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Iowa History

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History of Iowa

Volume II


List of Illustrations




Chapter I

 John Brown at Harper's Ferry--The Last Roll Call of His Band--Five Were Iowa Men--A Heroic Conflict with Overwhelming Numbers--Not a Man Flinched in the Battle--A Bloody Ending--Fate of the Iowa Men--Stewart Taylor Falls in the Thickest of the Fight--Jeremiah Anderson of Revolutionary Ancestors, John Brown's Trusted Friend--Edwin Coppoc Fires the Last Shot--He Calmly Meets his Doom--Barclay Coppoc, the Boy of Twenty Escapes--Terrible Sufferings in the Mountains--Capture of John E. Cook--Barclay Coppoc Reaches Home.  Pages 1-14

Chapter II

 The Eighth General Assembly--Governor Lowe's Retiring Message--Governor Kirkwood's Inaugural Address--Virginia Demands the Surrender of Barclay Coppoc--Governor Kirkwood Finds a Flaw in the Requisition--Barclay Coppoc Escapes--Meets Death in Missouri in 1862--The Notable Letter of Warning--How and Why it was Sent--the Letter and its Author--Acts of the Eighth General Assembly--A Veto Message. Pages 15-34

Chapter III

 Personal Recollections of the Great Tornado of 1860--Gathering Clouds and Oppressive Atmosphere--Meeting of the Conflicting Air Currents--The Trailing Column Descends to the Earth--The Destruction Begins--In the Tornado's Pathway--Where it Began to Gather--Destruction of Life and Property Appalling--The Village of Camanche in Ruins--A Summary of Loss of Life and Property--Estimated Velocity of the Wind--The Republican National Convention of 1860--Abraham Lincoln Nominated for President--Democratic National Conventions--The Party Disrupted and Two Tickets Placed in Nomination--Republican State Convention--Result of the Election.  Pages 35-45

Chapter IV

 Effects of John Brown's Virginia Raid--First Movements Towards Secession--Peace Conventions--Governor Kirkwood's Suggestions--His Conference with President Lincoln--Seven Slave States Secede Before Lincoln's Inauguration--South Carolina Inaugurates the Rebellion--Lincoln's First Call for Volunteers--Iowa Unprepared for War--The First Iowa Regiment Promptly Raised Amid Intense Enthusiasm--How the Money was Raised to Equip the First Regiments--An Extra Session of the Eighth General Assembly convened--Partisan Consideration Ignored--Union Democrats Declare for a Vigorous Prosecution of War--Resolutions by General Baker and R. D. Kellogg-- Governor Kirkwood's Message--Prompt Action of a Patriotic Legislature. Pages 47-59

Chapter V

 Measures for the Protection of the State from Missouri Invaders and Sioux Indians-- Governor N. B. Baker Appointed Adjutant-General--Political Conventions of 1861-- Governor Kirkwood Re-elected--Iowa Raises Sixteen Regiments the First Year--The Ninth General Assembly--The Victory at Fort Donelson--Four Iowa Regiments with the Victorious Army--The Indian Massacre in Minnesota--the Northwestern Settlers Arm for Defense--Military Disasters to the Eastern Union Armies--The President's Call for Three Hundred Thousand Volunteers--An Extra Session of the Legislature Called by Governor Kirkwood--Prompt Action of the General Assembly to Meet the Exigency.  Pages 61-76

Chapter VI

 The President's Emancipation Proclamation--Governor Kirkwood Urges the Removal of General McClellan from Command of the Army--The Political Conventions of 1862-- Iowa Gains Four Representatives in Congress--The Democrats Carry the Elections in Many Northern States--The Union Armies Defeated in the East and Victorious in the West--Iowa has Forty Regiments in the Field--Copperheads and Knights of the Golden Circle--They Denounce the Government and Discourage Volunteering--The So-Called Arbitrary Arrests--George W. Jones, Dennis Mahony and Henry Clay Dean Imprisoned--Released Without Trials--The "Tally War" in Keokuk County--Two Thousand Armed Men Gathered in Camp to Avenge the Death of Tally--The Governor Calls Out Eleven Military Companies--The Tally Army Dispersed--Outrages on the Missouri Border--The Murder of Captains Bashore and Woodruff--The Arrest, Trial and Conviction of Gleason. Pages 77-92

Chapter VII

 Iowa Invaded by Missouri Guerillas--Citizens Robbed and Murdered--Governor Kirkwood Declines a Third Term--The Dramatic Nomination of Colonel William M. Stone--The Democratic state Convention of 1863--The Republican Candidates Elected--Defeats of Union Armies--Gloom and Depression in the North--The Army of Virginia Under Lee Invades Maryland and Pennsylvania--Is finally Defeated at Vicksburg--Iowa Regiments Help to Win all Western Victories--The President Calls for 300,000 Soldiers--The Tenth General Assembly Convenes--Governor Kirkwood's Last Message--His Services as the War Governor--Inauguration of Governor Stone-- Re-election of Grimes as United States Senator--Important Acts of the Legislature-- Disposal of the Agricultural College Land Grant--State Board of Education Abolished-- Death Blow to "Wild Cat" Currency. Pages 93-107

Chapter VIII

 The President Calls for 500,000 Men--Rosecrans and Banks Meet with Disastrous Defeats--Thomas and Grant Win Brilliant Victories--General Grant Promoted to Command the Armies of the United States--Great Rejoicing in the West--Thirty Thousand "Knights of the Golden Circle" in Iowa--Governor Stone Issues Stringent Orders to Circumvent Their Secret Conspiracies----The Political Situation in 1864--Organization of "Union Leagues"--The Political Conventions of 1864--Their Platforms and Candidates--Negotiations for Peace--The Political Campaign--Momentous Issues Involved--Peace Convention at Iowa City--victory for Lincoln's Administration--More Peace Negotiations--Fall of Richmond, Surrender of Lee's Army--Assassination of President Lincoln. Pages 109-128

Chapter IX

 First Iowa Infantry--Placed in the Army of General Lyon--First Long March--Battle of Wilson's Creek--General Lyon Attacks the Combined Armies of Price, McCulloch and Jackson--Desperate Engagement with Superior Numbers--First Iowa in the Thickest of the Fight--Lyon Leads a Bayonet Charge by the Iowa and Kansas Regiments--He Falls Mortally Wounded--One of the Most Desperate Battles of the War--The First Iowa Furnishes Many Distinguished Officers--Organization of the Second Iowa Infantry--Its Notable First Field Officers--Is Sent to Missouri and Suffers from Disease--Promotion of its Officers--The Battle of Fort Donelson--Colonel J. M. Tuttle Leads the Regiment in a Gallant Charge--Good Service at Shiloh--Commanding Officers Slain at the Battle of Corinth--In Sherman's Atlanta Campaign--Serves Until the Close of the War. Pages 131-140

Chapter X

 Organization of the Third Iowa Infantry--Regiment Divided--Battle of the Blue Mills--Scott Commanded--Severe Fighting and Heavy Loss--The Third at Shiloh--Fights Under Trumbull at the Hatchie--In Grant's Vicksburg Campaign--Service in the Atlanta Campaign--Distinguished Officers--Their Promotions.  -- The Fourth Iowa Infantry--G. M. Dodge its First Colonel--Services at the Battle of Pea Ridge--In the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou--Fighting of the Iowa Fourth--Services in the Vicksburg Campaign--In the Battles of Lookout Mountain and Ringgold--Reception of the Veterans by the Iowa Legislature--In Sherman's March to the Sea--Losses in Many Engagements.  Pages 141-152

Chapter XI

 Fifth Iowa Infantry--First Service in Missouri--In General Pope's New Madrid Campaign--Death of Colonel Worthington--Changes in Field Officers--Fights in Battle of Iuka--Part in Battle of Corinth--Services at Champion's Hill--In Sherman's Campaign--Regiment Nearly Annihilated by Hard Fighting--Consolidated with Fifth Cavalry.

 Sixth Iowa Infantry--Joins General Fremont's Army in Missouri--Transferred to Grant's Army--Fights at Shiloh--Heavy Loss in the Engagement--In the Siege and Battle of Jackson--General Lauman's Disastrous Charge--In the Chattanooga Campaign--In the Battle of Missionary Ridge--In Many Battles of Sherman's March to the Sea--Northward March to Washington--Participates in the Grand Review.  Pages 153-165

Chapter XII 

 Organization of the Seventh Iowa Infantry--Sent to Missouri--Gallant Conduct at the Battle of Belmont--Lieutenant-Colonel Wentz Killed--In the Battles of Fort Donelson and Shiloh--Participates in the Two Day's Battle at Corinth--In the Battles of Sherman's March to the Sea--Members Vote for Lincoln's Re-election in Georgia--March to Washington by Way of Richmond. --  Eighth Iowa Infantry--First Field Officers--Engaged in the Battle of Shiloh--Surrender After Most Heroic Fighting--The Regiment Reorganized in 1863--Participates in Grant's Vicksburg Campaign--The Battle and Surrender of Mobile--Brilliant Charge and Assault on the Spanish Fort--Iowa Regiments Engaged--Colonel Geddes Promoted.  Pages 167-178

Chapter XIII

 Ninth Iowa Infantry Sent to Missouri--Participates in the Battles of Sugar Creek and Pea Ridge--General Curtis Wins a Great Victory--Bravery of the Iowa Regiments--Disease and Death in the Swamps--The Ninth in Vicksburg Campaign--In the Battle of Lookout Mountain--With Sherman's March to the Sea--Service in the Twenty-four Battles During the War. -- The Tenth Iowa Infantry--Its First Service in Missouri--Attached to the Army of General Pope--At the Siege and Victory at Island Number Ten--In the Battles of Iuka and Corinth--In Grant's Vicksburg Campaign--Participates in the Battles About Chattanooga--With Sherman in Campaign in the Southern States. Pages 179-194

Chapter XIV

 The Eleventh Iowa Volunteers--First Service in Missouri--Sent to Grant's Army in Tennessee--In the Battle of Shiloh--Serves in the Vicksburg Campaign--With Sherman's Army in March to the Sea--Gallant Conduct at the Battle of Atlanta--Hoists the Union Colors Over the Capitol of South Carolina--In the Battle of Bentonsville. -- Twelfth Iowa Volunteers--Sickness at Benton Barracks--With Grant at the Capture of Forts Henry and Donelson--Magnificent Fighting at Shiloh--Forced at Last to Surrender--Suffering in Rebel Prisons--In the Battle of Tupelo--Gallant Defense of the Stockade on White River--With Thomas at the Battle of Nashville. Page 195-203

Chapter XV

 The Thirteenth Iowa Volunteers--M. M. Crocker its First Colonel--Engaged in the Battle of Shiloh--In the Two Days' Battle at Corinth--Participates in the Vicksburg Campaign--With Sherman's Army in March to the Sea--Gallant Conduct at the Battle of Atlanta--Hoists the Union Colors Over the Capitol of South Carolina--In the Battle of Bentonsville.

 The Fourteenth Iowa Volunteers--In the Capture of Fort Donelson--Among Gallant Fighters at the "Hornet's Nest" in the Battle of Shiloh--Finally Forced to Surrender--Exchanged in November, 1862--Sent to General Bank's Army in Louisiana--Capture of Fort De Russey--The Disastrous Red River Expedition--Colonel Shaw Commands the "Iron Brigade"--Its Heroic Fighting at Pleasant Hill--Colonel Shaw Criticizes Superiors--Their Revenge on the Colonel--General A. J. Smith's Tribute to Colonel Shaw's Patriotism, Courage and Ability. Pages 205-213

Chapter XVI

 Fifteenth Iowa Volunteers--Baptized in Fire at Shiloh--Incorporated in the "Iowa Brigade"--Belknap Leads the Regiment at Corinth--In the Vicksburg Campaign--Joins Sherman, Fights at Kenesaw Mountain--The Battle of Atlanta--Belknap Promoted to Brigadier-General--Participates in Many Battles. --  The Sixteenth Iowa Volunteers--First Service at Shiloh--Placed in the "Iowa Brigade"--In the Battle of Iuka--Lieutenant-Colonel Sanders in Command--Fight at Corinth--Participates in the Vicksburg Campaign--In Sherman's Battles Around Atlanta--Surrounded and Captured--In Andersonville Stockade--Exchanged in September and Rejoins Sherman's Army. Pages 215-223

Chapter XVII

 Seventeenth Iowa Volunteers--Sent to Halleck's Army at Corinth--With Rosecrans at Iuka--The Battle of Corinth--Bravery of the Iowa Seventeenth--Brilliant Services in the Vicksburg Campaign--In Steele's Expedition Against Little Rock--At the Battles Around Chattanooga--Defense of Tilton--Colonel Wever Commands Brigade. -- Eighteenth Iowa Volunteers--Sent to the Army of the Southwest--The Battle of Springfield--The Disastrous Expedition Under General Steele--Fighting to Save the Forage Train--Colonel Edwards Promoted. Pages 225--237

Chapter XVIII

Nineteenth Iowa Volunteers--Becomes a Part of the Army of the Frontier--The Battle of Prairie Grove--Colonel McFarland Killed Leading His Regiment in a Charge--One of the Great Victories of the West--At the Siege of Vicksburg--A Portion of the Regiment Captured at Stirling Farm--Reunited at New Orleans--Engaged in the Mobile Campaign.

 Twentieth Volunteers--Sent to Southwest Missouri--Hard Marching and Great Suffering--The Regiment Joins Grant's Army Before Vicksburg--Transferred to General Bank's Command--Sent to Southern Texas--In the Mobile Campaign--In the Column that Stormed and Captured Blakely. Pages 239-250

Chapter XIX

 Organization of the Twenty-first Iowa Volunteers-First Services in Missouri--The Battle of Hartsville--Sent toe General Grant's Army in Mississippi--At the Battle of Port Gibson--Makes a Gallant Charge at Black River Bridge--Lieutenant-Colonel Dunlap Killed--The Regiment Sent to Texas--Participates in Grierson's Raid an the Mobile Expedition.

 Twenty-second Iowa Volunteers--Joins Grant's Army in the Vicksburg Campaign--In the Battles of Port Gibson and Black River Bridge--In the Assault of may 22d--Griffith and Others Scale the Walls--Sixteen Iowa Regiments in the Battle--Magnitude of the Victory at Vicksburg--The Twenty-second Sent to Virginia--In Sheridan's Battles in Shenandoah Valley--Traveled More Than 13,000 Miles. Pages 251-263

Chapter XX

 Twenty-third Iowa Volunteers--Death of Colonel Dewey--Joins Grant's Army Before Vicksburg--Battle of Black River Bridge--Colonel Kinsman Slain--Battle of Milliken's Bend--Service in Texas and Louisiana--Participates in the Mobile Campaign. -- Twenty-fourth Iowa Volunteers--Its Services in Arkansas--Great Suffering from hardship and Disease--Transferred to Grant's Army--Heroic Charge and Great Losses at Champion's Hill--Sent to Louisiana After the Fall of Vicksburg--Joins General Sheridan's Army in Virginia--Captain Rigby's Coolness in the Winchester Stampede--In the Battles of Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek--Colonel Wilds Mortally Wounded. Pages 265-277

Chapter XXI

 The Twenty-fifth Iowa Volunteers--Sent to Arkansas and Mississippi--In Sherman's Army at Chickasaw Bayou--At the Capture of Arkansas Post--Participants in the Vicksburg Campaign--In the Battle of Lookout Mountain--Attached to the "Iowa Brigade"--With Sherman's Army in its Southern Campaign--The Twenty-fifth in Many Battles--At the Capture of Columbia. --  The Twenty-sixth Iowa Volunteers--A Clinton County Regiment--The Battle of Arkansas Post--Services in Mississippi and Tennessee--In the Chattanooga Campaign--Participates in the Battles of Ringgold, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain and Atlanta--With Sherman Through the Carolinas. Pages 279-287

Chapter XXII

 The Twenty-seventh Iowa Volunteers--Sent to the Northwestern Frontier--Transferred to Mississippi--Hard service and Great Suffering in a Winter Campaign--In Steele's Expedition Against Little Rock--In General Banks's Red River Campaign--In the Battle of Nashville--Participates in the Siege and Capture of Blakely. -- The Twenty-eighth Iowa Volunteers--Sent to Arkansas and Mississippi--A Winter of Sickness, Suffering and Death--In the Vicksburg Campaign--Bravery at Champion's Hill--sent to the Department of the Gulf--In Bank's Red River Expedition--In the Battle of Mansfield--Transferred to Sheridan's Army in Virginia--In the Battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek.

Pages 289-298

Chapter XXIII

 The Twenty-ninth Iowa Volunteers--Thomas H. Benton, Colonel--In General Gorman's Expedition--At the Battle of Helena and the Capture of Little Rock--The Battle of TerreNoir--Heroic Defense of the Rear Guard at Jenkin's Ferry.

 The Thirtieth Iowa Volunteers--Sent to Sherman's Army at Chickasaw Bayou--Participates in the Vicksburg Campaign--Colonel Abbott Slain in the Assault of May 22d--Colonel Torrence Killed in the Battle--The Iowa Regiments in the Battles Around Chattanooga--The Thirtieth in Sheridan's Campaign. Pages 299-309

Chapter XXIV

 The Thirty-first Iowa Volunteers--Services in Arkansas and Mississippi--With Grant in Vicksburg and Battles Around Chattanooga--Joins Sherman's Army of Invasion--The Battle of Resaca--In the Battles of Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain and Atlanta--At Columbia and Bentonsville. -- The Thirty-second Iowa Volunteers--The Regiment Divided--Battle at Cape Girardeau--Evacuation of New Madrid--The Regiment Reunited--Sent to the Department of the Gulf--The Battle of Pleasant Hill--A Graphic Description of the Conflict--Heroic Fighting of the Thirty-second--Shaw's Brigade Bears the Brunt of the Battle--Banks orders a Retreat. Pages 311-323

Chapter XXV 

The Thirty-third Iowa Volunteers--Samuel A. Rice its First Colonel--At Helena and Yazoo Pass--The Battle of Helena--In the Little Rock and Camden Expeditions--Colonel Rice Mortally Wounded at Jenkins's Ferry--At Mobile and New Orleans.  -- The Thirty-fourth Iowa Volunteers--Sickness and Suffering at Helena an Chickasaw Bayou--Horrors of the Voyage up the Mississippi--Joins Grant's Army in the Vicksburg Campaign--Services in Louisiana and Texas--Capture of Forts Gains, Morgan and Powell--the Regiment Consolidated with the Thirty-eighth. Pages 325-335

Chapter XXVI

 The Thirty-fifth Iowa Volunteers--Sent to General Grant's Department--Serves in Mississippi and Tennessee--Transferred to the Department of the Gulf--The Capture of Post at Henderson--In the Battles of Pleasant Hill and Yellow Bayou--Battle of the Old Red River and Tupelo--The Battle of Nashville-Iowa Regiments Engaged--Death of Colonel Hill--The Thirty-fifth at Mobile. -- The Thirty-sixth Iowa Volunteers--Sickness and Suffering in the Swamps--In the Yazoo Expedition--In the Battle of Helena and Steele's Expedition--The Battle of Mark's Mill--Most of the Regiment Captured.

Pages 337-349 

Chapter XXVII

 The Thirty-seventh Iowa volunteers--Made up of Men Exempt by Age from Military Duty--Services on Picket, Guard and Garrison--Patriotic Services Commended. -- The Thirty-eighth Iowa Volunteers--At the Siege of Vicksburg--The Regiment Prostrated by Sickness--In Texas and the Mobile Campaign--Consolidated with the Thirty-fourth. --  The Thirty-ninth Iowa Volunteers--Battle of Parker's Cross Roads--In Colonel Straight's Raid--Gallant Defense of Allatoona--Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield Slain--In Sherman's March to the Sea. Pages 351-359 

Chapter XXVIII

 The Fortieth Iowa Volunteers--Sent to Kentucky and to Mississippi in the Little Rock Campaign--In the Camden Expedition--The Battle of Jenkins's--The Disastrous Retreat. -- The Colored Troops from Iowa--In the Sixtieth U. S. Infantry. -- Capture of Van Buren--In the Little Rock Campaign--In the Camden Expedition--Five Year's Services.

 The Second Iowa Cavalry--Sent to General Pope's Department--A Gallant Charge--The Battle of Boonville--The Grierson Raid--Services in Mississippi and Tennessee--In the Battle of Nashville. Pages 361-379

Chapter XXIX

 The Third Iowa Cavalry--Services in Missouri--In the Battle of Pea Ridge--In Grant's Vicksburg Campaign--The Wilson Raid.  -- The Fourth Iowa Cavalry--Sent to Missouri and Arkansas--In the Vicksburg Campaign--Takes Part in Meridian Expedition--The Battle of Guntown--Serves Again in Arkansas and Missouri. -- The Fifth Iowa cavalry--Garrisons Fort Henry--The Rousseau Raid--The Fifth Infantry Consolidated with the Fifth Cavalry--A Brilliant Charge on Superior Numbers--In the Wilson Raid. Pages 381-396

Chapter XXX

 The Sixth Iowa Cavalry--Sent to the Northwestern Frontier--A Campaign Against the Sioux--A Battle with the Indians.

 The Seventh Iowa Cavalry--Services in the Indian Country--In the Battles of White Stone Hill, Little Blue, Rush Creek and Mud Springs. -- Eighth Iowa Cavalry--Serves in Kentucky and Tennessee--In the McCook Expedition--The Battle of Newman--In the Wilson Raid--Death of Colonel Dorr. -- Ninth Iowa Cavalry--Services in Arkansas--Scouting and Garrison Duties--The "Hundred Days Men"--The Forty-fourth, Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Volunteer Infantry. Pages 397-408

Chapter XXXI

 The Artillery Service--The First, Second, Third and Fourth Batteries--The Fort Dodge Cavalry Company--Attached to the Eleventh Pennsylvania Regiment of Cavalry--Services in Virginia--Andersonville and Other Confederate Prisons--The Horrors Told by a Confederate Surgeon--A Roll of Iowa Martyrs--Women's Work in the War--Their Services in Camp, Hospital and Field--Mrs. J. T. Fales, Mrs. I. K. Miller, Mrs. Ann E. Harlan, "Aunt Becky" Young and Annie Wittenmyer--The Sanitary Commission--Coming Home from the War. Pages 409-423


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