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 Iowa History

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Harlan, Edgar Rubey.
A Narrative History of the People of Iowa.
 Vol IV. Chicago: American Historical Society,  1931


GEORGE INNES, Davenport manufacturer, inventor and business man, is a native of Iowa, and a man of international prominence, having for a number of years devoted his abilities as a business man and a part of his private fortune to the development of foreign missionary and educational enterprises, a work that has brought him in contact with many eminent personages of the old world.

Mr. Innes was born in Grant Township, Tama County, Iowa, February 8, 1873, son of James and Elizabeth (Munro) Innes.  Both of his parents were born in Scotland, having been brought to America when children, and were married at Ontario, Canada, George innes graduated in 1894 from Tilford Collegiate Institute at Vinton, Iowa, and in the same year entered on a business career as treasurer of the Eagle Grove Electric Company.  In 1902 he established a lumber business at Rushmore and Magnolia, Minnesota, was made cashier of the First National Bank of Rushmore in 1905, and in 1907 became president.  Since 1905 Mr. Innes has been prominently identified with the colonization and development of lands in Western Canada, particularly in Saskatchewan.  He still has large holdings, and in the center of one of his colonization projects was founded a town named in his honor, Innes.

Mr. Innes some years ago invented what is known as the Innes Grain Shocker, and in the industrial community of Bettendorf, at Davenport, he is president of the Innes Manufacturing Company, operating  a modern plant for the manufacture of the Innes Shocker and Innes Pick-up and Innes Two Sickle Windrowers, which have had a wide use and are valuable time and labor savers in the great grain fields of the West.  His time and study have been given to the improvement and perfection of these harvesting appliances.

In 1908 Mr. Innes and his wife and two sons made a trip around the world, visiting England, France, Germany, Palestine, China, Korea, Japan, Egypt and other countries.  This trip aroused in him an enthusiasm for missionary work that has taken a great deal of his time during the past twenty years.  He has assisted in promoting and maintaining many foreign missions.  The chief object of his work in this field has been in providing the opportunities for higher educational training in Egypt.  On his first world tour he discovered that Egypt had no institutions of learning providing facilities above the equivalent of an American high school, this being true of all the missions schools and government schools in the country.  For ten years Mr. Innes labored in cooperation with missionary organizations, education societies and prominent individuals in bringing about the establishment of the American University at Cairo, an institution that now has a financial status of approximately two million dollars and is already functioning as a school equipped to provide learning and training for leadership among the promising native sons of the country.  Mr. Innes is a member of the board of trustees of the university.  In the work of promoting the school he was associated with the late Lord Kitchener and had the cooperation of other British officials.  For over ten years he gave all his time to these lines of philanthropic work and from 1910 to 1921 made his home at Philadelphia.  Since his world tour he has made several trips to Europe.  While living in Philadelphia he was a director of the Sunday School Times.

Mr. Innes now resides on Hillcrest Avenue in Davenport.  He is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Davenport, and is a member of the United Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, which conducts all American missionary work of the church in Egypt.  He is a former committeeman of the laymen's missionary movement of New York and a member of the Davenport Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Innes married, October 26, 1898, Edith Elizabeth Brainerd, of Eagle Grove, Iowa.  They are the parents of four sons, Brainerd Munro, John Sweet, Robert George and Donald Watson.  The oldest son is a graduate of Princeton University.


CHARLES W. IRELAND has lived in Jefferson County all his life, and the people of that county have repeatedly shown their confidence and trust in his ability by electing him again and again to the office of clerk of the District Court.

Mr. Ireland was born on a farm near Fairfield, September 2, 1890, son of E. W. and Belle (Greenwood) Ireland.  His father spent his active life as a Jefferson County farmer, and is still living in Fairfield.  The mother died in 1921. They were married October 19, 1876, and of their ten children nine are living today.

Charles W. Ireland grew up on a farm, was educated in rural schools and in 1911 graduated from the Fairfield High School as valedictorian of his class.  On his student record in high school he was awarded a one-year scholarship in Parsons College, and completed the full course in that  institution, graduating Bachelor of Philosophy in 1916.  He also had one year of commercial work in the Waterloo Business College.

Shortly after returning home, in 1917, he joined the colors, and at Camp Dodge was assigned duty in the Ordnance Corps.  In March, 1918, he sailed from Hoboken, New Jersey, landed at Bordeaux, and was on duty at Is sur Tille until July, 1919.  Returning home, he was mustered out at Camp Dodge, July 24, 1919.

Mr. Ireland after his release from military duty became a clerk in the county treasurer's office at Fairfield.  A year and a half later he was elected for his first term as clerk of the District Court, in 1922, and is now in his fourth consecutive term in that office.  Mr. Ireland is a member of the Masonic fraternity, is a Republican in politics and is affiliated with Allen Jewett Post No. 47, American Legion.  He is unmarried.


CHARLES EDWARD IRWIN is one of the valued members of the medical and surgical profession of Cedar Rapids, where he has carried his experience beyond the field of general practice into specialization in internal medicine and X-ray diagnosis.  He has also made a thorough and careful study of medical treatment for migraine and toxic goiter, and during the past ten years of his practice has devoted special attention to the treatment of these human ailments.

Doctor Irwin was born on a farm near Belle Plaine, in Poweshiek County, Iowa, February 5, 1890, son of James Henry and Harriett (Duffield) Irwin.  His father was born in New York State, February 5, 1855, and two years later accompanied his father, Christopher Irwin, to Cedar County, Iowa.  The family first located near Tipton and later on a farm near Brooklyn in Poweshiek County.  James Henry Irwin taught school there until his marriage.  His wife was a daughter of James R. Duffield, one of the early county superintendents of schools of Poweshiek County and a farmer.  After his marriage James Henry Irwin took up farming, but in 1904 moved from his farm to Belle Plaine and was one of the organizers and is vice president of the Corn Belt Bank of that town.  He has been an influential member of the Democratic party in his section of the state, and twice was chosen mayor of Belle Plaine.  He is a member of the Masonic bodies of Belle Plaine.

Dr. Charles Edward Irwin was the third in a family of four sons.  He attended high school at Belle Plaine, taught a rural school in Benton County one year, and for one year was assistant principal of the West School at Vinton, Iowa.  During 1910-11 he was a student in the Iowa State College at Ames and then spent two years in the medical department of the University of Illinois.  He returned to Iowa to complete his general education in Cornell College at Mount Vernon, graduating Bachelor of Science in 1916.  He then resumed his work with the College of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Illinois, at Chicago, graduating M. D. June 8, 1918.  While in medical school he was enrolled as a reserve officer in the United States Naval Medical Corps, and after graduating was made lieutenant, junior grade, in the United States Naval Reserve Corps.  Doctor Irwin had his interne experience in the Los Angeles, California, County Hospital.

He has made his home at Cedar Rapids since January, 1920.  For a  few months he was associated in practice with Dr. James R. Scott, former pathologist in the United States Army School.  In recent years much of his work has been in internal medicine, and in addition to the opportunities afforded by his practice he has studied in Saint Louis University and at Chicago, specializing in surgical technique and X-ray work.  He is a member of the Radiological Society of North America, the Linn County, Iowa State and American Medical Associations, and is a member of the staff of Saint Luke's and Mercy Hospitals at Cedar Rapids.

Doctor Irwin is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, a member of the Nu Sigma Nu, the American Legion and Saint Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church.  His chief diversion in the way of sport is target and trap shooting.

Doctor Irwin married at Belle Plaine, September 12, 1917, Miss Jessie Olive Fisher, who was born and reared there.  Her parents, Luther and Margaret (Montgomery) Fisher, are now deceased and both were of early pioneer Iowa stock.  Her father was a farmer and stock raiser and dealt extensively in Iowa lands.  Doctor and Mrs. Irwin have one son, Edward Fisher Irwin.


HON. JOHN N. IRWIN was one of Keokuk's foremost business men and citizens.  However, the honors given his name were not confined to this section of Iowa.  Two far western states include his name and record as governor during their territorial periods, and later he was chosen as an ambassador from this country to a European nation.

Governor Irwin was born in Butler County, Ohio, December 25, 1843, and his parents moved to Keokuk, Iowa, in 1856, when he was thirteen years of age.  He attended public schools in Iowa, was graduated from Dartmouth College in 1867, and had active service as a soldier during the Civil war, first with the Ohio "Squirrel Hunters" and then in the Forty-fifth Iowa Infantry.  For a time he studied law at Keokuk, in the firm of Rankin & Miller, and was also a law student at Cincinnati with a distinguished Ohio attorney, Stanley Matthews.  After being admitted to the bar he was associated with James Hagerman, but eventually gave up the law to devote his entire time and energies to commercial interests.  he entered the wholesale dry goods business at Keokuk with his father, and had an interest in the business at the time of his death.  He was also organizer of the Keokuk Loan & Building Association, and was the first president of the Keokuk Opera House Company.  At the time of his death he was president of the Irwin-Phillips Company, president of the Mississippi River Power Company, director of the Keokuk Savings Bank and director of the Iowa State Insurance Company.

Mr. Irwin served five terms as mayor of Keokuk, and was also a member of the State Legislature.  He was a Knight Templar Mason and belonged to the Delta Kappa Epsilon college fraternity.

In 1883 President Arthur appointed him governor of Idaho Territory, and in 1890 President Harrison again called him form his business and professional duties at Keokuk to become governor of Arizona Territory.  A still more signal honor was conferred upon him in 1899, when President McKinley appointed him American minister to Portugal, located at Lisbon.  Governor Irwin resigned from each of these offices, after having rendered service in keeping with his exalted personal character and his business ability.

John N. Irwin died December 22, 1905, at the comparatively early age of sixty-two.  He married Miss Mary Love Rankin, of Keokuk.  They were the parents of four children:  John Rankin Irwin; Mrs. Rolla M. Kendrick, of Saint Louis; Elizabeth Stephanie Irwin, who lives with her mother in Keokuk; and Stephen, who died at an early age.


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