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Iowa History

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The Iowa Magazine, 1918

Published Every Two Months by

The Greater Iowa Association

Davenport, Iowa

Vol. 2            December ---1918            No. 6


Page 7 (cont. from page 6)

This is the way in which newspapers all over the United States paid homage to Iowa      

 The Chicago Tribune





Chicago Need $84,000,000 Before Saturday

or is in Slacker Class.

   The state of Iowa is the only one of the five included in the seventh federal reserve district which can face with equanimity the three days starting this morning. Iowa has an over subscription to the fourth Liberty loan. The rest of the district is confronted with a deficit of $119,800,000. By grace of Iowa's oversubscription of $7,100,000, this deficit is reduced, for the  ---- district  to $112,700,000.

     The quota for the seventh federal reserve district is $870,000,000, an------ this approximately $750,000,000 ---- ---- unofficial figures. The district  -----  of Chicago has subscribed for $---,000,000, against its quota of $600,000,000.

      Chicago needs $84,000,000---

Chicago faces a deficit of $ ----- . The states, including Illinois --- of Chicago, must raise $28--------- by Saturday night. In Chicago -----only 10,000,000 was sub -----




Enviable Standing Among States, Wire ----





Incomplete Returns Indicate $147,000,000

Quota Taken.



Iowa went over on the Fourth Liberty loan at 9:15 o'clock last night, when reports at headquarters showed subscriptions of $148,920,500.  It is the first state in the union to raise its allotment.


" ..it the socialist brand of Townleyism. We inst that the farmers of Iowa have brains enough to organize their own associations and maintain them. They did not need Townley. If reforms are needed, they have the intelligence to organize in bringing them into being. They have sense enough to realize whether they are 'down-trodden' and 'boss ridden,' and whether they are the victims of 'the monstrous money trust speculators.' They needed no voice from North Dakota to point out their shame and humiliation, and helplessness.  No body of men in Iowa or in the United States, are more patriotic -- more loyal than the farmers of Iowa, and this council is only attempting to protect them against an insidious and vicious propaganda which leads only to treason.

    "In view of the open defiance of Mr. Pierce of the sentiment and action of this body; in view of the fact that he is leading in the attempt to organize the Non-partisan League in Iowa; in view of his unwarranted and unjustifiable attack upon men engaged in loyal and patriotic efforts; in view of his statewide efforts to picture Iowa as being in a 'reign of terror;' in view of the fact that it is our solemn judgment that the efforts of Mr. Pierce are disloyal and are aiding and encouraging disloyalty and sedition, we hereby express our belief that he should no longer be continued as a member of this council, and so far as we have power he is hereby expelled as a member of this council, subject to the approval of the governor of this state."

      Since then Pierce has openly indorsed the Non-partisan League and given all possible aid and comfort to its organizers. These agents are now working in thirty-two counties spreading discontent between farmers and town men -- where we should have confidence and cooperation.

       What are the reasonable fair-minded men and women of Iowa growing to do about it.



       Iowa's record in the Fourth Liberty Loan was even more remarkable than her achievement in the third loan, -- and the story was published in all of the leading newspapers in the United States. Already reference has been made to this record of our state in three magazines of international circulation.

       This is the kind of advertising that pays -- and pays big. It has proven for all time that we have the right kid of people and the right kind of spirit, -- and that we can accomplish anything within reason.  It proves also that we know how to organize -- how to pull together.

cont. on Page 8


~ scanned and contributed by Steve Harken


Iowa Magazine Index
