Senator from the nineteenth district, composed of Pottawattamie county, was born
in Council Bluffs, June 3, 1863. Parents native of Pennsylvania. Father, Rev.
Samuel Baird, Methodist preacher. Mother, Matilda Hanks (Akers) Baird. Married
Anne E. Wood, now deceased, of Logan, Iowa, January 9, 1895, daughter of John W.
and Eliza A. Wood. Children, John W. (William S. Jr., deceased), Lucy W.
(deceased), Robert M., Donald P. and Margaret (deceased). Graduated from high
school, Council Bluffs, 1880. Graduated from Cornell college, Mt. Vernon, Iowa,
1884. Admitted to practice law, 1887. Trustee free public library, Council
Bluffs. Member of Masonic order and Knights of Pythias. Elected senator, 1920,
reelected 1924. A republican in politics.
Senator from the twelfth district composed of Keokuk and Poweshiek counties, is a
lawyer by profession and is engaged in practicing law at Sigourney, Iowa. He is
a graduate of Iowa Wesleyan college and of the Northwestern University law
school. A republican in politics.
Senator from the thirty-sixth senatorial district, Clayton county, was born on a
farm in that county, where he is now engaged in general farming, cattle feeding,
and breeding of pure bred Shorthorn cattle, in partnership with father and two
brothers under firm name of August Benson and Sons. Received his early education
in the country grade school, and took a course in banking at the Capital City
Commercial College, Des Moines, Iowa. He graduated in agriculture in 1914 at
Iowa State college, Ames, Iowa. Served as deputy clerk of the district court, as
secretary and manager of the Elkader Fair Association, as secretary and manager
of the Highland Telephone Company, as president of the Clayton County Shorthorn
Breeders Association, and as secretary of the Clayton County Farm Bureau from
the time of its organization until he resigned to run for office of senator, to
which office he was elected in 1924. He is a member of the Lutheran church, a
Master Mason, and a republican.
Senator from the twenty-ninth district, composed of Jasper county, was born
March 12, 1872 on a farm, eight miles north of Newton, Iowa, and lived on the
farm for twenty years, graduating from the rural school. After leaving the farm
he attended Capital city Commercial College at Des Moines, Iowa, and graduated
in the year 1890. He then engaged in the implement business in Newton, Iowa, and
in 1893 in the manufacturing business -- manufacturing what was known as the
Parsons band cutter and self-feeder. In 1900 he engaged in the washing machine
business and has lived in Newton ever since, being interested in manufacturing,
banking and farming.
Senator from the eighteenth district, comprising Cass and Shelby counties, was
born in Stockton, California, January 2, 1870. In 1871 the family moved from
California to a farm two miles east of Harlan, Shelby county, Iowa, where they
lived until 1881, at which time they moved to Harlan. He graduated from the
Harlan high school in 1888, and afterward finished one year's work at the Iowa
State college at Ames. Following this he assisted his father in the farm
machinery business in Harlan, and when of age was made partner in the business.
He still holds a substantial interest in the business, which is continued under
the name of the Booth Motor Company. Although living in Harlan he operates four
hundred acres of land which is well stocked. Has served as township clerk of
Harlan township, and city councilman of Harlan, and ten years in the Harlan
volunteer fire department, two years of which he was chief. Has been president
of the Harlan Commercial Club, the Kiwanis Club, and the Masonic Temple
Association. Has served as presiding officer of all the Masonic bodies up to and
including the Commandery. Was director in the Shelby County Farmers Mutual
Telephone Company for fifteen years. County chairman of three successful war
drives. Married October 31, 1895 to Edith Pickard of Harlan, and they now have
one daughter, Estella May, who is attending high school. Has been a consistent
republican in politics, county chairman from 1920 to 1926. Elected to senate in
Senator from the forty-seventh district comprising Palo Alto, Kossuth, Emmet,
Clay and Dickinson counties, was born in 1892 in Wright county, Iowa. Moved to
Tama county two years later where he was raised and educated in the country
schools of north Tama county at Dinsdale. Was graduated from the Traer high
school and from the Iowa State college in 1915. Member of the Gamma Sigma Delta
honorary agricultural fraternity. since 1915 has been active in operating from
one to five farms and has given much time to farm organization activities.
Served as county agent in Cherokee county in 1918 and as president of the Tama
county farm bureau in 1919. Moved to Palo Alto county in 1920 to operate a seven
hundred acre farm. Served as president of the Palo Alto county farm bureau from
1921 to 1925. Member of the school board and cooperative elevator board.
Chairman of the republican county committee. Elected to the state senate in
1924. Married October 20, 1915, to S. Edith McMillan of Traer and has four
children, three boys and one girl. Member of the Masonic lodge and the
Congregational church.
Senator from the forty-fourth district, composed of Floyd and Chickasaw
counties, was born December 16, 1883, at Ionia, Chickasaw county, Iowa;
graduated from the high school at Charles City in 1902; taught in rural and high
schools; engaged in farming and stock raising in Chickasaw county; was married
to Ruth Dodge of Orchard, Iowa, July 24, 1907; left the farm to accept position
in First Savings Bank at Ionia, Iowa; a member of St. Charles Lodge 141 A.F.&
A.M.; Almond Chapter 53 R.A.M.; Joppa Commandery 55 K.T.; A.: A.: O.: N.: M.: S. of
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A republican in politics.
Senator from the twenty-third district, composed of one county, one of the
oldest in the state, was born June, 1875, at Baldwin, Iowa, where he acquired
his education in the public schools. American-born parents. Always lived in the
county of Jackson, state of Iowa. Taught school at the age of 18 years. Buyer
and feeder of live stock and farm owner. Never held an office of any description
up to the year 1920. Eligible to the Sons of the American Revolution. Always a
republican in politics.
Senator from the Tama-Benton senatorial district, was born in Winneshiek county,
March 19, 1873. In the fall of 1874 the family moved to a farm a few miles south
of Chelsea and in 1877 to a farm in southern Richland township, Tama county. He
received his education in the district school and graduated from the Chelsea
high school. After graduating from high school he taught six terms of school and
later spent a year studying law at the State University at Iowa City. He was
married to Catherine Wilkinson, August 8, 1900, and has a family of five
children. Mrs. Harold B. Cobet, Cecil W., Merle, Amber and Burnell. The family
home was on a farm near Chelsea until 1914 when Senator Brush sold the farm and
moved to Chelsea. He has since been engaged in the coal, grain and feed
business. Is also operating a farm near Chelsea purchased in 1919. Member of the
Masonic fraternity and past master of Zenith Lodge No. 581. Member of the
Methodist church, serving the official board of his home church. Has been a
member of the school boards in the districts in which he has lived for
twenty-nine years. Mayor of Chelsea from 1914 to 1918 and has since been a
member of the town council. Elected state senator in 1926. A republican in
Senator from the Cherokee, Ida and Plymouth county district, was born on a farm
near Battle Creek, Iowa, on March 6, 1882, son of Romeo and Hattie Campbell,
pioneers of Ida county, Iowa. Attended the rural schools until fourteen years of
age. Graduated from the Battle Creek, Iowa, high school in 1900. Graduated from
the University of Iowa in 1906, law department. Served as mayor of Battle Creek
three terms. Member of the house of representatives of the thirty-fourth general
assembly. Senator for the forty-sixth senatorial district in the thirty-eighth,
thirty-ninth, fortieth, fortieth extra and forty-first general assemblies. Served
in the infantry in the World War. Member of the American Legion. Married Esta
Fein in Los Angeles, Calif., on October 25, 1913. Son Romeo Ed Campbell, born
August 31, 1915. Republican in politics. Member of the law firm of Campbell
& Campbell, being associated with his twin brother, Jed H. Campbell.
Senator from the tenth senatorial district including Washington and Henry
counties, was born on a farm near Middletown in Des Moines county, Iowa.
Attended the country school, later took a course at the state normal school and
finished his education at Parson's college, Fairfield, Iowa. Mr. Carden taught
school for about three years and then entered the hardware and implement
business at Winfield, Iowa. He served as postmaster under President Taft, after
which he engaged in the insurance and loan business. He is a member of the
different lodges of his town, as well as having been active in its civic
affairs. He is a member of the Presbyterian church and has been moderator of the
Presbytery as well as vice moderator of the Synod of Iowa. He was first district
manager of the Coolidge campaign in 1925. Has previously served in the lower
house and is now serving his first term in the senate.