escape of, from Missouri, 188-191; attempt of Missourians to recapture, 189-191; bringing of, to Springdale by Brown, 194; fugitive, 322, 323

Smith, Benjamin, 308

Smith, Evan, 158

Smith, William P., 311

Snow, G. C., 210

Sonship, 254

South, migration of Quakers to, 32; emigration of Quakers from, 35-37; work of Quakers

      among negroes in, 199-201; heydey of Quakerism in, 299

South Carolina, settlement of Quakers in, 32; emigration of Quakers from, 35, 36; reference

      to, 38

South River, 308

South River Quarterly Meeting (Nebraska), 92

Southland College, 201

Spanish, 67

Spiritualists, number of, 296

Spring bank Quarterly Meeting (Nebraska), 92

Spring Creek, 53, 76, 78, 247, 308; English Quakers at, 62; description of, 80; first

      Yearly Meeting at, 80-84; decline and disappearance of, 86, 87

Spring Creek Boarding School, 82

Spring Creek Institute, 248

Spring Creek Preparative Meeting, 62

Spring Creek Quarterly Meeting, establishment of, 83

Spring River, 55

Springdale, 69, 70, 208, 323, 325; separation at, 172, 173; John Brown and his men at,

      191-197; schools at, 244, 245

Springdale Monthly Meeting, 173, 245, 324; statement by, concerning Brown, 195, 196

Springdale Preparative Meeting, 197

Springdale Quarterly Meeting, 99

Springdale Quarterly Meeting of Conservative Friends, establishment of, 174

Springdale Seminary, history of, 244, 245

Sprinfield (Missouri), negro school at, 200

Springville, 152, 154, 158

Springwater Preparative Meeting, establishment of, 71, 72

Spurrier, R., 46

Squatters, rush of, into Iowa, 48

Stacey, George, addres read by, 139, 140; reference to, 141, 143

Stafford, Thomas, 53, 62; coming of, to Iowa

Stanfield family, 34

Stanford Seminary, 246

Stanley, Jeremiah, 158

Stanley, Sada M., 238

Stanley, Thomas, visit of, among Indians, 203, 204; work of, among Indians, 204, 205

Stanton family, 43

Staples, Asa, 305

Starbuck, Isaac, 308

State, White's Institute under control of, 218-223

Stavanger, 175; beginnings of, 176; meeting established at, 177; meeting-house erected at,

      177; union of Friends at, with Conservatives, 178, 179; boarding school at, 179, 180;

      unique character of, 180

Savanger (Norway), emigration from, 178; reference to, 321

Stephenson, Marmaduke, banishment and execution of, 27

Stevens, Aaron D., 323

Stockholders' Association, 246

Story County, Quakers in, 53

Stratton, Elisha, 305, 308

Street, Aaron, coming of, to Iowa, 39, 40; meeting of Pidgeon and, 40 part of, in laying

      out of Salem, 41; reference to, 45, 46, 190, 300

Page 358

Street, Aaron Jr., 138

Stuart Monthly Meeting, 233

Sugar Creek, 175, 176

Summer School, holding of first, 124; change of name of, 125

Summit Grove Monthly Meeting, separation in, 168

Sunday schools, introduction of, 95; origin of, 97; reference to, 220; contributions of, for

      missions, 236

Surveyor, 48

Susquehanna Indians, attempt of Quakers to purchase land from, 29

Sweet, Charles W., 315

Swift, Arthur H., missionary labors of, in Jamaica, 236-238; death of, 238

Swift, H. Alma, missionary labors of, in Jamaica, 238

Tabor, Erwin G., 311

Tatum, David, 305

Tatum, Laurie, Enlish Quakers at home of, 59; coming of, to Iowa, 68; meetings held at

      home of, 69; reference to, 116, 308, 324, 326; Indian agency of, 208; appointment of,

as Indian agent, 209

Taylor, Mary T., 227

Taylor, Silas, 227

Teas family, 43

Tennessee, 33, 52, 60, 299; Quakers in early history of, 34

Testimonies, origin of, 18; reference to, 256, 261; persecution because of, 295

Texas, 101

Thatcher, David, 311

Theater, attitude of Quakers toward, 275, 276, 277

Thee, use of word, by Quakers, 271, 272

Thomas family, 43

Thompson, Olney, 308

Thompson, Torno, 321

Thornburgh family, 32

Thorndyke, Anna, 248

Thorndyke, Henry, 248

Thorndyke Institute, 248, 332

Thou, use of word, 271, 272

Three River, region of, 53, English Quakers at settlement on, 60, 61

Tidd, Charles H., 323

Timer in Quaker meeting, 260

Tipton, 304

Titles use of, by Quakers, 272

Tomlinson, John, 308

Towns, movement of poputlation to, 89, 90

Townsend, Elizabeth R., missionary work of, 235

Townsend, James, 192

Townsend, Jesse, missionary work of, 235

Training School for Indian Children, 225

Travelers Rest, 192

Trueblood, Benjamin, 311, 332

Trueblood, Mathew, 172

Turkey, visit of Quakers to, 23

Underground Railway, stations on, in Iowa, 138, 192; operation of, 188, 189

Union College Association of Friends, 248

Union Quarterly Meeting (Nebraska), 92

Unitarian Church, 310

United Brethren Church, membership of, 296; number of members of, in penitentiary, 315

United Norwegian Lutheran Church, membership of, 296

United Presbyterian Church, membership of, 296

Universalist Church, 310

University of Iowa, State, 245

Van der Zee, Jacob, acknowledgment to, 8

Vermillion Monthly Meeting (Illinois), 44, 300

Vinye, Mons, 321

Virginia, growth of Quakerism in, 28; settlement of Quakers in, 32; emigration of Quakers

      from, 32, 35; reference to, 147, 149, 187, 195, 301

Page 359

Waldron, Dr. 235

Wapsinonoc Monthly Meeting, 149, 318

War, protest of Quakers against, 18, 246, 257

War, Department of, 207

Warren County, Quaker settlements in, 53; academy in, 245; reference to, 302, 333

Warwickshire (England), 19, 22

Washington, 151, 226

Washington, D. C., 207

Washington County, 58

Washington County (Ohio), 155

Washington Territory, 101

Way, Paul, 190, 323

Wayne County (Indiana), 41

Wayne Township (Henry County), 147

Wedding dinner, 266

Wesleyan missionaries, 234

West, migration of Quakers to, 31-37, 85, 86; testing of Quakerism in, 66; population

      of, 67; Quakers in other churches in, 90; contact of Quakers with Indians in, 203;

      reference to, 205, 240

West Branch, 125, 159, 160, 163, 180, 319, 320, 328; separation at, 173, 174; arrival

      of Brown at, 192; Indian school at 225

West Branch Academy, 246

West Branch Quarterly Meeting, 174

West Branch Quarterly Meeting of Conservative Friends, 182

West Indies, mission work in, 121; reference to, 233

West Liberty, Hicksite Friends at, 149; reference to, 317

Western Plain, 76

Western Plain Quarterly Meeting, establishment of, 72, 75

Western Quarterly Meeting, 44, 54

Western Yearly Meeting, 81, 199, 206

Westmoreland (England), 22

Weston (Missouri), negro school at, 200

Westward movement, line of, 33

Whig party, 315

White, John, 309

White, Josiah, schools provided for in will of, 215, 216; reference to, 217, 218, 225, 228,

      231; attempt to fulfill will of, 226-231

White, Mary E., 238

White's Iowa Manual Labor Institute, provision for, 215, 216; early years of, 216-218;

      operation of, by State, 218-223; Indian school at, 224-226; period of decline at, 226,

      227; law-suit concerning, 227-229; recent years at, 229-231

Whitewater (Indiana), 54

Whitewater Valley, 35

Whittier, 158

Whittier, John Greenleaf, 331

Whittier College, 98, 227, 331, 332; meetings held by students of, 171; history of, 242, 243

Wilbur, John, controversy between Gurney and, 154; sketch of life of, 318

Wilbur Friends, origin of sct known as, 154; appearance of, in Iowa, 154-158; growth of

      meetings of, in Iowa, 158; characteristics of, 158, 159; number of, 159; refusal of, to

      unite with other branches, 159; school maintained by, 160-162; reference to, 181, 257,

      277; uniting of, with other churches, 310

Williams, Francis, 154

Williams family, 52

Williamsburg (Indiana), 41

Wilson, Abram, 174

Wilson family, 43

Winneshiek County, Quaker settlements in, 70-72; reference to, 305

Winneshiek Monthly Meeting, establishment of, 71, 72

Winneshiek Quarterly Meeting, 83, 99

Wisconsin, 101, 176

Page 360

Wisconsin Territory, 44

Wise, Henry A., 195

Wit, character of Quaker, 279

Women, ministry of, 261; reason for separate meetings of, 261

Women's Foreign Missionary Society, 236

Wood, Joseph M., 149

Woodward, P. C., 52

Woodward, Stephen, 62

Woody, John W., 242, 332

Woolman, John, 36

Wooten, Isom P., 101, 311, 313; labors of, as General Superintendent, 119, 120; revival

held by, 165, 166

Worcester (Massachustetts), 236

Wright, John, 149

Wrightsborough (Georgia), 36

Yadkin County (North Carolina), 313

Yadkin River, 33

Yearly Meeting, first, in America, 28; need for, 73, 75; character of, 75; proposal for

      establishment of, 75-77; holding of first, in Iowa, 80-84; duty of, in choice of ministers,

      113 (see also Iowa Yearly Meeting)

Yearly Meeting Boarding School, 215

Yocum, Anna, 179

Yorkshire (England), 22

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