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 Iowa History

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Harlan, Edgar Rubey.
A Narrative History of the People of Iowa.
 Vol III. Chicago: American Historical Society,  1931

p. 33
    CARL LeBUHN is a native son of Iowa, and is one of the well known insurance men of the state. He is general agent for the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, with headquarters at Davenport, and Davenport is the home and civic community where his interests have been centered for many years.
    Mr. LeBuhn was born at LeClaire in Scott County, Iowa, son of William and Amelia (Trettin) LeBuhn. His parents were born in Germany, his father in Hanover and his mother at Lauenberg, and they were married at Davenport. William LeBuhn came to America in 1853. For many years he had a locksmith and gunsmith shop at LeClaire and also owned a farm there. He died at LeClaire in 1890. There were six children in the family: William, Herman, Henry, Louis, Louisa and Carl. Only to are now living, the son Herman occupying the old homestead farm near LeClaire.
    Carl LeBuhn attended grade and high schools at LeClaire and had four years in the Iowa State College at Ames. He taught school there for three years, but since 1900 has been engaged in the work which has brought out his best talents. He was first with the Mutual Life Company, spending ten years with that organization. For three years he was general manager of the Phoenix Mutual Company and for the past fifteen years has been general manager for the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company with headquarters at Davenport, his territorial jurisdiction being in Western Illinois and Eastern Iowa.
    By his marriage to Martha Schultz he has a son, Richard, who graduated from Iowa State College at Ames in 1927 and now is in the insurance business with his father. Richard LeBuhn married Mable Blom and has a son, Donald. Mr. LeBuhn by his marriage to Hertha Schlump has two sons, Paul, born in 1927 and Carl, Jr., born in 1929.
    Mr. LeBuhn is a former president of the Davenport Underwriters Association. He is vice president and has been a member of the board of directors for three years of the Davenport Chamber of Commerce. He was one of the organizers and the first president in 1920 of the Kiwanis Club, a club founded on the broad principles of fellowship and the observances of the Golden Rule in business and the professions and devoted to community upbuilding. Mr. LeBuhn is a member of the Davenport Country Club, the Elks Club, the Turner Society and Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. LeBuhn is a Presbyterian.

p. 90

    VERNON W. LYNCH was born on an Iowa farm and had the benefit of training in one of the foremost universities of America, since which time he has practiced law with a record of successful achievements. He is a member of the Des Moines bar, with offices in the Iowa National Bank Building.
    He was born at Laurens, Pocahontas County, Iowa, February 22, 1899, son of J. J. and Nora V. (Ryan) Lynch, both of whom were born at Winterset, Iowa, where their parents were pioneer settlers. His grandfather was J. J. Lynch, a native of County Cork, Ireland, who settled in an early day in the vicinity of Winterset, Iowa, living in a log cabin and acquiring a large tract of land in Madison County. The maternal grandfather, John Ryan, was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, and was likewise one of the men who helped develop the country in the vicinity of Winterset. Mr. Lynch's father is now a resident of Des Moines, but his mother passed away March 12, 1923. His father was for thirty-five years engaged in the real estate business at Laurens, and is now looking after an insurance business. He is a Republican in politics and is a member of the Catholic Church. In the family were four children: Dr. J. J. Lynch, a surgeon in Boston; A. R. Lynch, formerly a well known ball player; Vernon W.; and Cecelia V., formerly secretary to Senator Baird.
    Vernon W. Lynch was educated in public schools at Laurens, and followed his advantages there by attending Saint Viator's Preparatory School at Bourbonnais, Illinois. He then entered the Catholic University of America at Washington, graduating from the law school in 1919 and at the same time carried on literary studies. Mr. Lynch remained at Washington for sometime after graduating, and in 1921 located at Des Moines where he opened a law office and has enjoyed a steadily growing clientage.
    Mr. Lynch, who is unmarried, is a member of Saint Augustine's Catholic Church, the Knights of Columbus and B. P. O. Elks. During the World war he was in training at Camp Lee, Virginia.


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